Chapter 331
"You're talking nonsense!" Lu He shouted angrily.

Obviously, she was in a hurry.

Luhe was lying, the day Yanfeng died, she was at the scene and tried to go in to save others.

Obviously, she knew that Yanfeng was not dead at all.

There are only two reasons for Lu He not being cursed by Yanfeng.

One, she is the only person Yanfeng doesn't want to hurt, or the only person who treats Yanfeng well.

Second, Yanfeng's curse is aimed at everyone in Longpan Town.But before casting the curse, Luhe was already dead.

According to my speculation, Luhe belongs to the latter.

Yanfeng tried to rescue the drowning Luhe, but it was too late when she came up, and then she turned into a living corpse.

In order to prevent her friend from being burned to death, Yanfeng helps Luhe conceal the fact of her death.

"is not it?"

I raised the volume and looked sharply at Luhe.

Lu He trembled suddenly, and then shed tears.

"I didn't expect things to turn out like this. I didn't expect that she wanted to kill everyone! The so-called strange disease of Yanfeng's family is narcolepsy. Because of the incident of the living dead, everyone was panicked. The mayor wanted to be safe. For the sake of reason, he asked all the dead to be burned. He...he thought that Sister Feng's family was dead, so he ordered the burning."

"They were burned alive!" My heart trembled.

"Yes! When I got the news, it was too late. I pretended to be dizzy and passed the test. After they left, I secretly sent them to Sister Feng's house. At that time, the house had already burned down. But when I entered the house, I only found Two charred corpses. It turned out that Sister Feng's parents dug a hole with their last strength, buried Sister Feng, and blocked the flames with their bodies."

Lu He broke down in tears when she said this, "They wanted to save their only daughter, but even so, Sister Feng was still roasted to death. I stole Sister Feng's body, and found another scorched corpse and put it in to pass the test. Past the mayor."

Immediately, I was furious.

"Didn't they call for help when they were burned?"

"Called! Called! But the mayor thinks that this is a dead body, and a living corpse will struggle and beg for mercy." Lu He sniffed, "I never thought that my good intentions would turn into helping the evil. Sister Feng became Evil spirit, put a curse on the people in the town, curse them to live blindly, and die blindly! I don’t want to bring harm to the innocent, that’s why I asked you to leave!”

"Where is Yanfeng's body now?"

Before Lu He could reply, there was a rustling sound outside.

Looking for the reputation, I saw the boundary sign.

A crack spread from the root of the boundary card to the top.

Then there was only a 'click' sound, and it split open.

And a bunch of hair gushes out from the crack.

More and more, until a head is exposed.

When I was stunned, a hand suddenly put on my shoulder from behind.

When I grabbed it subconsciously and threw it hard, the woman in the tombstone fell in front of me.

With a 'click' sound, the head that was close to the ground was lifted violently, revealing Yanfeng's ferocious face.

She looked at me with the corners of her mouth cracked open, and with a 'vomit' sound, countless eyeballs gushed out of her throat.

After those eyeballs landed, tentacles grew out one after another, wriggling like an octopus, rolling towards me.

"You can't close your eyes when you live, and you can't sleep with your eyes when you die! You, like them, have to die!"

Accompanied by Yanfeng's angry cry, the eyeballs hissed.

Rolling to my feet, the tentacles slammed into my ankles.

Accompanied by a sting, they desperately drilled into my flesh.


(End of this chapter)

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