Wrong marriage at night: the princess has yin and yang pupils

Chapter 336 Feeding paper dolls with blood

Chapter 336 Feeding paper dolls with blood
Yanfeng was instantly torn apart.

After the body melted, a ball of light condensed into a ball, and finally fell into my palm.

My intuition told me that this was her last breath.

Fortunately, it is an evil spirit, the light of the last breath shines brighter than that of ordinary spirits.

But why do I have this ability?

Could it be given to me by evil spirits?
He told me in consciousness that I don't need to ask for what I want, I can just take it away.

But the price of taking it away directly is to make the evil spirit disappear.

Looking at the place where Yanfeng disappeared, I didn't have the slightest pity.

She deserved to die, didn't she?
"Luhe, why are you here? I..."

Suddenly, a villager ran towards us.

But before he finished speaking, he fell straight on the ground and snored harshly.

Seeing this, Lu He suddenly widened his eyes.

"He fell asleep!"

When we arrived in the town, we found that the residents were lying in various positions on the ground, in the field, and even on the table.

It seemed that they fell asleep very hastily.

After Luhe and I settled them down, we walked to the only intersection leading to the town.

I lifted my foot and easily crossed the boundary sign.

"Yanfeng is dead, and the curse is gone!" Lu He looked at me with a complicated expression on her face. "you can go now."

"What about you?" I asked.

"I...don't know!" Lu He lowered her gaze.

"Come with me!" I said decisively, "Your identity as a living corpse will be discovered sooner or later, and there is no guarantee that they will not burn you to death."

"Is it okay? I... I'm just a living corpse!"

"I'm not human either!" I said lightly.

If I were a human being, how could I tear the evil spirits apart?


Longpan Town was getting farther and farther away from us. When we arrived at a lively market, I opened a guest room and took out paper figurines.

After the paper figurine took shape, I was shocked.

At this moment, Qiqi is as skinny as a stick.

It looked like a skeleton wrapped in dry skin.

The only charm is her protruding abdomen.

"Qiqi, haven't you returned to the palace?" I asked hastily.

"Master, I'm going back! Nanny Li and Sister Qiao'er have prepared all kinds of expensive nutritious food for me. I've eaten a lot and I'm feeling better."

She was clearly exhausted and died!
Without any explanation, I directly dragged Qiqi to a medical center.

When I saw the doctor, I said bluntly that I was going to slip a tire.

But Qiqi desperately clutched her stomach.

"Master, Qiqi didn't lie to you, Qiqi is fine! Qiqi can't slip!"

"You can't help it!" I looked at the doctor resolutely, "Doctor, please operate immediately!"

The middle-aged female doctor squinted her eyes and looked Qi Qi up and down, then shook her head.

"She's exhausted to such an extent, if she directly aborts the fetus, her name will be taken instead!"

"Then what should I do? She will die sooner or later!"

"There is a way, let's try it." The female doctor frowned, "When a person can't absorb nutrients, he can use the blood of close relatives who can blend, so that nutrition can be maintained. But this method, I only tried it on livestock, this method People haven't..."

Before the doctor could speak to me, I picked up the knife on the counter.

After separating his wrists, he rushed directly to Qiqi.

Lu He understood, directly restrained Qiqi and squeezed her mouth open.

And I poured blood into it.

As Qiqi swallowed, blood spread across her cheeks at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye.

Her shriveled flesh also had a little elasticity.

It really works!

As long as I feed Qiqi with blood until she gives birth, she will not be exhausted and die.


(End of this chapter)

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