Chapter 333 Choice
Both sides are fighting to the death, and the only way to break the formation is to kill them.

After listening to Zuo Qiuming's words, I was greatly shocked.I am obviously just here to accept the test, and they are the masters of the church. The relationship between the two parties should be hand in hand. Why are they only divided into high and low, and must they be divided into life and death?

I wanted to ask the reason, but the next second the sky and the earth turned pale, the entire sky was covered by a black curtain, and there was no light.

In the endless darkness, I could hear the sound of crashing waves, roaring mountains and tsunami, which made me involuntarily tremble in my heart.

"Old Hall Master, what is the meaning of this? Even if the test begins, you must at least let me know where to enter the game?" I asked quickly.

I didn't get the slightest response, I just felt that my legs were quickly soaked by the sea water, and the sea level was rising rapidly.

At this time, the green light on the mountain appeared again, becoming the only light in this dark world.

It seems that this light array has become the only way to live. Life is death, and death is life.What Zuo Qiuming meant by entering the formation was that he wanted me to enter the light formation and enter the Qimen Dunjia.

So I immediately climbed towards the high mountain and rushed towards the light array. I knew clearly that there were tigers in the mountain, so I headed towards Tiger Mountain.

Soon I came to the side of Hall Master Jiang Manhong. Hall Master Jiang is a rather charitable old man. Even though he has become a birdman with a human face and a bird body, his kind mood still makes me feel like spring breeze.

He looked at me with compassion and said: "My child, after entering the battle, I will no longer be me, and you will no longer be you. When the time comes, don't have any mercy. You should kill them all."

It's rare to find such a cursed object willing to communicate with me, so I hurriedly said: "Palace Master Jiang, what is going on? Why do we have to become unyielding enemies?"

He sighed and said: "Don't ask any more, child, what is your name? Regardless of success or failure, let me know your name."

I solemnly said: "The Zhao family is here."

He grinned and said: "Zhao Dengtang, what a good name. I hope you can be honored in the church here."

After that, he closed his eyes and stopped paying attention to me. I had no choice but to get past him and step into the first level of the light array.

And as soon as I stepped into the light array, countless qi machines surged from me instantly.

These qi machines come from all directions, from different directions in the towering mountains, and I am like the center here, automatically carrying this majestic qi of heaven and earth.

At first, I carefully absorbed this Qi. When I found that it did not harm me, I breathed a sigh of relief and immediately circulated my Dantian to swallow up the torrent of Qi.

When I swallowed this majestic energy, I felt like my whole being was completely transformed. I couldn't help but feel proud of myself, as if I had become the master of this place and could dominate the world.

I don't know what state I am in at this time, but I know that I am definitely no longer a heavenly master, and I am even far above the heavenly master.

Could it be that this test is prepared for saints? Even if I am not a saint, I will be forcibly transformed into a saint after entering the battle?

I don’t know whether this kind of expropriation is a good thing or a bad thing for me, whether it is short-term or long-term.But no matter what, it is better than facing the test as a mortal.

Then I felt a little more confident in my heart, and my whole person became heroic.

"Qi Men Dun Jia, today I, Zhao Dengtang, will learn a lesson in this ancient magical art!" I shouted loudly to cheer myself up.

After drinking, I looked at Hall Master Jiang Manhong on the side, wanting to communicate with him my current situation and tell him that I was ready to fight.

However, when I looked at Jiang Manhong, I found that he seemed to have changed into a different person. His eyes became extremely scarlet, and he was no different from a beast.

His three-fingered bird claws also developed slender claws, which became extremely sharp and could crack the mountain soil.

"Old Hall Master, what's wrong with you?" I asked with concern.

However, he ignored me and kept opening and closing his claws on the ground. With his movements, I felt that the temperature around me was rising rapidly, and my whole body felt like I was in a sea of ​​fire.

At this time, if I use the majestic energy that I just swallowed, it will be enough to kill Jiang Manhong at this time.

But I still didn't take action after all. I judged that it should have become a part of Qimen Dunjia at this time and was no longer under my control.

So I stayed away from him and rushed towards another light array.

Coincidentally, I can feel different murderous auras in different places.

Four images, five elements, nine palaces, eight trigrams...

As expected, every hall master has become a part of Qimen Dunjia, and they are so intricate that they form different elements.

No wonder Zuo Qiuming asked me to kill them all just now. It was not a threat to me, but a reminder from him.

If I kill all these hall masters, Qimen Dunjia will no longer exist, and I will naturally break out of the situation.

It seems that Zuo Qiuming knew that I was incapable of breaking the situation, so he simply reminded me that I cannot stand without breaking. This seemingly stubborn and paranoid old man was actually prepared to die to prove his ambition.

But I won't do this, not to mention that the power I get at this time does not belong to me, and I can't guarantee whether I can kill all these cursed things.

Even if I really have such ability, I can't bear to kill myself.Because the body I am killing is not myself, but the righteous people who have been standing firm for the immortality of humanity. They do not deserve to die so unjustly.

So I have to take an honest path, which is to find the Armor of Qimen.

(End of this chapter)

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