God Seal: From an Epee Sword to Slashing the Holy Demon Continent

Chapter 127 Yang Haohan's decision, the hope of the alliance

Chapter 127 Yang Haohan's decision, the hope of the alliance
Yang Haohan's voice sounded very heavy in Qiling Valley.

Every sentence, every word, no matter which direction you look at it, you can't find any faults.

The lord of the Temple Alliance, the lord of the Knight Temple, and the owner of the throne of the God of Protection and Mercy.

The responsibilities and burdens on him have long since smoothed out the edges and corners of the thoughts of treating the enemy as weak in his heart when he was young and frivolous.

Zhengdu is on the front line of the war between humans and the demons, using the strongest strength to defeat the demon army as soon as possible, and beheading the 72 demon gods of the demons is the belief he is holding on to now.

Even if it's just a small fight with Shengyue now, even if it's a temporary sandbag for Shengyue to vent, it won't make him change his thoughts.

Just like Shengyue, she was obviously just venting, but after knowing that the object of venting was Yang Haohan, she still showed all her strength of the ninth and second ranks.

Any carelessness is enough to cause them to lose their lives on the real battlefield, and it will also cause more compatriots to die because of their mistakes.

"do not fight!"

Behind Shengyue, the dagger recovered and disappeared, and all the sharp aura on her body dissipated at this moment.

Yang Haohan's words are just to sprinkle salt on his heart, but it is an indisputable fact.

The defensive power of the Divine Throne, Yang Haohan's unshakable barrier to the human realm, is indeed something he cannot break through now.

He continued to attack, but in the end he still couldn't break through Yang Haohan's defense, and then he still brought shame on himself.

"Are you sure you don't want to fight?" Yang Haohan asked with a smile.

Shengyue rolled her eyes angrily: "Your tortoise shell is so hard, how can I beat it?"

"If I have the ability to break your tortoise shell, I'll go directly to the Demon God Emperor for a decisive battle, so why should I be angry with you here?"

Yang Haohan couldn't stop smiling, and lightly patted the armrest of the Divine Seal Throne with his palm, and the huge throne disappeared.

Standing in front of Shengyue again, he continued: "Then today's incident will be over, and you, Shengyue, don't ask us to ask us to let the Son of Light of the Knight Temple join your Assassin Temple."

"If you turn the page, you can turn it over, but you just said that I don't want to ask you to mention it. I can ask Long Haoyu, a little guy, to mention it."

Shengyue agreed: "If the little guy like Long Haoyu chooses to join our Assassin Temple in the future, then you can't blame me."

Yang Haohan couldn't help laughing, he didn't care about Shengyue's idea of ​​taking advantage of this kind of problem, and he had to save some face for Shengyue.

Shengyue understood Yang Haohan's meaning, and finally gave Long Haoyu a fierce look, grabbed Ying Suifeng's shoulder with one hand, and disappeared into Qiling Valley again as an afterimage.

Seeing Shengyue leave, the fat knight saluted Yang Haohan and followed suit: "Master, the old man will go back and continue guarding here first."


Sheng Yue and the two left, and so did the fat knight.

The huge Qiling Valley, which was just about to erupt into an earth-shattering battle, has become extremely quiet at this moment.

Yang Haohan walked up to Long Haoyu: "Son, remember what I told you just now, remember to come to me as soon as possible if you have any problems when you enter hell."

"Also, try not to use the ability given by the second path of Asura Dao when it is absolutely necessary."

"Although you can control your own consciousness, the crazy attack method is not the most advisable on the battlefield."

"We humans have struggled with the demons for 6000 years, and we have always relied on teamwork. A real madman will only decouple your team from you, and eventually lead to an irreparable tragedy."

Long Haoyu hummed, he understood Yang Haohan's meaning, the person who was tested just now was Shengyue, he can be sure that his life is not in danger, and he really needs to really test the ability of Asura Dao, otherwise he would not do that .

Yang Haohan was very satisfied with Long Haoyu's answer, his eyes suddenly became very disappointed, he opened his mouth several times to say something, but finally swallowed it back.

"Forget it, let's go back first!"

"I'll take you all out of here first!"

"When the time comes, you can go back and prepare for the Demon Hunt Squad Selection Contest!"

Yang Haohan didn't say any more, the golden brilliance enveloped all three of them, and he left towards the outside of Qiling Valley.

After taking Long Haoyu away from Qiling Valley and sending him to the hotel, he signaled Long Haoyu to go back and continue preparing for the competition.

After Long Haoyu left for a while, Han Qian asked next to Yang Haohan: "Hallmaster, did you intend to tell Haoyu the real situation of the battle between humans and demons just now?"

"That's right!" Yang Haohan replied: "Before he possesses enough power to subvert the rule of the demons, the madness of this child Haoyu is likely to make the demons completely wipe out us humans."

Han Qian's expression was very heavy, and he did not want to mention the real situation in the battlefield between humans and demons.

Yang Haohan didn't say anything in the end, perhaps because he was worried that the situation would affect Long Haoyu's growth if he said it.

Just imagine, a young knight is regarding the demons as the ultimate enemy, wishing he could kill a few more demons.

In the end, he was told that the current demons were temporarily irresistible. After the absolute belief was disturbed, the consequences could be imagined.

"Fortunately, the old man finally controlled his mouth, otherwise it would really be a big mistake."

"But I have to say that this kid Haoyu is indeed a genius."

Yang Haohan was very emotional, thinking about what happened in the Qiling Valley just now, the look of sadness was much less.

Han Qian couldn't deny it: "Haoyu is indeed a genius, but I didn't understand why Xingyu didn't bring Haoyu and his younger brother back to the alliance."

"Maybe Xingyu has his own considerations, but Xingyu didn't do it at the beginning. Now that I know about it, I can't let things continue like this."

Yang Haohan pondered for a moment, his eyes became firm and he said: "Moreover, this child Haoyu has a six-way spiritual furnace that is comparable to or even surpasses the spiritual furnace of reincarnation."

"His growth, I have to make some specific arrangements to ensure nothing goes wrong!"

Listening to Yang Haohan's words in disbelief, Han Qian seemed to understand the meaning and decision hidden in Yang Haohan's words.

"Hallmaster, are you planning to carry out what I just requested?" Han Qian asked in surprise.

Yang Haohan nodded, and said: "That's right, it's time for me to invite my brother out of the mountain. This kid Haoyu will definitely become the hope of our alliance in the future."

"Before hope grows, we can't let the flame of hope die in our hands, because none of us knows how many years the next hope will be."

"The war between humans and demons should end, and the sacrifice of countless compatriots should also stop."

(End of this chapter)

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