clown game

Chapter 309

Chapter 309
The white bear stared, his gums turned white.

This kind of expression that often appears on the face of normal people is reflected in the heart of the white bear, like a mountain torrent and a tsunami!
But at this moment, the situation could no longer allow Bai Xiong to hesitate. Following Chen Xiao's reckless step forward, the entire ant colony began to boil!The dark insects stretched out their tentacles, pointing at Chen Xiao and the others like thorns. They rubbed against the hard part of their abdomen, making overwhelming roars, as if they were spitting, cursing, threatening, and cursing. , in short, the anger of the whole world is poured into this shocking "russling" sound, pointing directly at the source of this condemned crime.

Chen Xiao.

Song Xuan.

And yourself.

Bai Xiong let out a low growl, reached his chest, and tore off a necklace.

He has always worn this necklace, but it has been covered by clothes, and few people notice it.

The pendant of the necklace is the little disc.It is only the size of a coin, very thin, silver-white all over, without any pattern decoration, but in the center of one side, there is a sunken circle. This design seems to say: "Press me, press me!".

Since Ice Bear escaped from that hell, this gadget has never left his body.This is the only guarantee that he can live up to now and achieve his goals in the future.

If he left its shield, then the white bear would probably be found and found by him.

But at this moment, in this near-mortal situation, he has no choice.

Chen Xiao...

If he knows my secret, he should have his way.

Although he didn't know what he was going to do, but now that things had come to this, something had to be done.


Bai Xiong shouted and threw the necklace to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao grabbed the necklace.

"Cover me!" he roared with momentum.

"...Well...or, you can figure it out."

Chen Xiao originally wanted to shout like the positive characters on TV who sacrificed their lives for righteousness, but just after shouting, he felt embarrassed, so he waved his hand to say forget it.

Immediately, he strode towards the two giant ants in front of him.

In an instant, as if provoked, the ants swarmed wildly, and then fell like a waterfall, hitting the tiny human in the purple suit.

This is the end of the matter, and there is no need for the remaining two to hide anything. The moment Chen Xiao took action, Bai Xiong activated his body armor, and the shells generally hit the place where the insects and ants are most dense, so he was the first to be submerged up.And Song Xuan had expected that Chen Xiao would definitely bring things into chaos, so he turned into a gust of wind, passed through the dark screen through an extremely subtle gap, and rushed to the back of the ant colony. Prepare to cut off the mother worm's retreat route.

What about Chen Xiao. He was the first to stir up the momentum, and he was also the one who yelled the most. But just after he ran a few steps, he was smashed by the black swarm of insects falling from the sky and disappeared, as if he was buried by a mudslide. like a small sapling.
Then, there was a muffled sound.

A blue light curtain exploded in the center of the ant colony, and the white bear's armor absorbed enough of the impact and released it in an instant, blasting a gap in the pest. At the same time, before the impact dissipated, , With all his might, he smashed a gleaming ball at the giant ant closest to him.

Plasma bombs, a sticky explosive item exchanged before the Black Mirror mission, are similar to corrosive landmines. They are all weapons that can cause continuous damage to the target, but the range is a little smaller, but the attack is more aggressive. powerful.

I saw the small ball quickly passed over the insect swarm and hit the top of the giant ant, like a water balloon popping apart, and then the gray-blue slurry in the small ball quickly attached to the spiked ant. on the carapace.And it was braving electric light visible to the naked eye.

Before the giant ant could react to what happened, it seemed that after being hit by something, it became even more angry. Its four hind legs sank down suddenly, and it bounced itself to a height of more than ten meters in an instant, and then It was like an armored car falling from the sky, smashing into the white bear. However, within this second of lingering in the air, the plasma above its head burned through the thick skull, directly flowed into the inside of the head, and killed half of the head. Burned a pair to wear!The thin wings behind the giant ant suddenly stopped stirring, and its huge body also crashed down. Afterwards, its tenacious vitality made it thrash wildly on the ground, raising a huge wave of insects.

Looking at the other end, Song Xuan has already arrived at the evacuation route of the female ants in an instant. She raised the knife and cut off the antennae of the soldier ant closest to her. Before the worms could react, she threw the last A grenade, turned around and flashed aside.

What she has been waiting for is this opportunity. At the beginning, the three giant ants were all around the mother worm. She really had no chance to do it, but now that the white bear is attracting attention in front, she naturally has to hurry up to complete what she is good at. things.She has great confidence in her speed, as long as there is a chance, she will never let it go.

However, when the grenade flew towards the female insect, the surrounding insect swarm suddenly became crazy. No, it should be said that the insect swarm seemed to be aware of the danger as early as Song Xuan came up with the idea of ​​"throwing it". The overwhelming ants had just fallen from the roof of the shed, and their bodies hadn't been straightened yet. Like a tide, they rushed to the mother worm in an instant, wrapping the grenade tightly with their bodies.


Following the muffled sound, the sea of ​​insects rose and fell rapidly, and then shrunk again. The power of the explosion did not leak out at all.

Song Xuan was a little dazed for a moment. She really never thought that this kind of ant with no thinking ability could complete this kind of operation in an instant. In fact, using her body to protect the female insect is like wind and sand to them. It's as instinctive to blink as you blow past.And in the next second, a giant ant also noticed the fish that slipped through the net, driving its huge body, rushing like Song Xuan crazily!
All of this happened in an instant, and soon, the impact of the white bear's explosion began to dissipate, and the ant colony had already started to counterattack again, and it was about to submerge it again, and Song Xuan also exploded in the next second. It was forced to the edge of the brood by the dense sea of ​​insects.

Again, no matter how powerful an individual's ability is, it will become useless in the face of absolute strength and quantity.

At this moment, at the bottom of the sea of ​​insects.

"Pfft" sound.

It wasn't such a loud noise that almost no one would notice it, but a figure suddenly popped out of the ant colony, like a broken stone, jumped high and across the sea of ​​insects.

"Ha ha ha ha------"

A series of hysterical sounds, like a delirious child on a roller coaster for the first time, can't tell whether it's screaming or laughing.

This purple mark is holding the gun in his backhand, and the gun is still emitting blue smoke. His face, hands, and all exposed places are full of scars, and one leg is twisted in a completely unreasonable posture, but, just In the process of flying, it quickly healed and became intact.
 (Safe arrival, no worries about life, no thoughts! Manual is funny.)
(End of this chapter)

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