Spoiler History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 252: Sacrificing one’s life for one’s country

Chapter 252: Sacrificing one’s life for one’s country

In a sense, Liu Bei even envied the Song Dynasty.

"Only the ancestors of the Yin Dynasty have books and canons" is the exclamation in "Shangshu".

For example, Emperor Guangwu restored the Han Dynasty. The only people who could serve as references for governing the country were the former Han Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty, which only lasted 14 years.

When Li Shimin governed the country, he was able to take in all the achievements and mistakes of the Han Dynasty in the past 400 years, to observe in detail the chaos of the clans in the past 200 years, and to reflect on the past events of the Sui Dynasty.

This was especially the case in the Song Dynasty. Using thousands of years of history as a test, it could eliminate the shortcomings of the previous dynasty and extend the wisdom of the sages.

Although, for some reason, the Song Dynasty seemed to have not learned the martial arts of the Han and Tang Dynasties at all.

However, most of the methods of science and technology promoted in the Song Dynasty were inherited and improved on the ancestors' creations.

Kong Mingzhi has been tired recently, and Liu Bei can see it.

The "Mo Jing", "Lun Heng" and other rarely read classics were corrected by Kong Ming, and he tried to sort out the principles contained in them.

"Nine Chapters" and "Zhou Bi" were also copied and studied again by Kongming, and he explained them in popular language. He chose the simple algorithm and asked Liu Ba to teach it to Xiao Taixue.

If Kong Ming could have thousands of years of history for reference like the Song Dynasty, why would he have to work so hard?
Now that the light curtain has given them, the forerunners, the opportunity to learn from the latecomers, Liu Bei has absolutely no intention of missing it.

No matter how simple or boring a deed is, it is still a fortune for them at this time.

[After the Tang Dynasty destroyed the Eastern Turks, the surrounding countries remained silent for a while, and quickly gave Erfeng a high hat of "Khan of Heaven".

But Fuyun, the Khan of Tuyuhun, stood up and said: Li Shimin is nothing!Labor and management can rob me if they want, what can you do to me?

Tuyuhun is a veteran force that has been active since the Sui Dynasty. When it was prosperous, it controlled half of the Hexi Corridor and a large area of ​​​​the Western Region, and often sent troops to raid the border.

But by the end of the Sui Dynasty, Tuyuhun was basically helpless.

After all, Tuyuhun's lair is at an altitude of 3000 meters, which is considered a plateau, and he is familiar with the terrain. If you can't defeat him, hide him first, and then come out to disgust you when you run out of food and grass.

When Yang Guang was in power, he launched a large army to conquer Tuyuhun. Although he won, he did not get a penny of benefit. Instead, after the army ran out of food and grass, Tuyuhun rode him in the face and hit him in the river. Yang Guang had no good solution.

Therefore, Fu Yun did not care about the emperor of the Central Plains, and in the early days, Erfeng often swallowed his anger in order to save money to avenge the Weishui River, which made Fu Yun even more inflated:
God Khan, that’s it?

After the demise of the Eastern Turks, Fu Yun sent an envoy to Chang'an to deliver some sesame seeds and rotten millet to show that Tian Khan was really powerful, and he continued to harass and loot.

In diplomacy, Tuyuhun even used Tian Khan's face as a footcloth.

Facing the envoy Honglucheng Zhao Dekai sent by Erfeng to hold him accountable, Fu Yun detained him with a wave of his hand and sent him to the Western Regions to grow watermelons.

Then facing more than a dozen waves of envoys sent by the Tang Dynasty, Fu Yun was perfunctory while constantly conquering Shanzhou, Lanzhou, Kuozhou and other places, and then reluctantly released Zhao Dekai.

In 634, Li Shimin finally couldn't bear it anymore and established Xihaidao. He ordered Duan Zhixuan to be the commander-in-chief of the march to conquer Tuyuhun, and ordered Qibi Dangxiang and other tribes to cooperate with the Tang Dynasty's military operations.

The effect of this crusade was exactly the same as that of Yang Guang. Fu Yun quickly led his troops to retreat after the failure.

Duan Zhixuan led the army in Qinghai for a month just to eat and see the scenery. He couldn't find any enemy troops. In the end, they ran out of food and grass and were forced to withdraw.

As a result, before Duan Zhixuan returned to the capital, the military information that Tuyuhun would attack Wuwei again had been sent to Chang'an.

Li Erfeng, who was completely embarrassed, gritted his teeth:
I wanted to get along with you guys as Tian Khan, but what I got was that I was slapped in the face.

I have shown my cards, I have the country-destroying general Li Jing, just wash your neck and wait for death! 】

General who will destroy the country?Li Jing tasted it and felt very happy. Although it was more straightforward than His Majesty's Admiral Tiance, it was so majestic.

On the other side, Li Ji was already asking for a fight filled with righteous indignation:
"You really don't know how to live or die."

"Now that Jie Li has just been captured, it is not advisable to use swords and soldiers rashly. I invite you to take five thousand cavalry, and I will capture Fu Yun in front of the palace. I will challenge you if you don't want to raise the country's majesty and protect your holy face."

Li Shimin looked at the general who was full of fighting spirit with a half-smile, and waved his hand.

He understood Li Ji's mentality very well. Not everyone has the same confidence as Li Jing, who only started to become famous at the age of 50.

Li Ji, who is only 36 years old now, is in his prime. When he destroyed Fu Gong'er, Li Ji was Li Jing's deputy. When he destroyed the Eastern Turks, Li Ji was still serving as Li Jing's deputy.

Li Ji might not have said anything before, but now that he was stamped by the light curtain and recognized as one of the three famous generals in the early Tang Dynasty, Li Ji's thoughts naturally came to life.

Looking at Su Lie next to him, who looked thoughtful, Li Shimin suddenly thought:
"Dingfang, if you are appointed as the marching commander, how many troops and horses will be needed?"

When Su Lie was called, he looked at Li Ji, and then said seriously:
"I have a light curtain to give you some advice. Only three thousand fine cavalry are enough!"

In fact, three thousand is certainly not enough, and the five thousand cavalry mentioned by Li Ji are far from it. Tuyuhun is not a cat or a dog.

But if possible, first seize the title of the marching commander, and then at worst, admit his mistake to His Majesty in private and order more troops.

Moreover... Su Lie remembered very clearly that his adoptive father Gao Yaxian was killed by Li Ji.

Although this matter has now come to an end, if there is a chance to choke Li Ji, Su Lie will never let it go.

Li Shimin naturally knew all these things, so he easily brought up the topic:

"How can a young man work so hard to mobilize an army? Let's see how the pharmacist defeats the enemy."

At the same time, Li Shimin also crossed Fu Yun in his heart.If Jie Li is satisfied with the ambition of having a hundred thousand riders, then Fu Yun is unable to grasp it properly.

Do you really think that you will be invincible if you sit on the plateau and are familiar with geography?
Bai Qisi has elicited several methods of overcoming high rebellion from Hu Shang, and Qian Niuwei has also brought sucrose in disguise to verify and collect information.

And when it comes to geography, the map displayed on the light screen today is definitely clearer than the one hanging in Fu Yun Khan's tent.

Li Shimin had already made up his mind that if he caught Fu Yun, he would let him and Jie Li become neighbors and get along well with each other.

[In fact, from the perspective of self-protection, Li Jing is not suitable to be the coach of the expedition against Tuyuhun.

At the age of 50, he defeated Xiao Mian, at the age of 52, he defeated Gong Er, and at the age of 58, he conquered Jieli Khan.

It took eight years to destroy three kingdoms in a row. Although it was difficult to achieve great success with Li Shimin on his head, it was indeed easy to cause criticism.

Li Jing himself understood it very well, so after he destroyed the Eastern Turkic officials and became prime minister, Li Jing basically did not express his opinions and tried to reduce his sense of presence as much as possible.

And after four years as prime minister, he asked to be dismissed as prime minister because of "leg disease". Li Shimin also approved the resignation of the 60-year-old veteran.

In this regard, Li Jing's life was complete enough.

The one who was really in trouble at this time was Li Erfeng. After all, after Duan Zhixuan was played by Tuyuhun, whether it was for the sake of the Tang Dynasty's face or to save national power, the new generals must be able to ensure victory in one battle.

And if Li Erfeng thinks that the most reliable person is Li Jing.

But at that time, Li Erfeng had already approved Li Jing's resignation. If he was forced to recruit again, he would blush, so he played a trick.

Within two days, a rumor spread from Chang'an City:

Hey, have you heard about it?Our Majesty cried when he saw the battle report of Tuyuhun yesterday!
What else could be the reason? General Duan was defeated. I heard that His Majesty was still crying and said that if Duke Dai was here, how could he be so humiliated?
The direction of this news was too obvious, but everyone also knew that Li Jing did not have to go.

After all, he was already suffering from injuries. It was still winter, and he had to climb a plateau. For a 63-year-old man, he died without paying attention.

Moreover, Li Jing has reached the Great Consummation. If he wins this victory, he will gain a reputation that is not lacking at all. If he loses, he will be doomed.

But as expected of Li Jing, when the news reached his ears, he immediately went to find Fang Xuanling and asked for a fight.

Li Shimin was overjoyed and appointed Li Jing as the general manager of the march to the west sea route.

Li Jing lived up to expectations and spent four months to destroy the country in Tuyuhun. 】

The ministers of Ganlu Palace immediately looked at their Majesty from the corners of their eyes.

Li Shimin's face turned red. He felt like he could really do this, so he immediately praised:
"A pharmacist is willing to sacrifice his life for the country. This is a great act of justice!"

"Destroyed in April, Han Baiwei and Huo Shi can't reach it!"

So everyone could only ignore His Majesty's tears and sighs for the time being, and praise Li Jing's righteousness together.

Li Jing smiled modestly and returned the greeting, saying that this was what a general should do and it was nothing.

At the same time, he also did not forget to make up for his colleagues:
"Duan Zhixuan is also a good general. He only hates the cunning of Tuyuhun people."

Li Ji next to him looked sad: Your Majesty, consider me, I can do it too!
Su Lie was truly envious.

The figure of the old general in front of him became extremely tall in his eyes:

Who doesn’t want to learn the art of destroying a country?
I don’t know what the old general likes?You should move around more when you have time.

However, my salary from Kuang Dao Mansion is really not much, why don’t I go and ask for it from Your Majesty?
Wang Xuance, who was sitting in the small maza, felt like he was listening to the heavenly book.

He had also heard of Tuyuhun. After all, it had been a disaster to Hexi since the Sui Dynasty, and Hexi was adjacent to Guanzhong.

Therefore, the merchants in Chang'an also hated Tuyuhun with gnashing of teeth, but according to what Guangmu said, they were defeated by the old general in four months.

Wang Xuance also deeply agreed with His Majesty's praise: No famous general in ancient times had such military exploits.

The 23-year-old county magistrate quietly gained a new understanding of the Tang Dynasty where he lived.


In the Chengdu government office, Zhang Fei was already muttering:

"This old general is so fierce. He can destroy a country in four months at the age of 63."

"It only took two months for my second brother to flood the Seventh Army and shock China."

"Compared with that, my eldest brother and I are incapable of fighting."

Liu Bei glanced sideways and wanted to argue, but he remembered that he had been in a stalemate with Lu Xun Yiling for half a year at the age of 62 and ended up losing miserably.

So he decided not to say anything, lest the third brother would have nothing to say.

On the other side, Kong Ming waved his feather fan and looked at Zhao Yun thoughtfully:
"If you want to conquer the north, you must have an unrivaled cavalry!"

Zhao Yun said nothing, but his eyes were filled with fighting spirit:
In the future, the world of cavalry will really still be the rule!

(End of this chapter)

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