Chapter 721

The skin on the woman's face was cracking piece by piece.

She opened and closed her mouth towards us, as if it was the last stubbornness.

I walked over with the water bag, opened the plug, handed it to her and shook it.

"Give me all things!"

"Impossible!" The woman's voice was so hoarse that she could hardly hear it.

"If a person is deprived of water, he can live for three or four days. But if a plant is deprived of water, it will soon wither and die. Think about the consequences!"

Speaking of which, I deliberately poured water half a foot away from her, sat next to the horse, and used the horse's shadow to shade myself.

"Did you steal Wanwusheng?" Duguhan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked, "Otherwise, how could you grow your brain and become smarter?"


Naturally, this girl is not an ordinary person born at the junction of yin and yang. It would be useless to be rough on her, so only by finding her weakness can I pry her mouth open.

She is obviously a plant, and what plants are most afraid of is lack of water.

"Too lazy to talk to you!" I resentfully said.

"Are you crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?" Dugu said coldly.

"You should be thankful for not taking revenge on you!" I choked.

"Believe it or not, this king knocked your skull off?" Duguhan suddenly changed his tone when he said this. "Forget it! Knock it open and it's empty, isn't it a waste of effort?"

"The reason why I don't have a brain is because I'm afraid that someone like you will infect me with brain damage!"

I immediately became angry, pointing at Duguhan and yelling.


"damn thing!"


"stop fighting!"

Just when Duguhan and I were quarreling, the woman suddenly stretched out her dry hand.

"Please kill me! Don't torture me physically, but stimulate me mentally! Give me water!"

"Give me all living things!" I held up the water bag.

"Give me water first!"

"Give me everything first!" I frowned displeased.

At this time, Duguhan poked his head over. "You'd better give it to her, she has no brains!"

This sentence successfully aroused my anger.

Just about to get angry, the woman tore open her chest.

I saw that her ribs were deformed and wrapped together, and there was a faint light flickering inside.

The woman tapped lightly, and the ribs automatically separated into a normal shape.

A heart-shaped fruit stands out.

The woman took it out with trembling hands, held it in front of me.

"My heart is your heart?" I asked hastily, "Would you die without it?"

"If you don't give me water, I will die now!" the woman roared.

So I gratefully took Wanwusheng, opened the water bag and handed it over.

The woman lifted it up and poured it vigorously, her chapped face became hydrated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And I walked quickly to Duguhan.

"Eat it!"

"Don't eat!" Duguhan turned his face away.

"Hurry up! Take advantage of the freshness" I was in a hurry, "Xiao Lie needs it to see the light again!"

"Whether that trash can see it has anything to do with this king? This king doesn't need to..."

Before Duguhan could say anything, I raised my foot and kicked Duguhan's crotch.

When he bent over and screamed in pain, he stuffed it directly into his mouth.

I didn't let go until I saw Duguhan's throat rolling up and down.

But as soon as I opened the distance, a rhizome emerged from the yellow sand, wrapped around my feet, and threw me upside down into the air.

"I've practiced for more than [-] years to give birth to all creatures, but now you have eaten them! None of you can leave here alive today!"

When the woman roared to this point, countless barbed tendrils pulled out from the yellow sand.


(End of this chapter)

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