Chapter 231
Liu Bowen broke out in a cold sweat when he thought that the emperor of the ages might be reborn in the current dynasty.

Although as an ancient person, he had a natural awe of Zulong Yingzheng, after all, he was the one who ruled the world and changed the situation in Yanxia in one fell swoop, so once a normal person encounters Zulong, I am afraid that he will really bow his head and worship him like a god.

But Liu Bowen is the national teacher of the dynasty. If Zulong is really reborn, he will overthrow his own king Zhu Yuanzhang. How can Liu Bowen allow such a thing to happen?
For a while, Liu Bowen was very anxious. If Zulong was really reborn, it meant that he must have carried out many plans back then. Thinking of the wild history records that Zulong once built an invincible ghost soldier, Liu Bowen became more and more uneasy.

Liu Bowen has confidence in letting the Daming cavalry go to the border, but if he fights against the Zulong Yin soldiers on the battlefield, there is really no chance of winning, after all, people and ghosts have different paths.

Moreover, even if the Daming iron cavalry wins in the end, it will surely ruin the lives of the people, and the people will be in dire straits. This is what Liu Bowen doesn't want to see.

At this time, Liu Bowen finally understood what the astrology of Ziwei Xingchang meant. In the mortal world, there appeared a person who was more respected than the emperor. Long Yingzheng.

Thinking of this, Liu Bowen is ready to act immediately, he must do his best to prevent this catastrophe from happening.

However, he did not immediately report to Zhu Yuanzhang, after all, it is still in the speculation stage, and he does not want to cause panic and chaos before it is confirmed.

Therefore, the most important thing at the moment is to determine whether his speculation is correct. As for how to determine, Liu Bowen already has a plan in mind.

He planned to go to the foot of Lishan Mountain and go to the Mausoleum of Zulong Emperor to see what happened.

It's not that Liu Bowen wants to enter the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. Although he is a feng shui celestial master, he still has self-knowledge. For more than 1000 years, how many people have tried to enter the Mausoleum of Zulong have died without any problems.

The most famous of them is Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu. It is said that he also led hundreds of thousands of soldiers to surround the Mausoleum of the First Emperor and wanted to dig it through. Countless strange strange birds were frightened one by one, and finally Xiang Yu had to give up.

So Liu Bowen's trip was not to enter Zulong's tomb, but to see if there were any clues nearby.

After all, if Yingzheng really wants to be reborn in Daming, then there must be some clues in his imperial mausoleum.

Even if Zulong's real body was not really buried in the imperial mausoleum, even if it was just a clothes tomb, the imperial tomb that cost so much manpower and material resources to repair must have played a vital role in Zulong's rebirth plan.

Liu Bowen quickly rushed to the Zulong Mausoleum at the foot of Lishan Mountain. He found a hidden place nearby and began to search carefully.

He watched the mountains to regulate Qi, watched the wind and water cut off, and wanted to feel the feng shui here and see if there were any obvious changes in the near future.

After several days of investigation, Liu Bowen found nothing unusual.

Just when he thought he had guessed wrong, or could not find any clues from the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, a strange scene happened.

Late that night, Liu Bowen was awakened by the sound of footsteps. He took a closer look and saw a group of people appearing in the dark nearby.

The Mausoleum of the First Emperor was considered a wilderness at that time, so it was unusual for so many people to appear suddenly, and nine out of ten they came out of the emperor's mausoleum.

So Liu Bowen secretly approached this group of people, wanting to see who they were.

And when he was able to see clearly, he was also taken aback for a moment, they were not human beings, but a group of people.

These people are lifelike, there are nearly a hundred of them.

They are like living people. Not long after they gathered together, they divided into several teams and lined up in different directions.

A group of seven, a total of more than a dozen groups, nearly a hundred people set out on the road in the dark like this.

(End of this chapter)

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