Spoiler History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 300: What can I exchange for you, my beloved disciple?

Chapter 300 What can I give in exchange for you, my beloved disciple?

It only takes a while.

Xue Rengui knew the old stories of Pei Xingjian's father and brother, where he was born, his hobbies, where he lived in Chang'an, and his life aspirations.

Pei Xingjian learned that Xue Rengui's name was Xue Li.

Turning a deaf ear to the noisy Pei Xingjian, Xue Rengui looked at the sand table extremely carefully.

His Majesty made it very clear. Although he didn't know if it was Tuyuhun, Xue Rengui also wanted to do some homework early, so he tried not to listen to Pei Xingjian's chatter next to him, but tried to look at the mountains and rivers with his eyes wide open.

But as a standard family settling down, even if Xue Rengui tried his best, he could only imagine two groups of villains charging at it.

As for more, I really don’t have any ideas, and it’s just at this time.

"See anything?"

A kind voice sounded in Xue Rengui's ears. Xue Rengui looked at it seriously and said smoothly:

"The shape of this mountain is quite similar to that steamed bun."

As soon as the words came out, Xue Rengui felt something was wrong. When he looked up, he realized that there were two more people in the room. One was an old man, and the other looked from between his brows, he was only 30 years old.

The person who asked the question was an old man. He was dressed in expensive clothes and had a kind face.

Xue Rengui's answer made the old gentleman burst into laughter and said to the people around him:
"Dingfang, it seems that the appetite of this Hedong divine general is quite suitable for Guanzhong."

Su Dingfang smiled, carefully looked at Xue Rengui, whose face was full of uneasiness, and then introduced to the two people in the room:
"This is the acting Duke Li Jing, doctor of military affairs."

There is no need to embellish the record, the name alone is enough to be heard.

Xue Rengui did not dare to neglect and hurriedly saluted. Pei Xingjian next to him also followed suit.

Li Jing was not polite at all. He picked up a slender bamboo pole and pointed at a large lake on the map:
"This is Qinghai Lake. When the army sets out next year, we must fully control this place to defeat powerful enemies and be able to reach far into the Western Regions."

"There are Tuyuhun people on the south, west and north sides of this lake. There are Dangxiang tribes on the east side. Climbing the plateau to the west, there are even Tubo people who are ready to move."

"What do you think you should do to practice frugality?"

The eyes of the three people present were all focused on the short Pei Xingjian. After all, he was only 11 years old now.

Xue Rengui was also full of curiosity, and his sense of unreality at this time was even worse than yesterday:
Such names as Tuyuhun and Dangxiang.He learned about it from a story told by an old man in the village.

As for Tubo Qinghai Lake, I have never heard of it.

But at this moment, listening to Li Guogong's solemn words and His Majesty's reminder yesterday, he could not understand more clearly:
Next year we will go to this place called Qinghai Lake and fight to the death with the Tuguhun and Dangxiang people.

Xue Rengui had one feeling: it was too fast.

Just like in the previous 16 years of his life, he was walking on his legs, but now the Emperor of Tang Dynasty arbitrarily stuffed a horse under his crotch, and he was forced to start galloping.

Pei Xingjian was not afraid. He looked at the sand table carefully and finally said:

"Students have also heard that the Duke of Guo leads a light cavalry raid on Yinshan Mountain. A battle will be decided. Our Tang army will surround them on three sides and destroy all the Jieli tribes."

"But Tuyuhun is no better than the Turks. We, the Tang Dynasty, came from the east and could only meet the enemy on one side. If the sand table is correct, if we want to imitate the method of destroying the Turks, we need to pass through Hexi, go around to the Western Regions and then go south. Only then can we attack the Tubo from both sides. It will be impossible. possible."

"Therefore, if we want to control Qinghai, we should make close friends and attack from far away, bribe the party members with money and property, and attack Tuyuhun in a surprise attack with a large army. The soldiers should be equipped with three cavalry to drive out this thief."

"Now that Tuyuhun is at peace, the party will be nothing more than a problem for me."

Watching 11-year-old Pei Xingjian talk freely.

Li Jing's face was full of surprise.

As expected of the old Pei family, his father and brother were both fierce generals. Although he died young, he was deeply influenced by his family and had considerable insights into military formations.

Maybe it’s because of my time at the Xiuwen Museum, where I have a wide circle of friends and understands current affairs and geography, but I actually have such insights!

At this moment, Li Jing glanced at Su Dingfang and completely understood why Su Dingfang taught Pei Xingjian the art of war in history. What a good seedling.

Your apprentice is very good, but he will soon become the successor of Wei Gong's art of war.

Su Dingfang's face was filled with pain.

The more outstanding Pei Xingjian is, the more heartache he feels.

But at this moment, seeing that this person had such an idea at the age of only 11, Su Dingfang felt his heart bleed, what a great seedling.

But... Su Dingfang also glanced at Li Jing:
Why can General Pharmacist compete with His Majesty for people?Because of his high merit.

When it comes to fighting, Su Dingfang knows how to fight.

When it comes to military merit, isn’t that what happened around the Tang Dynasty?
So at this moment, Su Dingfang also burst out with pride:

Leaving a name in history is secondary, he, Su Dingfang, must win back his apprentice!

Xue Rengui's heart sank two points. He looked at Pei Xingjian, who was only as tall as his chest, and then at the sand table:
Why didn't I see the words written on this sand table?
Fortunately, this topic was quickly ignored, and Li Jing clapped his hands and explained the situation to them:
Nowadays, the military science in the Imperial College is only on a trial basis, with Li Jing as the doctor of military science and Su Dingfang as the assistant military teacher.

There are currently only two students, namely Xue Rengui and Pei Xingjian.

However, His Majesty has written about all the ways in the world and tried martial arts.

Those who can stand out from the martial arts competition will also attend this military class to study the art of war.

The courses at Pei Xingjian Xiuwen Museum will continue, but you just need to come here every few days to attend classes.

Xue Rengui received special attention.

After the class ended, after asking Xue Rengui about his literacy, Li Jing handed a bag of books to him:
"Your Majesty's imperial gift, please read it to the end."

Xue Rengui stretched his head and took a look, feeling a little dizzy for a moment. It was full of military books and... arithmetic?
Looking at Xue Rengui's questioning eyes, Li Jing nodded firmly:
"Your Majesty will advocate arithmetic, and it will soon be listed as a compulsory subject in Xiuwen Hall and Imperial College."

That's okay. Xue Rengui put aside his doubts and took these books carefully.

He had made it clear just now that the Imperial College provided all accommodation and food, and there was no need for him to go out and find a way to make a living.In this case, then study hard!

After all, if nothing else, this Pei Xingjian is really eye-catching.

Li Jing was filled with joy as he watched the general who was appointed by His Majesty take the military book with great care and go to find accommodation.
"Everything can be made from."

Su Dingfang nodded in agreement: Who says it's not the case?
Then he and Li Jing went to the Five Thunder Temple.

Later generations ridiculed Kuang Dao Mansion for sweeping the floor, which shows that everyone knew that Kuang Dao Mansion was really idle.

In this case, Su Dingfang also chose to follow Li Jing, intending to see the gunpowder together.

But after leaving the room, the first thing he saw was the high-spirited Yan Lide.

Li Jing said hello:
"It seems that Master Yan's lecture went smoothly."

Yan Lide gratefully handed over the gunpowder. After testing the gunpowder in the north of the city, his first thought was to mass-produce this product with the general as the supervisor.

I originally thought that Li Jing would be disliked, but I didn't expect that Duke Dai was quite broad-minded and went with him to go to His Majesty to talk about the gunpowder matter.

Now, the Wulei Department, which is under the supervision of General Supervisor, has also initially put up a front, and this is all inseparable from Li Jing's help.

Therefore, Yan Lide also responded in a very friendly manner:

"Duke Dai is full of joy. It seems that both Xue Rengui and Pei Xingjian live up to their reputations for talent?"

After saying that, Yan Lide thought for a while and then gave something away:
"This is the yangsui used for teaching students. The Duke of the country should use it."

Li Jing curiously took it and held it cold. This small piece of glass had been polished, and each side had a high center and low edges.

Putting it in his hand, he was surprised to find that through the strange-shaped glass, the lines in his palm became much larger and he could see it extremely clearly.

But Li Jing was still curious about its name:

"Is this also Yang Sui?"

Li Jing was no stranger to Yangsui, as it was often used by Taoists to make elixirs.

It is not complicated to make. It is made of copper and then polished to smooth the inner wall. When the depression faces the sun, the light can be concentrated in the depression.

At this time, passing something like hay over can ignite it.

Nowadays, I occasionally wear it when marching, just in case I get into dire straits.

After Li Jing and Li Shiji sealed off the Five Thunder Temple, while strictly controlling fire, they even banned the Yang Sui.

But this glass Yangsui is very different from the copper Yangsui.

Yan Lide showed Li Jing how to use it on the spot. He put it under the sun to let the light gather a little, put it on dry grass, and it would burn in a moment.

"This thing is convenient."

This can be seen at a glance. Compared with the Copper Yang Sui, this thing is many times more convenient.

Not only is it easy to carry, Li Jing is also very pleased with the effect of doubling the visual field.

Moreover, Li Jing looked up at the sky and suddenly thought, couldn't this thing also be used to ignite gunpowder regularly?
For example, if you get a secret report that the bandit will pass by this place at midnight tomorrow, you can bury gunpowder in advance at night and set up the sun set according to the direction of the sun at midnight...

Although this is rare, there should be more uses.

And Li Jing also discovered that arithmetic seemed to be involved, and he was indeed the king of science.

While stroking the glass yangsui in his hand, Li Jing turned to ask about another thing he was more concerned about:
"The telescope?"

Yan Lide sighed:
"Still have to wait."

He came to the Imperial College to give lectures, and the method he claimed was "famous through the ages" was the telescope method.

To put it mildly, it is because "one person is trying to take advantage of others".

To be honest, it is because the supervisors are running out of manpower.

The Five Mines Department is newly built, and all matters of the naval division must be studied. The innovative methods of weapons, armor and horse armor for future generations must also be tried out, and the methods of smelting steel must also be improved.

And now we still need to study how to mass-produce iron nails.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, generals have never been so busy.

Therefore, after trying to prioritize these matters, Yan Lide simply chose to let the students of the Imperial College work for free... to contribute to the country.

After all, the research of this telescope is no better than iron smelting.

Iron smelting requires blacksmith experience, furnace research, and ironwork workshop support.

As for this telescope, theoretically it only requires a few pieces of polished transparent glass to try.

So Yan Lide sent over the polished transparent glass and vaguely pointed out the direction for the Imperial College students to try.

At the same time, he also planned to advise His Majesty that the general would need a school of his own.

 How to open the altar and offer a sacrifice:
  "My Chinese Ancestors"

  Su Chen traveled through time and became the youngest son of a marquis in the Yan Kingdom. With the enshrined tablets of Chinese emperors, he attracted the help of those once all-powerful emperors and their fierce generals.

  "I started with a broken bowl. Compared with me, you are like standing in the clouds!" Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the unsatisfactory Su Chen and shook his head.

  Liu Bang stared at the chair under Su Chen's butt without blinking, "You let Ji have another good time, this Red Sky Sword is given to you, Han Xin and Fan Kuai will lend it to you!"

  "Is there any elixir of longevity in this world?" Ying Zheng looked at the huge Kantu map, his eyes gradually brightening: "In this world, with so many countries, when will they be able to share the same track and write the same text?"

  He waved his hand: "Unify!"

(End of this chapter)

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