Chapter 123 Out of Qishan (3.5K)

"Ma Chao and other people, how can the eldest brother be able to persuade them with a few words in a letter?"

But Zhang Fei just said that, and everyone knew why the lord sighed.

General Fubo, Xinxihou Mayuan, meritorious service to the founding of the country, the pillar of the great man.

He fought for a lifetime, broke Longqiang in the west, Jiaozhi in the south, and Wuhuan in the north. He died of illness on the battlefield, shrouded in horse leather.

How did such a brilliant Fufeng Ma family become like this in this generation?

Liu Bei beckoned Ma Di who was standing outside to come in and said:

"Now that you know it, it's time to remind you. After all, Ma Chao has the merit of defending the land of Han."

This is why Liu Bei finally agreed to Pang Tong's risky plan when he returned to Zigui:
The chaos of the Five Hus in the light curtain of later generations always weighs heavily on my heart, Han'er's blood has been shed enough.

Ma Di came in from outside the door, his skin was quite tanned, and he looked like a traveler, obviously he came back with Liu Bei.

He bowed his hands cautiously to everyone, and smiled when he saw his brother, showing two rows of white teeth.

Ma Liang shuddered, but in the end he could only try his best to smile at his younger brother.

Kong Ming didn't care about Ma Di, and stated the information he got:

"Judging from the information from Yongliang now, Ma Chao can hold his breath."

"It was not until the end of March that Han Sui raised his troops against Cao Cao that Ma Chao raised his troops to respond. Now Han Sui's troops have gathered [-] troops at Tongguan, Weihe River, and set up camps to wait for Cao's army."

"Now I can't wait." This is Kong Ming's opinion: "I can only wait and see."

Looking at the strength of the two sides, Jiang Wan felt a little worried:

"If Han Sui surrendered Cao Cao..."

"Impossible!" Before Jiang Wan finished speaking, Liu Bei shook his head:

"Han Wenyue is famous in Liangzhou for his power and tactics. He has ruled the roost with his troops for 30 years. How can he bow his head and be a dog for Cao thief?"

"Even if he surrenders, An Neng retains his military power by means of Cao's bandits? This is nothing more than waiting for death!"

Therefore, Liu Bei concluded:
"The armies of Guanzhong are now united with [-] soldiers, and among the leading generals, the least likely to surrender to Cao is Han Wenyue!"

In Jingzhou at the end of April, anti-heat was already rising, Jian Yong shook his fan and said:
"It's just that when Cao Jun's soldiers arrive, they will definitely make a fuss about Ma Teng. I only hope that he can avoid the disaster of extermination."

It can only be like this, after all, as Kong Ming said, it is really beyond the reach of the whip.

After the matter was put down, Liu Beifu praised Kong Ming and Jiang Wan again:

"Returning from Jiangzhou, the people who are plowing in the spring this year will all receive the favor of the field envoy set up by Kong Ming!"

"When the farmland is harvested, I will definitely thank Gongyan Shuilifang for the benefits!"

The two hurriedly shook their heads and said they didn't dare.

In the end, Liu Bei also confessed to Ma Liang and Jiang Wan:

"Shi Yuan said that it would be good for Light Curtain to leave a brief record with him this time, and requested that those compliments on Kong Ming be deleted."

Ma Liang and Jiang Wan all laughed.

"Young Chang, just sit next to your brother." Liu Bei instructed.

Now Zilong Pangtong is sitting in Yizhou and can't come back, because Cao Wei will not come to support the Xiangfan battlefield for a short time because of the chaos in Guanzhong, so the old man Huang Zhong can finally come back to rest.

Liu Bei sat at the head, and on his right were his second and third brothers, Huang Zhong and Wei Yan.

The seats on the left are full:
Zhuge Liang, who is usually a little nervous while shaking his feather fan, and Huang Yueying, who is still frowning and drawing.

Ma Liang and Jiang Wan were already flexing their wrists, while Ma Di was sitting behind with a curious expression on his face, not knowing what was going on.

Jian Yong talked and laughed with Mi Zhu with a relaxed face, talking about Yizhou.

Sensing Liu Bei's gaze, Jian Yong raised his head and said with a smile:
"My lord, according to what the light curtain said earlier, Tianshui has sent back news."

Kong Ming also raised his ears, but unfortunately it didn't go so smoothly.

"The Jiang surname is one of the four surnames in Tianshui, and there are many people in the clan; and according to the calculation of the Light Curtain China Zuo, Jiang Wei may still be a child now. I have sent people to pretend to be shopkeepers and inquire carefully in Tianshui. It will take time."

Liu Bei nodded: "Xianhe has worked hard."

Afterwards, Ma Su saw civil servants and military generals relaxing or whispering, and even the head of the lord above him began to shake little by little, as if he was too tired and had already started to doze off.

What is this doing?Ma Di was very confused. At this time, shouldn't it be the civil servants who conspired, the generals asked for a battle, and the lord finally decided on the plan for Yizhou?
Ma Su lightly tugged on his elder brother Ma Liang's sleeve, but was slapped by Ma Liang in the end:

"Don't be impatient."

Sit well, sit well, Ma Di sat well, and when he looked up, he saw that there seemed to be an invisible hand pulling a hole in the middle of the hall, and he couldn't help but exclaimed:
"Ah! What is this!"

Liu Bei was startled awake, looked up and stretched behind the light curtain: "It's finally here!"

Then Ma Su saw that everyone in the hall was not surprised by the things in mid-air, and even a few people looked at him with an inexplicable smile on their faces.

"Shut up, read more, listen more, remember more, don't speak!" Ma Liang explained again.

Ma Liang felt that he had done his best to his younger brother.

In Ma Su's sight, the hole in the air that seemed to be torn open by hand became smooth, and then complex and pleasant music played, and words began to appear on the hole.

Although it is different from the words I usually write and read, but I can understand the meaning of Ma Di at a glance.

What's this?Why are the lord and brother not surprised by this?Could it be...

At this time, Ma Di thought of this mysterious side hall when he first worked as a concierge for the military division. At that time, he thought it was the real core council.

But now it seems that it even contains a shocking secret!

[Hello everyone, this is Wen Mang, Zhang Yu's UP master, today's key word is: Get out of Qishan! 】

〖I, Cao, came out after a long wait!

Unexpectedly, UP came here from Yiling to Zhishu, and Cao Pi was really skipped?

What can Cao Pi say?The only one who can be a hero is Yiling who is forced to miss by himself. He beat Jiangdong three times, and it is the first time he sees someone who can give Brother Shiwan a record.

The experience package of the experience package belongs to it, it is unexpected.

What are you talking about, Cao Pi, come to cry for the prime minister, and die before leaving the teacher, it will make the hero burst into tears!
The high-speed rail takes one hour, and the prime minister lives for the rest of his life. It is too difficult for one book to deal with three economic books!

I just learned today that maybe it was to commemorate the prime minister, the fare from Chengdu to Xi’an is 263, because Ji Han died at 263.

I am Cao, I am preparing for the exam, and the ministers are trying to study hard, so why update Zhang Yu! ?

Hey, actually looking back at the history, the prime minister can’t get out of it at this time, maybe the state of Wei divided the Eastern Wei and the Western Wei, but the prime minister hit him, pinch it, and the internal conflicts of the state of Wei were directly transferred out!

To be honest, Wei Yan changed his name to Zhuge Yan, and it was all under the protection of the prime minister until the end of the Northern Expedition. As a result, the prime minister was chopped off as soon as he died.

When you say it is true, the prime minister treats Liu Chan, Wei Yan, and Ma Di as his own children, but who is there?
It hurts my heart, but I am a medical student, and the teacher talked about it before, saying that the prime minister may have had a son at the age of 46 and had no time to take care of it because he was too tired to have sperm.

It makes sense, the modern social animal 996 can already lead to a decrease in sperm activity, the prime minister's cooking method will only be worse than 996.

It’s not that medical students can’t talk about it, but I saw the UP owner talking about Huang Quan before, so I checked it myself. According to the records of Wei Guo, this group of people brought Huang Quan to a total of 43 people who were named lieutenants, ranging from officials to generals. There are hundreds of people, which shows the quality of this batch of Ji Han talents.

I, Cao, want to vomit blood even more... Uncle Huang committed a crime, he opened a military academy like Chang Kaishen, right?There are so many talents in total, half of them are sent to Jiangdong and the other half are sent to Cao Wei, and none of them are left behind. 〗

Liu Bei pressed his temple: Don't talk about it, I already want to vomit blood now.

During the three-month expedition, whether it was going west or returning east, Liu Bei was always moved when he crossed the Yiling Road.

Ma Su and Ma Zhong didn't understand why their lord sighed, but only Liu Bei knew. He saw himself with gray hair and a sad face.

That self put all his net worth for more than sixty years, and then lost nothing.

But fortunately, Liu Bei comforted himself: at least Huang Quan and the others had no worries about their lives and were not treated badly, which is already the best ending.

For the first time, Kong Ming felt a little feverish on his face:
The younger generations of this future generation are so unrestrained in their words?It's fine to care about his posthumous name, but why do you even care about this matter...?

He Zhuge Kongming has read many books, and he has also read the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, so he can guess what the light curtain is talking about!
Considering that the military division and the young couple are all here, everyone can only ignore this paragraph.

Many people turned their attention to Wei Yan: The military division treats him like his own son!
Zhang Fei didn't think it was a big deal when he watched the excitement. He looked at Wei Yan, who was blushing, and then at his second brother. He shook his head and said:

"Like, very similar."

Then look at Yushu Linfeng's slightly younger military division,

Take a closer look at Wei Yan, who looks older because of his long battles,
Zhang Fei continued to shake his head:

"Strange, too weird."

Wei Yan simply closed his eyes, while Guan Yu was very kind:
"Third brother, go to Jiangling City with me to have a rest tonight. After you rest, you can come back to Linju tomorrow."

Ma Di also saw his name, and looked down at his elder brother.

"Look more and talk less, don't think too much." Ma Liang patted his younger brother on the shoulder and comforted him.

Ma Di regained his composure, and then took a peek at the heroic military adviser, and couldn't help thinking wildly:
This light curtain is to worship the godfather himself?
[In 225, the prime minister established Nanzhong, which completely solved the worries of the Northern Expedition.

In the same year, Jiang Yiyi, who once believed in quitting Sun Quan, wrote "Three States" to persuade Cao Pi not to send troops, but the subsequent plot is basically a historical reenactment.

"The emperor didn't listen", and returned without success, which was regarded as the last wave of prestige for King Wu of Wei, because Cao Pi was about to die of illness the next year.

Cao Wei was defeated one after another, and the monarch was dead. The prime minister thought about it: the Northern Expedition is ready!
Sun Quan also thought about it, he could take the opportunity to attack Jiangxia Xiangyang, and then returned in a big defeat, achieving the name of Wen Sleeping, this will be discussed later when there is a chance.

In short, the prime minister has always sought stability in his work. In 226, he decided to make the Northern Expedition. In 227, he gathered troops in Hanzhong. In the spring of 228, he officially sent troops, which caught Cao Wei by surprise. 】

Regarding Cao Pi's reaction, everyone felt that it was unreasonable, but they also felt that it was expected.

"I think Cao Pi's courtiers rarely have yin deficiency." Huang Zhong said quietly.

"Why?" Zhang Fei couldn't figure it out.

"Extreme anger." Huang Zhong spit out three words.

Guan Yu appreciates this attitude of using troops:
"The general's affairs: tranquility is quiet, and righteousness is order. The way of military division and military is everyone's demeanor."

Kong Ming was also impressed by the previous Xiangfan battle:

"General Yunchang is a good fighter. The battle in Xiangfan is dangerous and short-lived. He can take the opportunity to advance and destroy the Seventh Army. He is a famous general."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Wei Yan next to him was full of admiration.

[But in fact, before the official dispatch of troops, the prime minister and Sima Yi, the old rivals, had already met in the air. Do you remember Meng Da?

The prime minister's plan was actually quite straightforward, creating an established fact of Meng Da's rebellion, and then Meng Da could only follow the planned direction.

Meng Da served as the prefect of Xincheng. This place used to be the three counties of Shangyong and Xicheng in Fangling, which was connected with Wu and Shu.

And as long as Cao Wei's attention can be attracted, then the Northern Expedition will become much easier, and perhaps it will not be a dream to enter Chang'an in the first battle!

But it is a pity that Sima Yi who dealt with Meng Da, Sima Yi wrote a letter to appease him and promised to make great profits, while marching non-stop day and night.

But at this time, Meng Da's old problem happened, and he actually started bargaining with Sima Yi!

So Sima Yi, who was approaching the city eight days later, caught Meng Da by surprise. Sixteen days later, Meng Da's nephew and generals opened the city gate and surrendered, and Meng Da was beheaded. 】

 Next chapter later.

(End of this chapter)

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