Chapter 234 Wuzhangyuan Camp
It is now the end of April, but Guanzhong, which suffered a bloody blow last year, has become strangely quiet.

Sitting in Hanzhong Mansion, Pang Tong put down the military briefing in his hand and slipped into the courtyard to do a set of movements to stretch his body.

Knowing so many heroes who died of illness and sudden death from the light curtain, Pang Tong now cherishes his own life even more.

As for Luofengpo in Jingzhou, it seems that we are destined to be destined to have no separation in this life.

When Pang Tongyi finished a set of stretching movements, he realized that little Jiang Wei had been watching from the side.

And still imitating swayingly, Pang Tong laughed and squatted down to explain the essentials of the movements one by one.

"Master, what is this?"

"It's called Wuqinxi, and it's said to have the effect of prolonging life."

"Isn't that a magical skill? Master, can you teach me Aweng?"

Pang Tong smiled and said: "Why not? The great sage who created this set of exercises said that he hopes everyone can learn it."

As he spoke, he lowered his left hand and asked Jiang Wei to bend his left leg and extend his right leg. After lowering his center of gravity, his breath sank to his Dantian, and he gestured for his hands to slowly press down with claws, in the shape of a tiger.

Xiao Jiang Wei was very curious:

"Then where is this great sage now? Aweng has learned to accept kindness from others, and as a son of man, he should repay the kindness."

Pang Tong hesitated for a few seconds and said vaguely:
"The great sage is a man among gods and immortals. He travels on a crane and has no trace of his whereabouts."

Not looking at the longing and curiosity on Xiao Jiang Wei's face, Pang Tong sighed quietly in his heart.

After being reminded of the usefulness of medicine by the light curtain, Kong Ming has been sending people to inquire about the whereabouts of another good doctor:
The miracle doctor who cured Chen Yuanlong, Hua Yuanhua.

But it was a pity that because he was unwilling to serve Cao's thieves, he was imprisoned for the crime of deceiving the emperor and failing to conquer, and was tortured to death.

After Hua Yuanhua died unjustly, his disciples Wu Pu, Fan A, Li Dang and others fled to Jiangdong, and were later recruited to Jingzhou by Kong Ming.

The news of Hua Yuanhua's death was dictated by these disciples. They also brought some medical works left by their master, and Wu Qin Xi was one of them.

Kong Ming lamented for a long time, and so did Pang Tong.

After touching little Jiang Wei's head and putting all his worries aside, Pang Tong knelt down and continued to teach Wu Qin Xi step by step.

A child's attention changes very quickly. After fantasizing about which one looks better, riding a crane or riding a wild goose, little Jiang Wei remembered another thing:

"Master, I saw the red-faced general leading the army north yesterday. Is there going to be another war?"

Pang Tong said without raising his head:
"Don't call him that in person, remember to call him General Wei."

After seeing little Jiang Wei nod in agreement, Pang Tong continued leisurely:

"General Huo has led his troops to build defenses first. General Wei is here to support us."

"But the two generals went out to avoid war."

Isn't the purpose of going to the army just to fight?How can we not fight?Little Jiang Wei didn't understand.

Xiao Jiang Wei didn't understand, but Wei Yan saw it very clearly.

After leading the elite soldiers out of the Baoxian Road, they suddenly saw the Guanzhong Plain and felt suddenly enlightened.

What is particularly eye-catching is a camp rising from the ground on the Wuzhang Plain on the left.

Upon hearing Wei Yan's arrival, Huo Jun came out of the camp to greet him.

After meeting, before Huo Jun could say anything, Wei Yan said politely:

"I have long heard that Zhongmiao is a good defender. Now I see that the camp is lush and the soldiers are in order. It is true that it is well-deserved."

Huo Jun said politely:
"Wuzhang is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It can advance and retreat freely. However, it is nothing more than a thief's plan. How dare you call it a name?"

"A fortified stronghold also needs elite soldiers to guard it. With the arrival of Chief Wen, I have nothing to worry about."

The two exchanged a few words and then moved into the Chinese military tent. Wei Yan said seriously:
"We are leading four thousand soldiers on this trip, and I am also listening to Zhong Miao's instructions."

Huo Jun immediately felt the great responsibility.

Because of his contribution to Yizhou and his contribution to bypassing Yangping Pass, Huo Jun is now awarded the title of General Pi.

After Cheng Gongying visited Hanzhong, Pang Tong briefly discussed with Fazheng and ordered Huo Jun to take Baoxie Road, give full play to his strengths, and build barriers at the entrance of Baoxie Road.

After all, if Xia Houyuan secretly united with Han Sui, they would attack Longyou and attack Ma Chao.

After Hanzhong heard the news, it was obviously too late to send troops again. This move was also intended to coordinate with Ma Chao and divide the battlefield.

After all, what Pang Tong needs is for Ma Chao to be beaten half to death, but not to death accidentally.

But now that the new grain has not been harvested, Huo Jun's [-] soldiers, plus Wei Yan's [-] soldiers, are already the limit of Hanzhong's support.

As for Guan Ping, who came from Jingzhou to help, and Zhang Fei, who was about to turn back, Pang Tong had other uses.

"Now it has been confirmed that Xiahou Dun in Chang'an will have about [-] soldiers, numbered [-]."

Huo Jun was cheerful, Wei Yan's support greatly relieved his pressure:

"There are about five thousand troops stationed in Yi County out of Chang'an, which is not enough to worry about."

Wei Yan suddenly remembered what he saw in the light curtain. More than twenty years later, Prime Minister Zhuge led his troops here to confront Sima Yi across the martial arts river.

Unable to fight, he finally lamented how weak the sky was.

So Wei Yan stood up almost immediately and suggested:
"Shall I bring in new troops and take advantage of their unpreparedness to attack Xi County and defeat the enemy?"

Huo Jun immediately shook his head:


"Between offense and defense, we only rely on food and grass."

"Now that Guanzhong is in ruins, Xiahou Yuan's [-] soldiers have to leave Hebei to eat their horses and chew them."

"Grain and grass are transported by water over long distances. If there are only two or three out of ten, it will not be long. Cao's army will definitely be eager to fight."

"Wen Chang defeats the enemy, but cuts his mouth to eat food and grass. Although it is effective, it is useless for attack and defense."

Watching Huo Jun talk eloquently, Wei Yan also sighed at the wonder of fate. The two sides who wanted to fight and refused to fight were actually reversed. "If Xia Houyuan is impatient and the whole army attacks..."

Then Wei Yan himself answered:

"I can't wait for 7000 people, so I lead the troops to retreat to Baoxie Road. Even if I face an army of [-] people, I won't be afraid."

After all, the Baoxie Road is only that wide in total. Even if you have 20 troops, it will still be useless if you can't use them.

Huo Jun nodded:
"In Jingzhou, Military Advisor Zhuge pretended to ask the sages to teach us about guerrilla tactics.

"We are waiting now. When the enemy advances, we retreat. When the enemy is stationed, we harass. We wait for the enemy to collapse."

And sure enough, as the two expected, even though the garrison in Xi County had seen reinforcements coming from Wuzhangyuan, they still shouted and knocked on the door to ask for battle the next day.

Standing on the observation platform inside the camp, Wei Yan squinted his eyes and looked at the yelling enemy general in front of the formation, turned around and asked:
"Does Zhongmiao know who is the commander-in-chief of Xi County?"

Huo Jun frowned and thought for a moment, and finally affirmed:

"It should be Xu Huang and Xu Gongming."

Wei Yan suddenly thought of the seven flooded armies in the light curtain. It was his men in front of the formation who lured General Guan to reminisce about the past, and at the critical moment he suddenly made a secret move.

As a result, murderous intent suddenly arose in his heart, but he was immediately suppressed by the thought of putting the overall situation first, and regretfully said:

"Save this animal's life first."

But the murderous intention was already there, so Wei Yan said a few words to Huo Jun and then went down to the observation tower.

Huo Jun stayed on the lookout and could see clearly that the main entrance of the camp only needed to be opened a small crack, and then Wei Wenchang rode out.

It was too late for the yelling enemy general to flee, and he was knocked off his horse with a single blow.

Then Wei Yan led his horse back without haste, and the morale of the original camp of Wuzhang was boosted.

After the Cao army was in commotion for a while, someone shouted and led troops to press closer.

But to the disappointment of General Cao Jun, the red-faced young general closed the door again after entering the camp and never opened it again.

So Cao Jun could only retreat after shouting and scolding.

"Wen Zhang is brave and brave!" Huo Jun congratulated.

Wei Yan said modestly: "It saves food and grass for Cao's army."

Then Wei Yan looked far to the southeast, wondering what was happening over there with General Guan?


After Liu Bei came to Chengdu, the scale of Chengdu has been slowly expanding.

On the one hand, this is because refugees continue to come to vote.

Yizhou is isolated from the outside world, so Liu Bei's reputation is unknown.

However, the people in Chengdu can never fake what they say by word of mouth, and Liu Bei's notices are now posted in every county in Yizhou.

The content is also very simple and simple: divide the land, teach craftsmen skills, and the government can build you a new house on credit!
On the other hand, it was also the renovation of Chengdu. The roads were re-planned, the inland rivers were dredged, and some shabby settlements were moved to the periphery of Chengdu. With the help of the Shangguan named Sun Qian, he carefully calculated his financial resources and built houses that were sheltered from the wind and rain. .

So when the local people in Chengdu turned around, they suddenly discovered that our city seemed to have grown a lot bigger.

The one who is quite contented among them is undoubtedly Li Gong of Zigui.

The two sons complained quite a lot when they fled from the north to the south. After they settled down in Zigui, the two sons were thinking about asking for a wife, and some people came to propose marriage to his daughter-in-law.

As a result, their father waved his crutch: Go to Chengdu!
The big house in Zigui became a small house in Chengdu, and the highly respected Li Gong in Zigui was demoted to the title of father-in-law.

Although the two sons did not dare to disobey their father's wishes, their dissatisfaction was still revealed in their few words.

But fortunately, before Mr. Li could find a reason to teach him a lesson, the changes in Chengdu had already put his two sons in order.

Just like that, after dinner, a small cup of wine, and tapping the earthenware bowl with chopsticks, the little head of the family began to test his son's daily score.

"How's the matter with Dalang's sugar shop?"

The eldest son with a kind-hearted face quickly put down the bowl, tied up his hands and said politely:
"The steward praised the child for his hard work today and said that if he makes enough sugar this month, he will be rewarded."

Mr. Li nodded slightly. This eldest son was a person who didn't take any trouble and was always diligent in doing things.

When Zigui came, there were always matchmakers who wanted to be matchmakers, but he looked down on Zigui's vulgar children.

Now that he has arrived in Chengdu, Dalang's job has gone smoothly, and he seems to have finally found a good match.

When his eyes turned to the other side, Mr. Li had a headache.

Before he could ask, the second son couldn't wait to say with blue eyes:
"Today, someone in the paper shop was teasing the widow with the paper pulp money. I couldn't stand it, so I beat the idle guy."

"The steward fined the idle man two days' money and told me that I should go to him and report it to him if I encounter this problem in the future. However, I still remembered the fifteen-day reward."

Mr. Li wanted to hit this traitor on the head with his cane:
If you include medicine for injuries, these fifteen dollars are not even enough!
"Oh, right."

Li Jiaerlang, whose eyes were rolling around, suddenly remembered something else:
"Then Widow Qian asked me if I was married, and I said no."

"She said she would come and say thank you in two days."

Mr. Li covered his face with his hands and was already thinking about whether to find a job for Lang Xin here.

At this time, the little sister of the Li family sitting at the end of the dinner table also weakly raised her hand:
"I...I went to take Zhi Niang's assessment today, and Jin Guanyan said I passed the test."

The little sister of the Li family said in a weak voice:
"But the Jinguan said that I'm still young, so I might as well go to the Imperial College for two years."

"What does daddy think?"


Mr. Li immediately threw Erlang behind his head and said firmly:
"Don't worry about Zhi Niang. As long as the little lady doesn't catch up with us, we will keep studying!"

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Li felt a little regretful that he had given birth too early, otherwise he would have given birth to the son together.

(End of this chapter)

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