clown game

Chapter 231 A Simple, Perfect Murder Case ()

Chapter 231 A Simple, Perfect Murder Case ([-])
After Xiao Liu finished speaking... Lao Xing seemed to be still immersed in the story Chen Xiao made up just now.

"You's not an's actually a homicide!!!"

Chen Xiao has a look of disgust... Killing a fart, are you stupid!I just made up a story, you should read it as a novel, it's not so easy in reality!

"But what is it... Hey, forget it, you can think about it as you like." Chen Xiao waved his hand impatiently, then turned to ask Xiao Liu: "When will she arrive!"

Since Xiaoliu hadn't heard Chen Xiao brainwashing Lao Xing just now, he was a little confused for a while, Chen Xiao asked such a cold question, and replied smoothly: "'s been a long time since I got off the plane, and I'll be there in 10 minutes! "

"Is it so?" Chen Xiao asked anxiously.

"Uh... Since the deceased has been sent for an autopsy, relatives are temporarily unable to visit her, so she should go to the scene first."

As soon as Xiao Liu finished speaking, Chen Xiao immediately hurried out of the balcony, leaving only Xiao Liu with a dazed face and Lao Xing who still didn't think about it.

Chen Xiao quickly walked to the living room, stood around and looked around at the same time, then ran to the bedroom, threw off the neat quilt, lay on the bed, turned on the desk lamp, and pretended to read a book A few seconds later, he rushed to the study and sat on the swivel chair next to the desk. He seemed to be hyperactive, swaying around in circles, his expression was obviously thinking about something, and he looked very serious.

Then, he stood up abruptly again, rushed to the bathroom in three steps at a time, looked in the mirror, turned on every faucet, and after trying them all, he turned on the switch of the shower and saw water coming out of the nozzle , and walked out of the bathroom.

At this time, Xiao Liu came out from the kitchen...: "Hey, what are you doing, don't mess around, this is the scene of the crime, do you understand?"

Chen Xiao ignored him at all, just dodged over his body and walked into the kitchen again.

"Damn it... this person is out of his mind!" Xiao Liu cursed angrily, and had no choice but to go into the bathroom and turn off the shower head!

During this period, Chen Xiao started to try to turn on the kitchen faucets one by one, and carefully looked at the stove for a while, then opened the small partition with the gas pipe, and clicked all the connections. All the pipes leading to the stove were removed!
"Bastard! What are you doing!" After Xiao Liu came out of the bathroom, he saw Chen Xiao making trouble again, so he rushed over and told him to push him away.

And Chen Xiao seemed to have finished all the above strange things, and finally calmed down.

Only then did Lao Xing come out from the balcony, his face still full of sorrow.

"Well... I thought about it just now. Although there are many variables in the case you mentioned, it is basically just letting the flower pot hit the dead. The flower pot is so heavy. As long as it is not too high, it should not be affected by the wind in the air. , then as long as the position of the deceased is fixed, the target can be almost guaranteed to be killed, and taking pictures just solves this problem. You can control the deceased to move here, lean over there, and make sure she stands on the landing point... so……"

"So what a fart!" Chen Xiao interrupted Lao Xing directly.

"What did you say!"

"I said, can you think about something practical!" Chen Xiao yelled angrily: "Okay, even if the technique of the story just now is successful, it has something to do with this case. Do you know how much it takes to complete a plan like this?" People, how many people are needed for a joint reaction, how can you kill people without people? Make a voodoo doll at home and use needles!"

Lao Xing hesitated for a moment: "You mean..."

"Yes, what I'm saying is, no matter what it is, there must be someone to do it. Look at the current case. There is absolutely no one at the scene of the crime. The deceased has never touched anyone from getting off the plane to entering the house. You want to say that you have contacted the driver who drove the car... Well, then you go for an interrogation. They don't even know who the deceased is. You are good at what you find out. And this room has been empty since the couple went on a business trip , No one has ever entered! Don't tell me about the secret room, it is something that was thought up in mystery novels to please the audience. In reality, the success rate of those traps and tricks is extremely low. Even if there is, I can see it directly, and There is absolutely no such mechanism in this room, besides, surveillance videos are all over the street now, if you want to kill someone without any trace, isn’t that nonsense!”

Chen Xiao is still adhering to his way of speaking without changing his breath between words...Wow wow wow finished speaking in one breath, Lao Xing seems to be able to keep up with the speed of speech now, and Xiao Liu is not very experienced After that, it seemed that he still didn't realize it, so he froze in place stupidly, and even forgot to ask Chen Xiao why he did those strange things just now.

At this moment...another police officer came over: "Captain Xing, she's here!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of high heels stepping on the concrete steps in the corridor. Judging from the speed of the steps, it was fast and slow, and it should be very nervous.

A few seconds later, a woman who couldn't be called beautiful, but was full of intellectual beauty walked in.

The first impression of this woman is that she is shrewd...virtuous!
In this society where money is paramount and love is linked to multiple indicators, there are very few women who can give people such a feeling. The half-length hair is tied up behind the head, no fancy decorations, just refreshing and capable , and the casual lock of hair on the forehead gave her an unobtrusive gentleness... The whole face has no rouge smell, showing a little trace of time, but it is rare. clean.

The beige windbreaker is equally simple, but it is by no means a low-key luxury brand. The neckline is very conservative, and a pair of very ordinary leather high-heeled shoes can't tell the price, but they must be very comfortable.

Generous, decent, intellectual, and capable, although she looks a bit like a workplace, she can't hide her gentle and romantic personality in her bones.

This... is a good woman.


At this time, she also came to the place where Chen Xiao and the others were standing, her eyes glanced blankly at the faces of the three of them, and then she looked at the guardrail of the balcony that had slipped halfway down...

Did not cry, did not laugh, did not speak.

When a person faces the death of a loved one, there are thousands of emotions shown, and crying is just one of the simplest ways to vent...

In this uncomfortable silence, the wife finally lowered her head slightly.

"Is he... dead..."

She said lightly, with mixed feelings in her eyes, if she had to describe it in words... then it would be sadness.

But suddenly... Chen Xiao's sharp voice sounded extremely inappropriate.

"Where's your luggage?"

(Was I in the last chapter, you guys have to know, for such a killing method of butterfly effect, how many writers of mystery novels have to think for a long time before coming up with one, but in this funny novel, I only use these few It’s just a word, it’s already very face-saving, okay? Agatha and Computer Villa were both named classics back then. Although I don’t have much literary level, I guess it’s okay to add oil and vinegar to reflect social reality. Let’s get a good review in the post bar! You even say I’m watery! Humph, if it’s not watery, it’s not watery! Slightly slightly! Because these more than 100 words are water! Mmmm! Third watch, thank you everyone!)
(End of this chapter)

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