Chapter 452 Trapped in a Box

I grabbed the bronze mirror and saw that my pupils in the mirror were as big as pinpoints.

I... was infected!
"Why did this happen? Why?" Su Qiaoer covered her mouth with tears streaming down her face, "Let me go!"

"Miss Dugu has become like this, it may mean that the infection does not distinguish between men and women, and you will be the next infected person in the past!" Lu Pianpian growled, "At this time, don't make trouble!"

"No! Sister! Sister..."

"Take them out of here!" I said decisively to Meng Shishi.

"But you..."

"You old man, have you also learned how to be a mother-in-law?" I said shortly, "I will be fine! Because only after death can the spread continue, and I... will not die!"

"Why don't you die? Who are you?"

When Meng Shishi came here with a muffled voice, he turned around and opened the door, and led Wu Zuo and others out quickly and orderly.

"Don't drag me, I just have a few words with my sister!"

Hearing what Su Qiaoer said, Lu Pianbian pulled her to stop a foot away from me.

"Sister!" Qiao'er sniffed, "You have to protect yourself! Whether you are immortal or not, I am afraid that you will leave me! If something happens to you, there will be another tombstone next to your grave. It will have my name, Su Qiaoer written on it!"

"Oh my god! If you're so infatuated again, I'll stand on your side! It's okay, she'll be fine!"

Lu just said some weird words, and dragged Qiaoer away.


After everyone left, I held up the bronze mirror.

The self in the mirror has skin better than snow.

The lips are bright red, like a red plum blossoming in the snow.

Only the pinpoint-sized pupils made me look extremely weird.

It looked terrifying.

This, I realized, was yet another trap.

Cangxuan set a trap for me to awaken the ancient evil spirits.

As soon as I thought of this, my face in the mirror suddenly became blurred.

When it became clear again, a dry hand suddenly protruded from my left shoulder.

The sharp black nails trembled and lightly tapped my shoulder.

I can vaguely see the dirt between the nails.

Like mud mixed with red paint, or like rotten meat wrapped in blood.

The stench came from the side of the face to the nasal cavity.

Just when I frowned slightly, the hand suddenly turned around and stroked my neck.

Another hand poked out from the hair on the top of my head as it came up to my cheek.

With sharp nails, combed from top to bottom without delay.

Among them, the right hand lost a hand bone.

Judging by the shape of the hand, this evil spirit should be a woman.

Moreover, the Yin power is extremely powerful.

I forcibly suppressed the restlessness in my heart, and I didn't dare to let myself get angry, for fear of using the power.

The evil spirit didn't do anything excessive, it just combed my hair with its fingers.

Combing and combing, a dressing table actually appeared in the mirror.

And I was sitting in front of the dresser.

How could this be?
What is this evil spirit trying to remind me of?Or are you trying to lure me into an illusion?
Just thinking about this, the dressing table suddenly collapsed.

I subconsciously got up and hid back, but I staggered back.

Then, he fell heavily.

Then, the light on all sides was suddenly blocked by wooden boards that appeared out of thin air.

Just when I raised my head and was about to get up, a thick wooden board fell down with a bang.

In an instant, all light was covered.

I stretched out my hand and felt a piece of stickiness.

At this moment, the surrounding area was actually sealed.

It feels like a box!
Suddenly, there was a strong smell of blood in the surrounding area.


(End of this chapter)

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