Chapter 234 Use
Zhu Laoba said that the "immortal" who came on the blue dragon turned out to be Lu San, which really exceeded my expectations.

But it's reasonable to think about it carefully. At that time, it should be the years when Lu Ban taught the carp arch game.

Lu San, the grand master conceived by the luck of the third generation, was born. At that time, he should have been to the underground ancient city and had contact with those cursed freaks.

So on the surface he represents the Luban religion, but in reality he is using the Luban religion as a cover to pursue his own desires.

As a great master of the Luban Sect, he naturally has the ability to borrow the sky and the earth to borrow all things. If he wants to pretend to be a fairy, ordinary people really can't see it.

This can be regarded as Lu Banjiao's forte. Back then, Gong Shuqi also pretended to be a Kunlun fairy and approached Zhao Kuangyin.

Although in the stories I've heard, the Lu Banjiao was deflated in the hands of the Ming royal family, so Lu San may not be able to use Liu Bowen this time.

But my heart still hangs with Zhu Laoba's narration. I really want to know what happened later, and how this incident is related to the Burial Tomb.

So I directly said to Mr. Zhu: "Mr. Zhu, don't try to fool me, I'm so anxious."

He smiled and said to me: "Don't worry, kid, I'm not afraid that you will respect Lu San as a god. Let me talk slowly about the rest of the matter."

He continued to tell me about the events of that year, and I also pricked up my ears, listening to every word.

Speaking of that night, Liu Bowen was also shocked when he saw Lu San who was stepping on the green dragon.

He hurriedly said to Lu San in a respectful voice: "I don't know which immortal is the Shangxian? It's a blessing that Liu Ji is lucky enough to see the immortal face."

From Liu Bowen's words, it can be seen that he is actually skeptical, and wants to find out who this so-called immortal is.

Lu San said coldly: "I am the fifth Tianshu Palace of the Six Star Lords of the Nandou, and so is the Star Lord Du'er."

Although the ancients had never seen immortals, they knew the priesthood of immortals well. The priests such as Sanqing and Liuyu, Sanguan Dadi, Four Heavenly Kings, Liuding Liujia, 28 Constellations, and 36 Heavenly Generals were all passed down as miraculous.

It seems that Lu San obviously came prepared, and he used the name Du'er Xingjun, which really stunned Liu Bowen.

Liu Bowen hurriedly bowed to Lu San and said, "I don't know why Du'er Xingjun is looking for me, Liu Ji?"

Lu San continued: "If you can see through Ziwei Xingchang, you will naturally understand that something big will happen in this world. You are right, the emperor who should not have appeared in this world is about to return to the world. Come change."

"This is a matter in the world that can only be solved by mortals, and it is inconvenient for me to intervene. But I don't want to see mortal beings burnt, so I see you and teach you the way to overcome the catastrophe."

Liu Bowen saluted immediately, and said, "How to solve it?"

With a wave of Lu San's hand, dozens of iron nails flew towards Liu Bowen.

These iron nails were about the thickness of a finger, two feet long, densely covered with strange spells, even Liu Bowen could hardly see the meaning of the runes.

Lu San continued to say to Liu Bowen: "This is the dragon-slaying nail. You need to find out the exact location where those ancestral dragon puppets buried themselves, and then drive these dragon-slaying nails into the ground to break the situation."

"Liu Ji, this is a matter that will last forever. I hope you handle it well. This will benefit the Ming Dynasty for generations to come, and it will also accumulate merit for you. One day you can use this merit to ascend to the fairy world."

After all, Lu San stepped on the green dragon, soared through the clouds and rode the fog, and soon disappeared into the vast night.

After Lu San disappeared, Liu Bowen breathed a sigh of relief.

For a moment, he suddenly felt like a dream, and couldn't believe that he really saw the legendary fairy.

But this was not the time for him to be emotional, he dealt with the situation in front of him, hurried back to Jinling overnight, and met Zhu Yuanzhang.

After reporting the matter to Zhu Yuanzhang, he set off immediately with several trusted apprentices.

The purpose of this trip is naturally to follow the footsteps of those ancestral dragon puppets, find those dragon veins, and destroy those star burials.

From this point of view, Liu Bowen's dragon slaying incident really happened.

However, he didn't slaughter all the dragon veins in the world, but was used by Lu San to purposely slaughter the earth dragon related to the ancestor dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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