Chapter 155 One ride is a thousand

Gao Pei regretted it a lot, not because he saw the appearance of Yuntijinglan and so on.

Instead, he regretted that he shouldn't have listened to Zhang Fei's single-handedly attending the meeting in the first place, which led to this disaster.

But Baishuiguan has changed hands, and it doesn't help now.

"General Zhang, please lock me up." Gao Pei begged.

Looking at the ashen-faced General Baishuiguan, Zhang Fei could easily guess what the other party was thinking, and he didn't want to be a surrender.

"Then it's up to you." On the contrary, Zhang Fei admired such a good man even more:

"Fan Jiang, find a clean room and invite General Gao to come in so I can take care of you."

After giving the order, Zhang Fei ordered Huo Jun to be responsible for the defense of Baishui Pass as the temporary guard of Baishui Pass.

"Me?" Huo Jun was extremely surprised: "What about you, General?"

Standing on the city wall of Baishui Pass, Zhang Fei looked to the east with pride and said:

"Zhang Lu may be coming, I want to entertain my elder brother."


A bowl of gruel was gurgled and rotten on the fire, put into a bowl, and brought to the city wall in front of Langzhong prefect Pang Xi.

Yang Huai led the Baishui army to come as promised, and then Pang Xi got angry.

Offensive, of course, can't be attacked for a while. Pang Xi and Liu Zhang have long-standing conflicts, and Langzhong itself also assumes the responsibility of serving as the second line of defense in case Baishuiguan falls.

Therefore, the defense of Langzhong's city was not bad, and the Baishui Army was only the garrison of Baishui Pass.

But Yang Huai is also known as a famous general in Sichuan, and he is not at the same level as Fu Jin, who led the army from Chengdu before, which is why Pang Xi was so anxious to get angry.

After Zhao Ze knew about Pang Xi's worries, he laughed at the uninformed:
"Relying on the name Guan Tianxian, dare to call yourself a famous general?"

"General Pang has been ignorant of the heroes of the world for a long time."

Pang Xi showed an expression of dissatisfaction, and at the same time the scorching gruel scalded the blisters in his mouth, making this expression extremely strange.

Zhao Ze shook his head and didn't bother to explain, standing side by side with Pang Xi to watch the situation outside the city.

Langzhong City is not easy to fight. It is surrounded by water on three sides, east, west and south, and mountains to the north.

Therefore, although the Baishui Army came from the north, they chose to station in the south of Langzhong, across the West Han River.

There is a rare small plain here, more than [-] miles wide and tens of thousands of white water troops, which is suitable for stationing here.

Standing at the head of Langzhong city and looking up, there are all white water troops.

Seeing another group of soldiers approaching Langzhong City carrying ladders, Pang Xi completely lost the mood to eat.

Hastily left a sentence, "When will Uncle Liu Huang come?"

Pang Xi put down his job and hurried down from the top of the city to command the city defense.

Zhao Ze stood alone on the city wall and looked at the Baishui Army in a daze:
Can Liu Huangshu really solve the siege of Langzhong?Zhao Ze didn't know what to do.

"Can Zilong really solve the siege of Langzhong?" Liu Bei was still a little worried.

Pang Tong deduced silently on the sidelines, and when he heard the lord's question, he replied:
"After the division of the Baishui Army, General Yide led the army forward, and Baishui Pass is nothing to worry about."

"Even if Baishuiguan cannot be attacked for a while, when Zhang Lu sends troops, Baishuiguan will be attacked from both sides, and it will fall."

This part has been discussed many times, and Liu Bei himself is very clear about the follow-up plan:
"The Baishui Army under Langzhong City will come to rescue when they hear that Baishuiguan is in danger. As long as Zilong finds an opportunity to fight out, the Baishui Army will be destroyed."

After provoking the civil strife in Yizhou, Pang Tong quickly determined his goal: it was too risky to go straight to Chengdu, and he should first cut off Liu Zhang, the sick tiger's claws.

The most important of these are Baishuijun and Baishuiguan.

Yang Huai and Gao Pei of the Baishui Army were not from a powerful background, and they were all favored by Liu Zhang; Baishui Pass rejected Zhang Lu from the north, and it was the most important pass between Hanzhong and Yizhou.

Therefore, Pang Tong's plan is to control Baishuiguan first, and form a situation in Yizhou where the door is closed and the dog is beaten. In this way, it is easy to handle whether it is taken slowly or by Lei Ting.

It's just that Pang Tong never dreamed that Zhang Fei could easily take Baishui Pass, and the messenger was already on his way to Jiangzhou.

On the other side, although Zhao Yun didn't have any tricks in front of the battle and used his troops steadily, he had one of the biggest reliance: he was a cavalry general.

After the scouts found out the situation, Zhao Yun only felt:

In the case of plains and behind enemy lines, it would be a pity not to make a charge!

Do as soon as you think of it, without too much hesitation, Zhao Yun ordered:

"Zhang Yi, lead an army of four thousand and move forward slowly."

"Zhang Zhu, order all the cavalry to change their strides, bring bows and crossbows, and march with me!"

Step up!Zhang Zhu was also very excited, he responded with pride, and hurried to gather General Zhao's cavalry.

Zhao Yun did not lead the cavalry to attack Yizhou after the Chinese New Year, because there was no room for him to play.

Later, after taking root in Jiangzhou, considering that Chengdu would be captured sooner or later, and there were plains over there, Zhao Yun personally summoned the [-] cavalry from Jingzhou.

Fortunately, the first battle has already been used!
Zhang Yi was a little worried about whether General Zhao was taking too much risk, Zhao Yun said in relief:

"Yizhou is isolated from the rest of the world, and has no knowledge of battle formations or cavalry, so Bo Gong is at ease with me."

After the cavalry was assembled, Zhao Yun went first.

The 300 cavalry followed silently, and carefully steered their horses along the water valley shoal of the Western Han Dynasty. The terrain here is relatively better.

After walking along the river valley for more than ten miles, Zhao Yun's eyes suddenly opened up, and a small plain appeared in front of him.

Zhao Yun raised his palm, and the three hundred riders stopped, silently sorted out their equipment, and began to slowly adjust the formation, from a line formation trekking in the valley to a crescent moon.

Zhao Yun raised his palms flat and pointed forward, and then took the lead to drive the horse under his crotch to run slowly.

At this time, someone had already spotted the cavalry that suddenly appeared, and they began to shout hoarsely, trying to remind the former army who was trying to attack the city.

Zhao Yun ignored it. After the army exceeded 5000 people, the separated front army and rear army actually became two parts.

The collection and screening of alarms, the communication of warnings, the issuance of orders, and the coordinated adjustment of front and rear troops are not easy.

Seasoned generals and experienced grassroots officers, these two parts can greatly shorten this tedious process.

But Zhao Yun didn't think that this army, which hid in Baishuiguan every day and guarded against danger, could have such a strong quality.

If the Baishui army is really a famous general and a strong army as the Yizhou people say, why don't they attack Yangping Pass, restore Hanzhong, and kill Zhang Lu?

Is it because you don't want to?

And the biggest disadvantage of the Yizhou army is that they don't have any experience in dealing with cavalry, because Yizhou only produces rough horses, not fine horses.

So Zhao Yun had no distractions, and led his cavalry to slowly speed up.

However, it didn't go straight into the middle army, but swept past the side of the Baishui army camp with a roar.

"Reinforcement!" Pang Xi, who was sweating profusely at the top of the wall, was overjoyed, but then his heart sank:

"Why is there only such a small amount?"

Zhao Ze didn't speak. He was still young, so his eyesight was excellent. From a distance, he could clearly see the glare of sunlight refracted on the first cavalry's armor.

Three or four hundred riders, charging thousands of troops?

Then Zhao Ze clearly saw that the cavalry was moving like a gust of wind, like sharp arrows shooting past their cheeks, and a row of white water troops had already fallen down in the camp passing by.

Zhao Yun didn't have any fluctuations in his heart. The cavalry led by him sometimes accelerated and sometimes slowed down.

Skimming the edge of the camp, passing through the gap between the front and rear troops, slowing down and drawing a large arc in circles, and then repeating itself.

The righteous servants on horseback had their feet firmly buckled in the metal straddles, relying only on their waists, abdomen and legs to steer the steeds along with their generals.

The free hands ruthlessly harvested the lives of the White Water Army.

Draw a bow and shoot arrows if you are far away, lower your body and stretch out a long knife when you are close, bringing up a puff of blood like cutting wheat
Zhao Ze could see clearly that the Baishui rear army, which had no power to fight back, began to collapse, and they had no way to deal with this hundreds of cavalry.

And this chaos gradually began to roll back the front army, Zhao Ze could clearly guess the thoughts of the soldiers:
There is Xihan Water between Qianjun and Langzhong City, and a pontoon bridge has been built in the narrow part.

Although I don't know how to deal with the cavalry, as long as we cross the pontoon bridge, we will be safe!
"Prefect Pang, Langzhong is safe!"

Zhao Ze turned his head and saw that Pang Xi, who had been in a hurry before, had changed into a confident expression:

"The northern cavalry is so fierce!"

Zhao Ruo twitched inwardly, only thinking that Pang Xi was able to live from the Chaos of Zhao Wei to the present, there are really two things.

Then Zhao Ze tiptoed to look at the situation on the battlefield, and then saw two changes:
From the mountain pass where the silver-armored cavalier came out, more and more soldiers gradually emerged, and they began to line up in an orderly manner on a flat place.

And, the former army of the Whitewater Army, which was rolled back, unceremoniously killed the dizzy soldiers, and the collapse was temporarily suspended.

Zhao Ruo felt that he could understand the situation. Next, the support army should fight against the Baishui army, and the Langzhong defenders waited for the opportunity to sneak attack. It would not be a problem to win in the end!Zhao Ze was determined.

Zhao Yun didn't think so. He watched the banner of the opponent's central army slowly move to the rout, and saw a man who looked like a general shout loudly, cut the rout, trying to stabilize the formation.

The opportunity was fleeting, Zhao Yun shouted: "Zhang Zhu, sweep the formation for me!"

"General, please break the formation!" Zhang Zhu screamed, and then took the initiative to lead the cavalry forward, and the formation changed from Yanyue to a front arrow.

An all-conquering and indestructible arrow!

Zhao Ze opened his mouth wide in surprise, watching the arrow slam into the banner of the Chinese army.

If it was like a sharp blade cutting grass before, then now it is like a sharp ax cutting the ground, and the momentum is gradually fading.

The speed of the rushing thunder gradually slowed down because of the soldiers squeezed among them, and Zhao Ze was already heartbroken to see several knights were pierced by chaotic spears, and all of them fell down.

And at this moment, the middle of the arrow appeared, it was the silver armored cavalry general!

He rode his horse and charged again, getting close to Yang Huai, the chief general of Baishui, and then shot straight into Yang Huai's face like a dragon flying into the sea.

Yang Huai's soul was terrified, and he used all his strength to raise the long knife in his hand and avoided it.

But that's all!Yang Huai roared in his heart, but then he felt something was wrong, why did the cavalier's spear fly over?

Zhao Yun had no other intentions, and the shot was just a false move. While Yang Huai tried his best to block it, his left hand had already reached the hilt of the sword beside the saddle.

Pulling the sword backhand brought out a snow-cold brilliance, Yang Huai's smile froze on his face, and the blood sprayed from his neck sprinkled spots of red on Zhao Yun's body and horse.

Zhao Yun couldn't help feeling a little pity:
If the white horse I rode today would look even better.

 The second before nine o'clock
(End of this chapter)

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