clown game

Chapter 274 The end of the black realm, and the new life

Chapter 274 The end of the black realm, and the new life

City center

It doesn't happen like this in a dream

The ground was scorched, golden lines spread along the scorched red soil, the airflow was scorching hot, distorting people's sight, gunpowder smoke, blood, and the unique breath of lightning passing through the clouds mixed into a sticky paste .Through the air filter device, it gets into people's lungs, making people dare not breathe.

In the distance, the muddy meat sea was silent.
Level 17 deformed creatures, after being baptized by intense high temperature, turned into sticky sticky all over the ground, but they were still unwilling to die like this, and occasionally squirmed a few times, and the aftermath of that thunderbolt still remained, making those The already melted flesh continued to turn into juice.

At this moment, no one thought of what to do, just stood there blankly, waiting for the shock to dissipate.

Suddenly, a piece of meat boiled and exploded, and a figure put aside the sticky and disgusting meat juice and stood up.

It was Abraham.

I saw him twisting his heavy body, running forward with difficulty, throwing himself down, and struggling to tear away the pieces of meat. Under that, another person was buried... Doss.
His eyes were closed tightly, and the attached protective layer fired earlier had been destroyed by the huge energy, and thick smoke and dust emanated from his body, but fortunately, he still had breath.

"Huh" he breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't know why this guy Doss suddenly seemed to be stimulated by something and did such a reckless thing. If his defensive stance hadn't just followed in at that time, he couldn't have survived.

This kind of behavior is simply like a lunatic!
But everything seems to be very lucky. It seems that the aberrants are difficult to gather for the time being. Although Doss is in a coma, he will not lose his life.

...yes, luckily!
He muttered in his heart again, slowly picked up Doss, stepped on the sticky blood all over the ground, and walked towards the crowd in the distance!

"If this level 17 guy is temporarily resolved, then finding the invasion point will be much easier," he thought.

The operation of the reactor just now made Abraham's head dizzy, so his thoughts were not completely out of chaos, so he forgot to look at the indicator on Doss's wrist!Therefore, he didn't know what a strange scene was presenting there!Doss's indicator is still clear, but in the clear liquid, there is a black-red dot floating, like ink, or blood, it does not mix with the liquid in the indicator, it is so extremely Floating and twisting alone, like a manifestation of life.

The sea of ​​flesh under Abraham's feet rose and fell!
He was still in a daze, slightly taken aback.

This is at this very moment!

As if the whole earth was boiling violently, the flesh that should have turned into juice came alive in an instant. They showed an activity that was almost impossible to possess, gathered together crazily, and then everything in sight seemed to be unscrewed After shaking the Coke bottle, hundreds of tentacles pierced into the sky amidst the surging waves of flesh, dancing like madmen, bumping into each other, and whipping each other, and there were bursts of huge vibrations under the feet, the ground shook, the mountains shook, and the soil Being bounced, then overturned, the whole earth was torn apart, and the scarlet color gushed out of the crack like a tsunami, setting off huge waves dozens of stories high, turning into countless strange shapes, one after another , with teeth and claws, and rushed to those people who gathered together!

In an instant, the sky and the earth merged.

In everyone's consciousness, a fear flashed violently. That fear had no reason, but it seemed that everyone remembered that they were bitten by thousands of insects, swallowed alive, and crushed into slag. The insignificance and helplessness of looking up at the starry sky at night when I was a child.These most feared emotions in the bottom of my heart were magnified thousands of times, baptizing everyone's consciousness crazily!

Many of them are A-level field service personnel, and their equipment and strength have exceeded the limits of human beings. However, in the face of such fear, they collapsed in an instant. They didn't even activate their own defense devices. Engulfed by blood waves!
Abraham's breath was also stagnant, but the defensive position around him overcame the control of his thinking at this moment, and immediately operated at full capacity, and the reactor subconsciously rose to the peak he could bear, forming a dense almost A blue barrier that does not see through light, and in the next second, this barrier was also washed away by the surging tide.

The entire old city was shaking violently, the road surface began to crack, giant buildings toppled over, the sky collapsed and the ground collapsed, blood poured out from nowhere and spread, like a flood pouring down the city, and a strong wind suddenly blew up. Howling swept everything, as if the sleeping earth finally got tired of what was attached to it, and began to clean everything.

On the outskirts of the entire darkness, the huge sky began to shake violently. Those half-moon-shaped metal buildings that pierced into the sky made loud buzzing noises, and there were many cracks. They seemed to be unable to withstand the huge pressure. The various huge structures connected to them Smoke and dust rose from the instrument in an instant, and exploded one after another. The machines in the distance were all overloaded and burned.


In the entire city, the only ones who did not join Abraham were the three Laughingbirds. Ice Bear picked up Chen Xiao, turned around and ran away. It is not difficult to guess that within a few minutes, the entire city will be submerged!

Amidst the roar, Song Xuan's voice sounded in the earphone: "What's going on? How come there are so many distortion products!!!!"

"I don't know, run!" Ice Bear's answer was extremely simple, his legs were running fast, already hurting, but the speed was still not as fast as the sea of ​​flesh spreading behind him! , and Chen Xiao, who was dragged almost flying behind him, walked along the collapsing buildings and the huge tentacles dancing all over the sky, shouting excitedly!
"Hahaha!! It's too late!!! Ahhahahaha!!!"

Bai Xiong slumped his shoulders and shattered several buildings in front of him: "Stop howling, think of a way!" Even at this time, his tone was still calm and seemed extremely uncoordinated.

"Oh! Hahaha, look for an invasion point! Go over there! You pig head!! You are going to die hahahaha!!!"

The white bear can then turn around and shout into the headset: "Look for the invasion point! Otherwise, they will all die!"

After all, he leaped high over another pile of abandoned obstacles!

... In the distance, Song Xuan was running with all her strength, and the surrounding scenes had turned into afterimages. That's why she had to strengthen her vision, because if she really ran, then the surrounding things would have been beyond her sight stay,
The shock on the shoulders became more and more obvious, and the blood wave that was still far away just now had entered the edge of sight, and the galloping tentacles swept across here, devouring everything they touched!
Song Xuan accelerated again, her eyes could no longer see anything clearly, she just followed the detector on her shoulder tossing around in the huge urban area, turning into a gust of bitter wind.

At the end of the half-minute race against death, her skinny arms clasped the ground, leaving a few deep fingerprints, and the dagger plunged into the building next to her in an instant, making several turns that almost tore her body apart. This wind climbed up a tall building with a speed that ordinary people can't understand, rushed into a direction where she put down her life to gamble, and rushed towards the wave of blood!


If you make a mistake, you die!This is very similar to her job, if you lose, you will die, if you are exposed, you will die, she is a dancer on the death line, she is also like a pervert, crazy obsessed with this feeling...!
so!This is almost a predestined ending.

she!The bet won!
The shock on her shoulders ranged from obvious to intense, and finally began to neigh, and finally Song Xuan jumped up from the edge of a building, her body stretched and soaring in the air.


A crisp sound!
In this doomsday, it is incomparably refreshing!

The serum was crushed, and the reddish-brown liquid was scattered in the air and blown away by the wind, but it was strange, as if it had been sucked into an invisible place...

At this moment, the tentacles dancing all over the ground began to disintegrate, and the rushing sea of ​​blood seemed to lose its power, and the accumulated pieces of meat collapsed instantly.

The vibration of the sky above the head stopped, and the roar of the ground also disappeared, leaving only those bloody waves that were still rushing due to inertia, and then lost their support and poured loosely into the street, and gradually quieted down.

Almost within a second, the whistling stopped suddenly, and the gust of wind subsided.

Bai Xiong held Chen Xiao with one hand, and climbed on the wall of a high-rise building with the other. Looking at the sea of ​​blood that had finally stopped, he felt a faint sense of survival after a catastrophe.

And Chen Xiao, who was carrying him below, was dangling in mid-air, smiling, his face flushed with excitement and satisfaction.

at last……

at last……

The Dark Realm has been purified!

Everything is finally over!

At least that's how it looks!



Now, in the far corner of the city,

A tall man struggled to climb out of the pile of meat.


At this moment, he looks very strange.

All the skin was covered with blood-red veins, twisted and throbbing like thick blood vessels.

He looked around blankly, and looked at his hands inexplicably, a little strange, but a little at a loss, like a baby who came to a new world, everything was extremely strange and full of attraction.

He touched his neck and body, panting heavily, looking extremely greedy...

"Hey very..."

He smiled, his voice was awkward, as if he didn't know how to use this body yet.

And the few pieces of minced meat beside him suddenly twisted and stuck to the clothes, as if they were intimate, wanting to blend into his body...

(End of this chapter)

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