The Secret History of Xuanmen

Chapter 139 Entering the Temple

Chapter 139 Entering the Temple
The flood rushed to the Dragon King Temple.

This is a proverb, but I didn't expect it to happen in real life.

I fell into deep thought. If this Taoist temple is really related to the Maoshan sect, things will become more complicated.

Taoism regards Longhu Mountain as the leader, but in terms of strength, Maoshan may not be under Longhu Mountain.

There was no sign of the Maoshan faction at my wedding last time. I thought they would stay out of the matter, but I never expected to meet their traces here.

Soon I remembered that the puppet of the old village chief’s puppet borrowed Yin soldiers just now also had the shadow of Maoshan technique, which made me even more confused about what role Maoshan played in this puzzle.

However, judging from the current situation alone, Maoshan seems to be on the opposite side of Lubanjiao, and they want to break the situation of Lubanjiao.

But Lu San said that they built Longjing Village to enshrine the Dragon King, to suppress the situation at the bottom of the well, and for the sake of the common people in the world, they are willing to suffer from this hidden world.

Could it be that Maoshan, the authentic sect, wanted to be the villain, to help the thieves at the bottom of the well come out?

I was also a little confused for a while, when Chen Anbang suddenly asked me: "Dengtang, what kind of sect do you think the Luban sect is, and what about Lu San?"

After thinking for a while, I replied: "Luban Sect has always been separated from the three religions, and the impression left on Taoism is also mysterious, both good and evil, and I don't want to jump to conclusions. , but on the whole, although he is not an upright gentleman, he is also magnanimous."

Chen Anbang smiled and said, "It seems that you believed Lu San's words?"

I asked curiously, "Oh? Could it be that what he told us earlier was all lies?"

Chen Anbang said: "I can't judge whether it's a lie or not, but according to my understanding, the Luban Sect is extremely calculating, and they are unlikely to live for the sake of the world for thousands of years. It is absolutely impossible for them to enshrine the Dragon King Temple to protect the universe. , there must be their interests, so they are willing to stay here. Therefore, in my opinion, even if Lu San is not a real villain, he is also a hypocrite, and he must not be manipulated."

I nodded and said, "It seems that the ultimate secrets are hidden under the Dragon Well. If you want to solve these mysteries, you still have to find a chance to go and see."

Chen Anbang understood and said: "It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Let's go now? They are busy with the funeral of the old village chief. They probably never thought that we would be so bold and step into the Dragon King Temple as soon as we entered the village."

The two of us hit it off, and after a little preparation, we quietly went to the Dragon King Temple.

I have a good memory, and I am familiar with the location of the Dragon King Temple. I walked in front, while the meticulous Chen Anbang followed my footprints, smoothing out the footprints every step of the way to prevent people from seeing through.

Soon we came to the Dragon King Temple, but before entering the temple, Chen Anbang took a piece of loess under the threshold stone, wiped it on his palm, and drew a talisman on it.

He gave me half of the loess, and he said to me, "There is an annoyance here, and if the breath of a stranger enters, it will alarm the villagers. If you swallow this talisman soil, then the annoyance will not be able to detect us."

I am more and more impressed with Chen Anbang, and even wonder if he is a defected disciple of the Luban Sect. It seems that he has a great research on the Luban technique.

After taking the loess talisman, we successfully entered the Dragon King Temple.

There is no one guarding the temple, and it is not as magnificent as imagined.

There was a well in front of him, and there were iron chains extending down from the mouth of the well, and there were dense spells around the mouth of the well.

This is the well back then, and it can be seen that it has been repaired. Impulsively, I really wanted to go down the well to see what kind of underground world it was, which made the ancestors and the strange man in purple have to send out a signal for help.

I was about to go to the mouth of the well to have a look, when I suddenly noticed a breath approaching, and soon Chen Anbang also noticed it, so we immediately hid behind the Dragon King statue not far away.

After a while, two people walked into the temple, but they were not from Longjing Village. To my surprise, they were two of the contestants.

One of them was the skinny man who Chen Anbang reminded me to pay attention to.

The other man said to the thin man: "Brother Ma, you really hit the spot. Now that the Dragon King Temple is at its weakest defense, I guess the villagers never thought that we dared to come and take a peek."

It seems that these two people have the same idea as us, and they also want to come and find out.

The two of them quickly reached the mouth of the well, the skinny man lit a torch, and said to the other man, "Is there any water under the well?"

The man immediately poked his head into the well, but unexpectedly, the thin man pushed him into the well suddenly.

One person does not enter the temple, and two people do not look at the well.The bloody case just happened before my eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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