clown game

Chapter 283 Murderer (2)

Chapter 283 Murderer ([-])


The fat house turned pale with fright, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop it, but before he could make any actual action, Chen Xiao had already taken out the key.And the clothes... are naturally intact.

"Hehe...I didn't expect you to have a conscience." Chen Xiao still stared at the fishy eyes, and threw the key to the other party.

"Heh...that's just the reaction I should make as a sane person, and I don't have any special feelings for you. Please don't think about it, um...but what's the matter with your clothes?"

"Clothes? It's just bulletproof. There's nothing to make a fuss about." Chen Xiao replied nonchalantly, and put the clothes back on.

"Ah?! Bulletproof? Just return it? You guys are really a black super special police team! Come on, do you have any black technology, such as space teleportation, take it out! I accept it !"

Boss Xiaoyu probably saw that the key had been obtained, and the tension in his heart dissipated a little, so he started talking nonsense like a conditioned reflex.

"There is no such thing..." Chen Xiao muttered indifferently.

"What about the particle compression cannon? Any door, shrinking lights? Worst case, your leather shoes should be able to make a phone call. Hurry up and call the police now!!"

"Put away your two-dimensional thoughts, okay? I don't have any weapons. Do you think I like to stay in this kind of place where third-rate art is everywhere?"

Xiaoyu shrugged his shoulders, of course he knew that Chen Xiao had no way to leave here immediately, and such small talk was just to strengthen himself.

At this time, he had already opened the iron door with the key, and the wind that was blocked behind finally found a vent, gushed out in a rush, and dissipated a lot in an instant.

Behind the door was the scene on the TV just now, Xiao Nan was lying quietly in the glass cover, and the mice on the other side were squeaking and screaming, which made people feel hairy.

Xiaoyu quickly ran over and pulled open the door of the glass cover.

"Wake up! Wake up!" he shouted while patting Xiao Nan.

Xiao Nan finally opened her eyes slowly.

"Huh...??" She looked around sleepily: "Where is this?"

Xiaoyu picked him up and rushed out while running and bouncing. "This is a reality show, everything you see is props, so don't be afraid, now I will find you a place to stay, after the recording is over..."

"We were kidnapped..." Before Xiaoyu finished making up the nonsense, Chen Xiao, who was at the side, said it directly.

Xiaoyu's face turned green.Hastily winked at the other party.

Chen Xiao ignored him at all, and continued: "You should have been brought here after being stunned. This is a basement. A perverted murderer wants to kill us here...Look at that." He pointed with his chin A swarm of rats behind her. "According to his plan, you should be eaten by these rats, and Jingjing and Xiaoyu's cousin are probably in another room, and the situation is similar to yours."

"Bastard!!" The owner of the fat house angrily interrupted Chen Xiao: "She's still a child!!"

But after Xiao Nan heard Chen Xiao's words, she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Huh, so it's just a murderer, I'm scared to death." She muttered softly, then looked at her boss: "So... can you let me go?"

"Huh??" Xiaoyu was stunned on the spot. At this moment, he was still holding Xiaonan, with a big fat belly, which really didn't look very elegant: "Uh, okay."

He put down the other party at a loss, and Xiao Nan patted her skirt very calmly (yes, her maid outfit hasn't changed yet.): "Then why are you still standing there, hurry up and find them. The smell here is really bad, and the work clothes will be stained after a long time, and the guests will definitely not like it”

"Well, it makes sense!" Chen Xiao pondered for a while, then nodded.

The owner of the coffee shop at the side looked at the two people who didn't match the atmosphere at all, opened their mouths a few times, but didn't know what to say, and finally shouted angrily: "Hey! What are you talking about? The work clothes will be stained!!! Now is not the time to talk about this! And Xiao Nan, haven’t you noticed that your brain has been affected after being with this person for a long time???”

Xiao Nan pushed down her glasses calmly: "Well, how about boss, you can find a safe place and wait for a while, we will come to you soon."

As she said that, she closed her eyes, as if trying to think about something, suddenly, there was a wave on the ground in front of her, and a fire ax appeared just like that
Boss Xiaoyu's eyes were wide open, and his mouth was wide open: "I, I, I, I——fuck, what is this??"

"Huh? Axe, can't you see it?" Xiao Nan replied a little confused.

"I'm not asking what this is, I'm asking how it appeared!!!"

Xiao Nan bent down and picked up the fire axe: "Oh, it's a long story."

Xiaoyu immediately yelled: "What a long story, do you think you can get past these four words????" He felt as if something had collapsed.

However, Xiao Nan didn't seem to want to pay attention to him, and calmly handed the ax to Chen Xiao, and stretched out his hands, a long knife that can be seen everywhere in Japanese movies appeared in his hands.

Xiaoyu's expression also froze.
"Huh? Is that all there is? Are there any grenades or hand-held RPGs?" Chen Xiao shook the ax in his hand, complaining a little dissatisfied.

"Well, after being brought out by you, my abilities have weakened a lot. If there is no internal structure diagram or text description, it is difficult for me to do it. And I don't know how long these things can last."

"Well, although I've thought it would be like this for a long time, but for you who can turn so many terrifying monsters into reality just by reading a few words, this weakening of your ability is really too big."

Xiaoyu couldn't help it anymore: "Asshole! What are you two talking about!! Can you stop pretending that I don't exist!!!"

"??? Boss, why are you still here?? Didn't you say you can hide?"

Xiao Nan glanced at him inexplicably, as if surprised that he hadn't run away yet.
"I, I... I'm going to save people too, I have a little fighting ability, okay! Then! Give me a weapon." He roared hysterically as if stimulated.

Xiao Nan looked helpless, sighed and closed her eyes.In the next second, a pipe wrench appeared in her hand.And she handed it to Xiaoyu casually.

The face of the other party was a little ugly: "Is this weapon a bit too bad?"

Chen Xiao put on an expression of ignorance: "What do you know, the pipe wrench is the standard weapon of the protagonist, okay? The protagonists of many novels or comics start out with a pipe wrench. Don't complain, hurry up and follow."

He said in a serious manner, then put the fire ax on his shoulder, and walked towards another door in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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