Chapter 650 24 Types of Bone Soup

Jin Ling stared at Ding Guobang, tears streaming down her face.

"When she was pregnant with her second child, she viciously cursed that your Ding family will have no children and grandchildren, and your Ding Guobang will die without a son!"

"What?" Ding Guobang was stunned.

"At that time, I only thought that Caiwei was afraid that the newborn child would distract us from our love for her, which was childish. So I tried my best to treat her well! Even if she pushed me when I was five months pregnant I considered it unintentional that I slipped a tire when I went downstairs, and I didn't tell you!"

"The second miscarriage was caused by Caiwei?" Ding Guobang's eyes widened.

"Not only the second child, but also the third child!"

When Jin Ling said this, she took a deep breath to ease her excitement.

After a long time, he wiped away his tears with his sleeve.

"After my second miscarriage, I was on guard. I checked the medicinal residues and found a lot of saffron in it! Not only that, there was also musk in the purse that Caiwei gave me! Didn't you realize that she liked to feed me very much during that time Hawthorn and longan? I asked the doctor, and he said that eating too much hawthorn and longan can cause uterine contraction and increase the possibility of miscarriage!"

"How... how is it possible..."

Ding Guobang's eyes were confused, and his gauze-wrapped hands shook even more violently.

"Give me the corpse!" Xiao Lie, who had been silent all this time, said.

Ding Guobang froze for a moment, then handed over the baby's body.

Xiao Lie took it, picked up the sword and pierced his chest.

Then, quickly pull it out.

"What are you doing?" Ding Guobang exclaimed.

"Autopsy!" Xiao Lie said in a deep voice, "the skin is cyanotic and has bleeding spots, which is a symptom of suffocation. Just pierced his lungs, but no amniotic fluid overflowed, which proves that the amniotic fluid did not choke him to death. Then the blood around his mouth and nose The bruises are enough to prove that he was strangled to death."

"It's Caiwei!" Jin Ling burst into tears, "When Miss Xingchen delivered my baby, she said that she was alive and not alive. This child won't survive!"

I nodded heavily, indicating that it was true.

Ding Guobang staggered backwards and sat down on the chair.

"You...why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because she was conceived by me in October, and because I believe that human nature is inherently good!"

"I will definitely investigate this matter!" Ding Guobang protested.

"It's not good! Someone fell into the water!"

Before Jin Ling could speak, a scream came from outside.


It was Caiwei who fell into the water.

This accident shifted everyone's attention to her.

After leaving Ding's house, Xiao Lie held my shoulder and looked up and down.

After a long time, his eyebrows and eyes were bright. "Can you stand?"

"Yeah!" I nodded vigorously, "Not only can I stand, but I can also run and jump!"

Saying that, I jumped up all of a sudden.

Before my feet hit the ground, I was caught by Xiao Lie.

"My queen mother, be careful!" Xiao Lie took a breath of air, "He jumped up and down before he was fully recovered, and the little minister who jumped was terrified."

"I just want to prove that I'm okay!" I cover my mouth and chuckle.

"There's no need to prove it! This minister believes everything the Queen Mother says!" Having said that, Xiao Lie put his hand into his bosom. "Guess what delicious food I brought you?"

"Osmanthus cake? Croissant?"


Xiao Lie lifted off his outer shirt, revealing the mini earthen jars that were full of hanging.

It was still hot to the touch.

I casually took one off, opened it and poured it into my mouth, and it turned out to be an incomparably delicious soup.

"To supplement the shape with the shape, there are 24 types of bone soup inside."

"Which market can buy so many?"

"Weichen did it himself!"


(End of this chapter)

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