Chapter 463
The man gently pulled the ice out, stretched out his hand and squeezed her face. "Come on, let me play games with you!"

Originally, it seemed that it should be a picture of a loving father and son being filial and happy.

But on Xiaobing's light face, there was a look of fear.

She kept struggling, pushing and shoving the man with her small hands.

"No! I don't want to play games!"

Xiaobing's light words made my heart skip a beat.

Why is she so resistant?

Is it different from the happy family happiness I imagined?
Just as he was surprised, the man acted strangely.

At this moment, I was suddenly startled.

The so-called game in his mouth is not right at all!
"No! No!"

Xiaobing shook her head vigorously, opened her mouth and bit the man's arm.

The man let out a cry of pain, and slapped him, and Xiaobing fell off his knee in an instant.

At the same time, the door opened.

The woman who carried Xiaobingqing back earlier held the door and looked in.

"What's wrong?" the woman asked.

"Bear girls, stay out of it!!"

The man said this harshly, pushed the woman away and walked out.

When the man walked away, the woman looked at Xiao Bingqing. "He hit you?"

Xiaobing lightly covered her swollen face, tears in her eyes and did not speak.

"Hold it, he hit me too, I'm used to it! Later, I'll boil an egg for you!"

After speaking, the woman left as if nothing had happened.

"Beast!" Yue Min spat.

And I walked up to Xiaobingqing and squatted down gently.

Xiaobing trembled lightly, her big eyes filled with panic.

In the eyes, there is no innocence that should belong to this age.

"I want a hug!"

Just when I was feeling distressed, Xiaobing suddenly looked at me and spoke.

I froze for a moment, turned my head and looked around.

In the end, it was determined that this sentence was meant for me.

Before I could react, Xiaobing got up lightly and threw herself into my arms.

Hooked my neck and sobbed softly.

She... can see me?
"The old man in the village said that every child is protected by a fairy mother, and only this child can see this fairy mother." Xiaobing said this lightly, and met my gaze. "You smell, I smelled it when I was a child. You are my fairy mother, right?"

Xiaobing's childish and yearning tone immediately brought tears to my eyes.

As a human being, I cannot easily destroy a child's dream.

"Yes!" I nodded slightly.

Hearing what I said, Xiaobing lightly hugged me tightly again.

"Mother Fairy, I'm so scared! I don't want Daddy to hug me, and I don't want him to play games with me! He..."

"say no more!"

Before Xiaobingqing could finish speaking, I interrupted briefly.

This man is just like what Yue Min said, he is a beast at all!

He treats Bing lightly, not the friendship between father and daughter at all.

Originally thought that being carried away by someone would be better than freezing to death in the snow.

But I never thought that Xiaobingqing escaped death and fell into the wolf's den!

"Kill him! Kill him!" Yue Min next to him gritted his teeth angrily.

"Bingqing, do you listen to what the fairy lady says?"

"Yeah!" Xiaobing nodded slightly.

"Tell your mother about this, immediately!"

"But, I dare not!" Bing shook his head lightly, "I dare not!"

"Am I still your fairy mother?" I grabbed Bingqing's shoulder.

"Yes! I like the fairy lady, the fairy lady treats me well." Bing nodded lightly, "but dad said..."

"Don't call him father! Now you obediently go to your mother and tell her everything you feel uncomfortable from beginning to end, and she will definitely find a way to protect you!"


"Yes! Because you called her mother!"


Xiaobing said timidly, "But dad said this is a game between the two of us, it's a little secret between us, you can't tell the third person!"

Children have no defense against their parents!
Their cognition is given by their parents.

Right or wrong, can't tell at all.

"Then tell me, do you like this game?"

"I don't like it! I don't feel well!" Xiaobing shook her head lightly.

"I heard the fairy lady tell you that the reason people wear clothes is to cover up their shyness. If someone touches the shameful place or makes you feel uncomfortable, you must resolutely refuse to seek protection! Now, immediately Tell your mother!"

"Okay!" Xiaobing nodded heavily, "No one has ever told me this before, thank you fairy mother, I will go find my mother right now!"

After Xiaobing walked away, Yuemin's serious face came into my sight.

"Her mother is so cowardly that she can't even protect herself. Are you sure she can protect this child?" Yue Min lowered her voice when she said this. "How about, kill this beast! Although this dimension has already happened, but you are an ancient evil spirit, and you must have a way to reverse it!"

"Is this the real purpose of you following me?" I sneered.

"This is not my goal, but Cangxuan's goal. For him, I can only force myself to do things I don't want to do."

Having said this, Yue Min turned to look at the door. "Do you think that woman will be furious when she knows this?"

After thinking about it, I walked over.

The moment he stretched out his hand to push the door, the door suddenly dissipated into smoke.

Then, I saw the woman's indifferent face.

She stood upright, looking at Xiao Bingqing with lowered eyelids.

And Xiao Bingqing was trying to stand on tiptoe in order to meet the woman's gaze.

"Mother, I..."

"I will tell your father." The woman interrupted Xiao Bing's light words, "You must not tell others about this, otherwise your father will not give you food! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Xiao Bing nodded cautiously, "Mother, the bastard in the village said that I was a wild child. He said, I picked it up! Is it true?"

"Erd is so skinny, he can tell lies, you can't believe his words! If you weren't my own, why would I raise you? With that money, I might as well raise pigs!"

As the woman spoke, she took out an egg and handed it to Xiaobingqing. "Children from other families only get sick, but they only have eggs to eat!"

Xiaobing took it with both hands lightly, showing a bright smile.

Seeing the woman turn around immediately, I followed immediately.

The woman searched around the side house and the yard, but did not find the man.

Finally, in a cornfield, I found the man who was pulling up his pants.

Another middle-aged woman with disheveled hair was buttoning her buttons carelessly.

"Widow Zhao, how dare you mess with my man!"

The woman yelled and rushed over.

But before Widow Zhao could touch a hair, she was slapped on the ground by the man.

"It's because you can't see a man! A hen that can't lay eggs!"

Widow Zhao spat hard, turned her hips and walked away.

"Lin Dagang, you are really worthy of me!"

"Blame me?" The man blushed angrily, "You are as dry as a salted fish, and you won't let me touch that little girl. I don't want to find other women. Why don't you go to brothels? Those in brothels , But they want money! Give them the money, and you eat shit?"

"You bastard! Bingqing is only nine years old! How can you do it?"


(End of this chapter)

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