Chapter 329
Through the connection between the changes in the light array and the changes in the surrounding seasons, I suddenly had an idea and thought of the ancient numerology, Qimen Dunjia.

The so-called numerology, as the name suggests, is a kind of alchemy based on mathematics.

This mathematical theory is not mathematical in our modern sense, but Qi Shu and mathematical theory.It is a mysterious culture based on Yin Yang and Five Elements, Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, Luoshu River Map, and Taixuan Jiazi Number.

Although the ancients did not have modern logical and sophisticated algorithms, they had wisdom unique to them. They were good at observing the sky and the earth, summarizing the laws of the operation of all things, using this to deduce the future, and evolved many magic techniques based on this.

Although these numerology techniques are not like those yin and yang techniques circulated in Xuanmen today, they can improve one's cultivation by practicing qi.In fact, it is even more subtle. Even without the help of mysterious energy, countless mystical arts can be derived, ranging from fortune-telling to fortune-telling, and as big as peering into the sky and predicting the future. It can be said to be extremely mysterious.

From this point of view, the Luban Sect's Holy Temple is indeed more orthodox than the outside Luban Sect. They emphasize that they do not touch Yin and Yang magic, but rely on the most basic nature of heaven and earth to get rid of fatigue. It is really a return to nature.

There are hundreds of numerology skills, among which the most famous are the three ancient forms, Taiyi, Liuyao and Qimen.

Qi Men is Qi Men Dun Jia. Qi Men Shu has been called the Emperor's Technique since ancient times, which shows its extraordinary qualities.

Regarding Qimen Dunjia, even ordinary people are very familiar with it, let alone Xuanmen.However, many people who don't understand often think that this is a mechanism formation, but in fact it is not the case. Qi Men Dun Jia is actually a numeracy technique and a tool for deducing all things.

As for where this Qimen Dunjia art came from, there are different opinions among Xuanmen.

The most widely circulated theory is that Qi Men Dun Jia began in Xuanyuan, the Yellow Emperor.

It is recorded in the scriptures: Xuanyuan Huangdi fought against Chiyou, Zhuolu suffered for many years, and dreamed of the gods granting him talisman. It was later translated into writing, and Dunjia Qimen began from that point on.

This passage talks about the origin of Qi Men Dun Jia, which refers to the fact that Huangdi Xuanyuan obtained Qi Men Dun Jia from Jiutian Xuannv and defeated Chi You.

Of course, it is said that Emperor Xuanyuan's Qi Men Dun Jia is extremely complicated, with a total of one thousand and eighty rounds.Later, Jiang Taigong deleted it and changed it to 72 rounds, and later Zhang Liang simplified it to [-] rounds, which is the Qimen Dunjia technique that has been passed down to this day.

Since ancient times, Qi Men Dun Jia has been quite famous in Xuanmen. Historical Feng Shui masters such as Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng, and Liu Bowen all highly praised it.

However, I don’t know since when, Qi Men Dun Jia became extremely incomplete in Xuan Sect. Over time, Qi Men Technique became famous and practical alchemy.Although it has not been lost, it has become a method used by charlatans.

I have known about Qimen Dunjia since I was a child, and have been extremely in awe of it, but I have never had a complete contact with it, and I only have a superficial understanding of it.

But at this time, in such an unknown and mysterious world, I seemed to have seen this mysterious ancient numerology by mistake.For a moment, my heart was filled with excitement.

Even if I lose the profound energy to use the art of yin and yang at this time, if I can penetrate this Qimen Dunjia, I am afraid that I can also defeat the secret here, step on the top of this world, and leave here.

Perhaps, this is the test for me, to break through the Qimen Dunjia.

So after I regained my faith, I calmed down again and carefully observed the transformation of the light arrays of those cursed objects.

Although I still don't know why they do this, I know what I should do.

If you want to see through Qimen Dunjia, the most important thing is to find 'A'.

In Qimen, there has never been armor, but armor does exist. This is the so-called "dunjia".

As long as you find 'A', the game is broken.

And when I just had this idea, I felt a sudden chill on my back, and I instantly felt like countless pairs of eyes were staring at me.

I looked at the cursed objects, and sure enough I found that they were all looking in my direction, carrying the coffins.

This was the first time I saw their faces clearly, and when I saw them clearly, my hair stood on end again.

These cursed objects are different from the ones I saw in Longjing Village. Although they have the bodies of cursed objects, they have human faces.

Soon I also saw that the coffin they were carrying was empty, and I immediately reacted.

These cursed objects with human faces are probably the previous heads of the Luban Sect’s Holy Temple!

(End of this chapter)

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