clown game

Chapter 348 The Gate and the Truth

Chapter 348 The Gate and the Truth.
The battle outside the door is still going on. It seems that this grown C-255 can withstand those people for a while. Of course, this is also the reason why people from the Foundation dare not use weapons that are too powerful. The corridor was blown up, and when the sea water rushed in, all these people suffered.

What about the door?Chen Xiao was still standing with his back hunched. Opposite him was a group of guys whose every single one was enough to scare people. No one could have imagined that this group of people would be threatened by an ordinary person like Chen Xiao.It sounds ridiculous, but it is true, for the simple reason that people are crazy and you are not.Ideological unequal causes others to have no scruples, but you can't.

Chen Xiao hesitated after listening to A Ming's words, and took out two cards from his pocket.There is a crow drawn on them, but one is standing quietly, while the other seems to be singing with a big mouth.The former was given to Chen Xiao by the man with glasses during the D-level elite competition, and the latter was handed over to Chen Xiao by Xiaoyu's boss more than a month ago.

"This is the card that the Ravens use to communicate with each other. Since we usually do our own thing and rarely contact each other, most of the communication is done in this way." Amin said.

"Then how do I open it?" Chen Xiao asked.

"Each encryption method is different. The card you leave for yourself is the second card, and the decryption method is to use your own blood."

"Oh? Hehe, interesting." Chen Xiao responded, the atmosphere seemed to have eased up a bit, but still no one dared to rush over to kill this bastard rashly. Everyone knows that this guy will not be so low-level as 'distracted' mistake.

Without further ado, Chen Xiao stuffed his finger into his mouth, bit it open with a snap, and rubbed his own blood onto the card.

The moment the blood touched the card, the blood stain quickly seeped into the card, spread along the white handwriting of the crow, and then... a hologram appeared on the card.

In that picture, there is a person with slender eyes and thin cheeks who looks very similar to Chen Xiao, but his hair and face are different from now, and the corner of his mouth is intact without any scars.At the moment, he is juggling the camera so that his face appears in the center of the recorded image.

"Ah, it's really troublesome, so let's do it." He said, his voice was still high-pitched, which made people sound unfriendly.

"Ahem, hello me in the future, I don't know what you've become now, I hope you don't get infected too badly, um. But it's casual, anyway, if you see this scene, then you should still On the way to find memories, right. Che, what a pity." He said, leaning back a little, and let himself lean on a sofa.

"The memory devouring experiment about that old guy has come to an end. It turns out that the memories he devoured will be stored in certain parts of the body in a way that cannot be studied in depth. Although he cannot read these memories himself, but But it really exists. I guess this may be like the immune system of the human body. The death of those cells will not cause the new cells to continue to work. It seems a bit far away. In short, we have found a way to dig out the memory. , and store it in another place. As for the old man, he is completely unaware, and he will do this through behavioral control under thorough hypnosis."

Speaking of this, he changed into a comfortable position as if he had ADHD.

"So let's talk about this damn 'Dimensional Realization Proposal' It's all messed up, no one can get close to that guy, or those guys, he is just laughing, messing around, and randomly appearing in anyone's body , until the man is broken into pieces, then change another one. There is no way we shouldn’t kill him, because that body is still a restraint! No, it should be said that we shouldn’t let him appear. After the woman with wings appeared, we should stop. We are too arrogant. But there is still good news that we have thought of a containment plan, using a person, let that guy invade his mind first, and then Seal it. Lock that guy in a bottle and close the lid! But there is also bad news. It is this bottle, it is me—that is, you." Chen Xiao pointed to the screen and said.

"Ah, I know, according to your um, or our personalities, you won't be in muddy water at all, but unfortunately, there is really no way, if you don't find a suitable 'containment room' Sooner or later, people all over the world will become lunatics, and no one can escape. And if his body is returned to him, then he will be completely inaccessible, and he will not be able to complete the seal. Experiment, the only person who can accommodate him is me. Sometimes being too smart is not a good thing.

Well, having said so much, I should be able to connect things together in the future, so let me finally talk about how I can be a bottle with such peace of mind, so I am going to take that guy in first, Then join the Foundation, regain my memory, everything has been arranged, about one to two years later, I will be recruited as a volunteer, and Andrea will pull me into the field team!But I didn't tell her that I had actually colluded with Amin a long time ago, haha, there is no way, who made Andrea and Qiu Mujin have a bad relationship, hey, there will be a few people in every Raven The other party is not pleasing to the eye. I remember that in the past few sessions, because of internal strife, a kid in Germany even started a world war. Ahhh, it’s getting too far. Anyway, I won’t say much. After you get the memory, you will naturally know everything. , So, come on, I can't handle it in the future, what the world will turn into depends on you.goodbye. "

When the screen reaches here, it disappears.


Everyone, including Chen Xiao, stood there in shock or doubt.

It's been a long time.

"Hehehe, to be honest, if you put your heart into it, you can fake this kind of hologram, right?" Chen Xiao broke the silence first.

"You still don't believe it?" Amin said.

"Don't get excited~" Chen Xiao said, and put down the gun: "I think this matter is very interesting, hehe, so whether it is true or not, I choose to believe it." Said, Chen Xiao took a few steps back, put the gun Concealed: "Hey, Xiaobai, open the necklace, and everyone else, if you don't want to become a lunatic, get closer to the white bear. The guy is playing hide-and-seek with a smoker recently. The estimated time of appearance It won't be too long, but even if he only appears for a second, it's enough for you to last for a while, hehehe. Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you two." Chen Xiao suddenly looked at Bai Xiong and Song Xuan Said: "The big incident in the anomalous research area of ​​K City was caused by me, and I was also in the dark realm. Well, I hope you don't mind."

With that said, Chen Xiao slowly closed his eyes.

Bai Xiong seemed to think of something right away, the surveillance screen he saw in K city back then, that Chen Xiao who behaved strangely.
"Everyone, get close to me!!" He roared, almost never having such strong emotional fluctuations, and then quickly took out the necklace, and a light blue light curtain spread out, covering everyone.

After a second.

"Buzz buzz --!!!!"

The alarm rang loudly. Compared with the alarm just now, it was like the roar of a train.The lights in the room became more and more scarlet, and began to rotate and flicker non-stop, like an alarm before the end of the world.

In this chaos, Chen Xiao slowly raised his head.

"Ahhhh~ It's really rude to let me out at this time, how long am I going to stay here?" He said under his breath, and then he seemed to have just seen a group of people huddled together in front of him: "Oh, it seems that this The guy has quite a few friends. Hehehe, then, hello everyone!"

He lowered his head slightly, put one hand on his chest, and raised his fingers with the other hand, performing a gentlemanly courtesy.

But at this moment, everyone doesn't care about the elegance of this posture at all. An incomparably manic chaos bursts out from the depths of everyone's consciousness. They are like a scourge that has been released, scurrying crazily in every part of their bodies. In the corner, all the cells in the whole body are trembling and clamoring, prompting them to complete a great and crazy mission, they are eating away at all rationality, trying to control people's behavior, crazy, killing, laughing, hysterical, or doing something Interesting things, such as tasting the taste of the soft flesh in your throat... Suppressing the blood in your eyes and pupils, you start to wanton, and gradually lose yourself. If there is no shield from the necklace, this moment is enough for everyone to fall into madness forever!
"Hazard Level XK! Repeat, Hazard Level XK!, Containment Chamber Ejected! Countdown—"

"Well, it seems that my appearance is still very effective. Although I am very happy to see everyone, but there is an uneasy smoker who is still looking for me everywhere, so. See you later."

After finishing speaking, Chen Xiao flickered, as if he was about to faint, and at this moment, the countdown to "3-2-1" also ended.

The entire containment chamber "boomed", and a huge recoil force knocked everyone into the wall. The containment chamber was fired like a cannonball, drawing a huge stream of water in the lightless deep sea.

According to statistics, about 4% of people have deep-sea phobia, and 80.00% of people have experienced drowning or claustrophobia.

The deep sea is really a terrifying world.

Let's imagine if you were a nurse who never died
You slowly enter the water and slowly start to fall.Surrounded by a layer of blue coral, small fish, some look so beautiful.But soon, you can't see them, you feel the water pressure build up, and it starts to get dark around you.After a while, you are so far away from the patch of fish that it is almost impossible to make out their shadows.You see a huge figure - a whale.It doesn't see you, it just swims slowly past you, but you can clearly see every inch of its skin - it's very rough, and you can feel your own insignificance.

Gradually, even the whales that have always been in the deep sea are far away from you.Looking at the light fading away overhead, the surroundings gradually turned black.You don't know where you are, how far you are from shore.You realize that you may never go back.You are slowly immersed in a dead sea of ​​desolation alone.There's nothing around you but endless, deep darkness and you're left alone in this deserted sea, with no one or creature for company, just darkness.You can't get your way because the darkness and high water pressure make you feel helpless.And here, it is only about 1000 meters below sea level.

Down there is even more terrifying blackness, you don't know what's waiting for you there.It's a hideous sea monster with slippery tentacles stroking your ankles!Or more unknowns you can't even imagine?Even in such darkness, such desolation, such loneliness, there is still such a long distance from the bottom of the sea.You can only sink slowly and helplessly, until you reach thousands of meters, tens of thousands of meters, or even farther... But you have nowhere to escape!
And this is the current situation of Chen Xiao and others.

As I said before, all the containment rooms in the Pacific Division are independently designed. If there are special circumstances, they will be exiled immediately. At this time, Chen Xiao and his party are naturally treated like this.The walls of the containment room without the air support had already made strange creaking noises, and a few corners had already faintly bent inward.

Chen Xiao struggled to stand up, shaking his still dizzy head, and he didn't know whether it was caused by the consciousness switch just now, or the impact was too strong.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a look of ignorance.

At this moment, everyone fell to the ground in disarray, the madness in their minds had not completely dissipated, and they all looked bewildered.

"It seems... We were ejected!" The nurse who recovered the fastest said first.

Chen Xiao immediately looked at the surrounding walls, the piercing sound was intensifying, and several wall panels had been dented. Even a person like Chen Xiao became silent for a while.

Beyond the thin layer of iron is the deep sea with no light or sound. No matter how hard you struggle, there is no possibility of being rescued. You can only wait to starve to death or wait to be crushed into meatloaf by the seawater that breaks into the wall, or... To be swallowed by something more terrifying, and even in death, no one will ever know, floating forever in this claustrophobic world
"Amin will save us." The nurse gritted her teeth and said, maybe she didn't realize it herself, her whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

And at this moment, they naturally couldn't see it, it was just outside the floating containment room, in the [-]-meter deep sea.

An incomparably huge door quietly appeared!
The bald wood and rusty locks are like ordinary doors that can be seen everywhere in old residential buildings, but they have been magnified to an astonishing volume, and slowly rise out of the sea!
The next second. The door opened!
(End of this chapter)

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