clown game

Chapter 211 Chapter 21

Chapter 211 Fairy Tale 21
Everyone gathered together and finished watching the story about the flame woman.

"That's true~ It's this third-rate random adaptation of the rhythm again. The matches have been replaced by candles, making them thicker and longer." Chen Xiaoxu muttered with eyes closed.

"Hey, thick and long are not the key to the problem, okay!!!" Hongmao couldn't help but spit again. Now the boy has a messy hairstyle, and the suit on his body is also black and white. It's a little bit worse than others, and the worst thing is, as long as Chen Xiao is around, there is a wonderful power that always tempts him to complain~
Hmm. Well, again, that's not the point.

In the battle just now, the two teams actually didn't expend much physical strength at all. Except for Fatty, he was almost alone in handling the monster this time. At this moment, he also slightly recovered from his weakness, his pale face A little bit of rosiness gradually appeared, and the wrinkled skin also regained some elasticity.

I have to say that this person's recovery ability is really amazing. I saw that he tried to stand up from the ground, and grinned to pull out the iron wires that had penetrated into his body. It hurts, But these small wounds can heal within a few seconds for the fat man's body.

So, fat people also have an advantage! ! ! !
right!That's the point! ! ! !

So~~ let's get back to the topic.

Now, everyone has collected 4 pages, and at the same time, their ammunition is almost exhausted.

As I said before, the time in the small town seems to have been imprisoned, so it is impossible to determine how long it will take to escape from this world.In this situation of almost running out of ammunition and food, brother decadent made the most correct decision.That is not to leave. Just hide like this.

After all, today is not as good as it used to be. This factory is still relatively remote, and there are very few weapons left.

Playing defense well, but being killed by the opponent because of lack of strength, and going out to send him out knowing that he can't beat, although these two actions are dead, but compared with the latter, the latter obviously has a vicious atmosphere.

"Arrange the remaining induction mines, stare at the entrance and exit, try not to disperse too far, turn off other imaging modules of the radar, only detect moving objects, save energy as much as possible, save explosive weapons until the end, and don't know what to do next How long will it last, but since the other teams can go out, then we should be able to." The decadent brother said in an orderly manner, showing the side that a team leader should have.

Compared with the three uncles on the Laughingbird side, hey, let’s not talk about it.

However, just when everyone decided to use the factory as their base to start a defensive battle, something happened in the distance, and the whole ground began to vibrate rumblingly!

"Fuck~ What the hell is this?" the red-haired boy roared, with an expression on the verge of tears.

At this time, Chen Xiao muttered quietly: "Uh, I have an immature guess~"

"What time is this? If you fart, let it go!"

"Uh~ I want to say~ Will there be an author for these stories?"

"Author.?" The decadent brother immediately thought of what Chen Xiao wanted to express.

"Yeah, the author, or the reader. We have already killed 4 stories. If you are a story writer, would you be happy if the story you worked so hard to write was blocked by the editor?? Or you It’s a reader, so the book you’re chasing has been torn out with a few pages, how do you feel?”


"So people are angry!!!"

The red-haired boy couldn't listen anymore, he pulled his hair and yelled: "Hey, you two are singing together, there is no reason at all!! But why does it sound more and more uncomfortable to me!!
So if there is such a person, what will happen? "

Chen Xiao shrugged his shoulders: "If the characters in my story are treated like this, I will definitely treat them in the same way. That is to say, I will make all the characters in the story They all rushed in front of those annoying people, pressed them to the ground, and rubbed them over and over again."

After listening, the red-haired boy said, "Hahaha——it's over, it's over, this time it's really over!!"

Some high-level will probably heard his yelling, and as soon as the words fell, a figure holding a huge scythe and wearing a scarlet cloak appeared in front of everyone without warning.

"Fuck, this fucking crow's mouth, it came too fast."

From a certain point of view, the red-haired boy is indeed a crow's mouth. Because he can even say the word "fast".

The guy in the red cloak was really fast. Before the other party had recovered from the shock of his appearance, the guy instantly turned into a scarlet afterimage and rushed towards the science and engineering man closest to him. .

Since all the strengthening routes of the man of science and engineering are technological, his own quality is also relatively weak. At this moment, he froze in place, his brain almost waiting for death, and he began to watch the revolving door.

And speaking quickly, it seems that there is more than just this red cloak that pops up out of nowhere in this scene.

In the next second, there was a sound of "噗——", and the harsh sound of iron objects rubbing against each other exploded in front of the man of science and engineering. spark.The scarlet afterimage seemed to be cut off abruptly, and in the next moment, it appeared in a corner in another direction.And looking at him from afar is the thin figure who has stood in front of the man of science and engineering for some time.

Song Xuan slowly pulled out another dagger from the knife slot on her calf, her body was slightly bent, showing a kind of morbid thinness, as if she would be unable to stand in a second.

"This guy... can't run away without solving it~ So, leave it to me for now~" She said lightly, compared to Bai Xiong's seemingly emotionless poker face, Song Xuan's words felt like a blade , It's so cold that people don't want to get close.

Naturally, I don't want to refute.

Everyone has seen the way that guy moved just now, and there is almost only reaction time left for the gaze to stay.Can't even see it, let alone attack it.So, everyone didn't think much, and didn't say much.

At this time, saying one more sentence is a waste of time.If another monster emerges from nowhere, everyone can be sentenced to death!So the others just glanced at Song Xuan's back, turned around and ran out of the factory.

"Look at where the shock came from just now!!!" Brother Decadent shouted while running.

Engineering man adjusts the button next to the goggles.
"In the middle of town, the library!!" he yelled.

(End of this chapter)

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