Chapter 14

This is probably the dream that human beings have had since ancient times.

In ancient times, there was Jiang Ziya's appearance of a flying bear. One theory is that the white tiger has two wings and is called a "flying bear".

In the Han Dynasty, there was another title for top generals: Flying Generals.

Li Guang and Lu Bu have both received this title, although the endings of these two are not very good...but it doesn't matter!

In short, the short sentence on the light curtain, "It feels better to fly directly" has successfully aroused the curiosity of the Shu Han people, and even Huang Zhong, who is over sixty years old, squinted his eyes and wanted to print all the content on the light curtain into his head.

The past few days have been like a dream for Huang Zhong. From a melancholy general to a general who can appreciate auspiciousness and know what is going on behind him, it is too unreal.

Listening to the protagonist, this younger generation seems to be a young man of later generations, so those who speak other words on the light screen should be of the same age, right?Huang Zhong's eyes gradually blurred, as if he saw a group of young scholars playing and playing with each other, one of the scholars turned around, and the face was somewhat similar to that of his son Huang Xu.

Fate made him send a white-haired man to a black-haired man, but even if Xia Houyuan was killed and the Han Dynasty was revived, so what?To whom to tell such a feat?What's the use of sealing his wife and son?
"Old General Huang, why are you crying?" Zhang Fei squeezed his arms around Huang Zhong's shoulder and said, "Hey, when you master the method of growing wings, you can come to my old Zhang if you want any wings! Whether it is to catch that eagle or go to Liaodong to find that Hai Dongqing, I will take care of you!"

Kong Ming whispered a few words beside Liu Bei, and Liu Bei nodded, then pushed Zhang Fei away and took Huang Zhong's arm: "Old General Huang is probably tired, I'll send you back to rest."

Seeing his eldest brother helping Huang Zhong leave, Zhang Fei scratched his head and continued to ask, "Second brother, what kind of wings do you want?"

Guan Yu dragged Zhang Fei away without saying a word: "Let's go, we agreed earlier, we brothers will go to the martial arts field today to get close."

Kong Ming stood there, waving his fan and smiling, and said to Zhao Yun, who was still there with a cloudy face, "Won't Zilong go to the blacksmith to try that new farm tool?"

Zhao Yun hesitated for a moment and said, "Military Master, Yun has something to ask for advice."


Wen Mang hummed a ditty and packed up a change of clothes, then took a taxi with the suitcase and went straight to the high-speed rail station: The temperature in Los Angeles in summer, even dogs won't wait!

In the car, Wen Mang took out his mobile phone and looked at the backstage of his 13 stations. Although the video playback is not very high, the data is quite good, especially every video has fans posting gifts, such treatment, tsk tsk tsk.

Since the fans are so willing to give up money, why not Wen Mang give up money to accompany the gentleman!For this third video, let's go straight to the whole boutique video!

"Dididi~" An unfamiliar number called, Wen Mang answered with a nice female voice.

"Mr. Wen Mang? I'm a professor of history at Sichuan University. My surname is Chang. I want to meet and chat with you. Do you have time?"

"Why are you liars working so hard on your business now? If you have the time to support education in the mountains and plant trees in the northwest, which one has a better future than lying to me, a poor guy? My bank card balance is three digits, so don't bother, bye!"

Shaking his head, Wen Mang threw the phone aside, the current fraud is really hard to guard against.


"You said that you may have discovered something that can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of cavalry?"

Kong Ming poured a cup of tea for Zhao Yun: "Zilong don't worry, speak slowly."

Liu Bei is still far from the Emperor Zhaolie who founded the country in Chengdu. The biggest difference is the lack of men, generals and ministers, and soldiers. The only cavalry is the Baima Yicong led by Zilong.

Zhao Yun sat on his knees holding a cup of tea and said slowly: "I saw their cavalry when I watched the light curtain just now, and their cavalry in future generations is completely different from ours."

"Although they are lacking in combat effectiveness, compared to the current cavalry, their saddles are much shorter, and they have crosses on both sides."

Of course Kong Ming knew that it was an iron ring hanging from the side of the saddle, to help people get on the horse more easily.

"Later generations have their reasons for being so natural. I have thought about it for a long time in my mind. If there are crosses on both sides and the saddle is lowered when riding a horse, then the rider can control the horse with only two feet without the rein, and the hands can be free."

Zhao Yun doesn't need to elaborate on Kong Ming to understand what follows. Why do fierce generals such as Lu Bu, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei often say that they are invincible on horseback?Because they are strong and strong, they can "handle the horse's belly freely" when riding on a horse with their strong legs alone. With their free hands, they can use various long-handled weapons and even draw bows and shoot arrows.

Why can't ordinary cavalry do this?If you don't want to, you can't.It's hard for everyone to eat enough. How can such a strong physique come from?Even many cavalry among the princes are actually infantry on horseback. They ride on horses when they are on the road, and then dismount to fight when they arrive at the destination, because riding on a horse will reduce their combat effectiveness.

When acting as a cavalry, one who can control the rein with one hand and hold a long lance in the other can already be regarded as an elite cavalry!
"In this way, this is indeed a good way to improve the combat effectiveness of cavalry, but why is Zilong so entangled?"

Zhao Yun raised his head and said bitterly: "Doesn't the military master understand? Someone as stupid as Yun can understand the trick just by looking at it a few times and thinking hard for a while. If Bai Mayi is fully equipped and both sides are mounted, then the general Cao Bandit who goes to the battlefield can understand what is going on just by looking at it, and then Cao Bandit will be able to replace all his cavalry into such a style in just one month..."

There is no need to talk about it later, Kong Ming imagined that scene, and felt a chill pouring down from his forehead. Cao thief already had a horse farm, and having this thing is really like adding wings to a tiger.

If this double-sided stride is adopted, General Zilong can win on the battlefield for a while, but he will almost certainly lose forever.

Kong Ming took a deep look at Zhao Yun and said, "Is it really effective to choose one or two confidants among the cavalry and try to ride on both sides? If it is effective, let Zilong's personal soldiers practice first, and choose a sparsely populated place."

Without talking, the two reached a tacit consensus: it needs to be tested and improved, but it cannot be equipped. The cavalry with double straddles can only be used once.
"The focus of the past two years is still farming." Kong Ming explained: "After Chibi, the Cao bandits were severely injured and unable to attack. Our next goal is to manage Jingzhou, seek Yizhou, and contain Jiaozhou."

"The premise of these needs to have sufficient military rations, so the improvement of farm tools for you and your lord, Zilong, is also a top priority!"

Kong Ming's eyes had also regained their brilliance: "Since this double straddle can be so useful, it must be the same for agricultural tools. Besides training soldiers, please pay more attention to Zilong."

Zhao Yun bowed to accept the order, and strode away with a heavy heart.

Kong Ming stood in front of the window shaking his feather fan, which he never left his hands all year round. Although the weather was very cold, but because he was located in Jingzhou, the trees and roads were still green when he looked up.

Although the scene was still the same, Kong Ming's mentality was completely different. After stretching himself, Kong Ming turned around to the table: continue to deal with official business!

A servant who came in to tidy up said with a smile: "Mr. Kong Mingda has to be on duty early today, otherwise Mrs. Huang will come here to look for you like yesterday."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a crisp voice: "I also said to make him work less on weekdays, but he has never heard of it once!"

 Thinking about Huang Zhong's misery, he spent half his life until he was about to die before making contributions, but no one shared this joy. In the end, although he was granted the title of Marquis, he had no wife and no children.

(End of this chapter)

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