clown game

Chapter 292 Doubt

Chapter 292 Doubt
After the rain, the city immediately became annoying, with the rushing traffic, splashing water and the sound of cursing on the sidewalk, and the alley still smelled of vomiting from the previous night.The afterglow of the sunset did not add any color to this tired street, it was just blindly noisy but indifferent.

As usual, the factory on the edge of the town delayed the closing time again.

"Go fuck the rain!"

"Go fucking overtime!"

"Go fuck the world!!!"

No one can hold back their breath and not scold a few more times than being exploited by the boss in this kind of ghost weather, except him. Therefore, the workers just walked out of the gate, and they sprayed unabashedly. They don't care about their boss. Whether he can hear it or not, in fact, even the boss himself doesn't care, he knows what an annoying bastard he is, and he doesn't get tired of it at the same time.And he also knew that those people could only scold him, but it was absolutely impossible to resign!
This is how the world is.

In this group of people, only one person seemed out of tune with the violent atmosphere.

That's Ice Bear.He is the one who can hold back from yelling. In fact, he didn't try to hold back. He just didn't want to, didn't care, or in other words, couldn't evoke such strong emotions.

In short, one of them is so quiet, if not for his overly majestic figure, then he hardly has any sense of existence.

It has been like this for so many years working in the factory.

got windy,
Ice Bear pulled up his collar, trying to resist the cold wind and moisture.The people outside the bus were crowded like arteriosclerotic blood vessels. Ice Bear sighed, turned around and decided to walk home.

"Only four stops, maybe I can walk faster. I hope I don't run into that tramp again."

As he thought of this, the sound of footsteps echoed in the gloomy building, like a moan of heavy frustration, making everything unreal.

go ahead
a street
two streets.
At the corner of the third street, Ice Bear deliberately slowed down.He tentatively looked to one side from the edge of a dilapidated apartment building.


He sighed again.

Sure enough, the strange bum was still there.

He was there every day, leaning his emaciated body against the corner, motionless, and seemed not to eat or drink, because every time he saw him, he was in the same posture, as if he had never moved.If he hadn't stared at him with his slender eyes every time he passed by, Ice Bear would have thought he was a dead person.

Ice Bear didn't like being stared at by him, it felt too weird, especially the guy's mouth, with two disgusting scars, which made him feel uncomfortable eating dinner every day.

But so what, he's just a tramp, you can't go up and beat him up just because you don't like him, right?So Ice Bear could only shake his head helplessly, and quickly walked across the corner.

"Look, that guy is staring at me again. Is he staring at everyone who walks through here? Or is it just me? It's disgusting, forget it, just a crazy person"

Ice Bear withdrew his disgusted gaze and hurriedly disappeared to the other side of the building.

Five minutes later, the white bear opened the door.

"I'm back." He yelled as usual.

There was the usual banging of kitchen utensils in the kitchen, and there was the same smell as usual. Don't think about it, she must be the same as usual, wearing that ugly apron, cooking the same meals as usual.

It has been like this for many years, and there will be no change. This is how this world is, and it will always be like this!
Ice Bear changed his shoes and threw the briefcase on the sofa.

At this time, the kitchen door was pushed open.

She came out with a plate.

Song Xuan's wife may be born with a physical deficiency or acquired malabsorption. In short, her body is particularly thin, like those patients who have been lying on the hospital bed for a long time, which makes people feel distressed.

Bai Xiong can't remember why he married Song Xuan, love?Or doomed?Whatever it is, he has never recalled these problems, just like this meal, it all tastes the same, eating, or there is nothing worth reminiscing about, but it is precisely because of this that life can continue.

"Meet that bum again?"

Song Xuan skillfully untied her apron, and asked nonchalantly. After all, although she looked untroubled, she was actually in good health and did everything quickly. I remembered that once again, Bai Xiong accidentally dropped the bowl from the table. When it was knocked off, Song Xuan quickly caught it like a conditioned reflex. At that time, the white bear was dumbfounded. Afterwards, Song Xuan was also a little confused. She said that she didn't know what happened at the time.

However, these are just some episodes in life.

"Yeah, it's still at the corner, the cat is by the wall, I don't think he has moved at all, I saw him in the same posture the day before yesterday, and it was the same position a few days ago, doesn't he need to go out to find something to eat?" Bai Xiong muttered suspiciously , sat at the dinner table.

"Maybe it's your psychological effect. How can anyone really skip meals?"

"Well, maybe there is something wrong with his brain, and he doesn't know he's hungry. This can explain why he keeps staring at me. Maybe he has such a disease." Ice Bear still seems to want to stick to his point of view.

"Okay, you are so tall, it's normal for someone to stare at you, just leave him alone." Of course, Song Xuan didn't want to listen to his nagging, and handed the other person a bowl of rice: "At least you are better than him now, You still have food to eat."

Bai Xiong shrugged: "Well, maybe I'm just a little suspicious."

As he spoke, he didn't start the topic again.

Eating, chatting, sleeping, waking up, working, getting off work, and eating are just like this. From a copier called life, page after page is spit out, stuck in the endless time from birth to death. In fact, people have accepted such a setting, what else can they do, this is how the world is.

Plain, happy. Maybe this is happiness, but even if it is not, what can it do.

The day passed again, and Ice Bear lay in bed.

At night, in the suffocating darkness, Ice Bear didn't know if he was opening his eyes.Everything was so quiet and disturbing, there was no sound of wind, no insects screaming, if it wasn't for Song Xuan's faint breathing beside him, he would even feel like he was dead.

The busy traffic during the day seemed to be wiped off with a rag and disappeared without a trace.However, he didn't suspect anything, it should be like this at night, everything is normal.
Except that bum on the corner.

"Why do I think of him again!"

Bai Xiong scolded himself a little as if mocking himself, then turned around and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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