Chapter 64
Before I had time to escape, I was directly thrown down.

Staggering back, his right hand touched some sharp point.

In an instant, blood flowed profusely.

The smell of blood seemed to arouse the beast's desire.

It growled and pressed hard against me.

The strong smell of stench and urine poured into my breath.

I put my foot up against the beast's belly, trying to put distance between us.

He raised his head and looked at Duguhan.

But Duguhan lying on the ground is really like a dead person, motionless.

Does this guy want to watch me get eaten?
What good would it do him to die?
and many more!

That's right, what good is it to Duguhan to leave him alone?
I'm dead, and so is he.

Duguhan can cut meat to feed me, but it is impossible for me to die.

Even though he wished that I would die sooner than later, but according to his incomparable character, he would do it himself!

The reason why he ignored it was unless he saw something.

The barbarians and the Central Plains are deadly enemies, and they hate Duguhan even more.

Don't whip the corpse, don't cut him into pieces, but put his 'corpse' alone with me, a suspicious Central Plains man.

It looks a little out of the ordinary.

Thinking of this, I swallowed the cry for help that was about to pour out of my throat.

This time, I'm on my own.

The most vulnerable parts of a beast are the eyes, muzzle and nose.

I have to strike first before it bites my throat.

Looking at the dangling iron chain, I grabbed it and wrapped it around my wrist.

The other hand hits the face directly.

But before he touched the eyes of the beast, his right hand was suddenly grabbed.

Then the beast gasped for breath, put its head close to my hand and sniffed vigorously.

The roar of the previous attack suddenly turned into a whimper.

Just when I was surprised, the beast suddenly groped in my arms.

Soon, he took out a handkerchief.

When I glimpsed the word 'forbearance' in the corner of the handkerchief from the corner of my eye, my heartbeat suddenly became messy.

This handkerchief is mine!

The beast whimpered, and awkwardly wrapped my hand with a veil.

Then, he touched the faded tooth marks with his sharp claws, then took a step back carefully and sat down.

It tilted its head and stared at me, and accidentally touched the broken chain, which caused a clatter.

I didn't react, I shivered subconsciously.

It hastily backed up and backed away, until it was firmly against the opposite railing, and then it stopped.

That cautious look, as if afraid of scaring me!
It's it!

Do not!
It's him!

It was the beast that was once imprisoned in the magistrate's mansion and released by me.

Duguhan learned through the tooth marks that he is actually a human being!
Suddenly, I remembered the black shadow that broke through the wolves that night.

It was him!

To calm down, I squatted down and approached slowly.

When it was close at hand, the beast raised its claws as if startled.

Caught off guard, I was shot and fell to the ground.

The beast seemed to have recovered, and hurried to me.

He gently rubbed against me with his head covered by black fur.

Sobs, as if apologizing.

Boldly, I reached for his face.

Because he was afraid of being bitten, he gritted his teeth and approached him very slowly.

When it was about to touch, the beast handed over its head and pressed it against my palm.

He is so docile!

Seeing the beast cat snoring like a wild cat, I carefully brushed away the hair.

A dirty but sharp-edged face came into my sight.

The beast is indeed a man!

"A high priest with the power of Sirius can tame the most ferocious beast!"

Suddenly, Tuobahan's voice came from behind.


(End of this chapter)

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