Spoiler History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 326 Novice Village Islands

Chapter 326 Novice Village Islands

The era of sea power?

Pang Tong chewed this word for a while, and then he naturally thought:
"Then when we wait for this, is it the era of Lu Quan?"

Kong Ming rubbed his legs and changed into a more comfortable sitting position, shook his head and said:
"This era varies from person to person and country to country. Come to think of it..."

"As long as one country can sail across the ocean, then the battle for sea power is not far away."

"Use powerful ships to knock on the gates of other countries and enslave their citizens, so as to..."

Kong Ming couldn't go on. That future was really scary, but it seemed so close at hand.

He just concluded with a slightly heavy expression:
“If we don’t have a strong ship to control the sea, we will only be reduced to fish meat.”

Judging from the experiences described by the younger generations, there is no doubt that the Chinese people in these later generations have experienced a lot of hardships.

But who would have thought that this ordeal would actually come from here?

But if he thought about the giant boat that helped General Yun Chang capture Jingxiang, Kong Ming felt that it was natural for the fleet to have such power.

At this time, Kong Ming also thought of the aircraft carrier that had not been mentioned for a long time.

This thing not only travels on the ocean, but is also the mother of navigation. Kong Ming already had a vague guess in his heart.

Although I couldn't figure it out for a while, I could vaguely sense the horror in it.

Zhang Fei doesn't care much about this. What he cares about is another name:
"Brother, can we not call this giant Japanese island the homeland of the pre-Qin Dynasty in the name of Xu Fu?"

Listening to his third brother's thoughts, Liu Bei was instantly shocked:
"Ah? How can you do this?"

"Of course, it seems feasible."

Over there, Zhang Fei was still aggrieved:

"The Japanese country imitated the culture of the Han and Tang dynasties... but they turned out to be white-eyed wolves and attacked the Han'er."

Liu Bei nodded slightly, but finally said:

"This matter is quite far away... The most urgent task is to revive the old capital. After regaining the Central Plains, we can then find a good land for building sea ships in Guangling or Beihai."

Speaking of this, Liu Bei felt a little agitated.

In fact, many things will come to an end this year. As long as Guanzhong can be conquered, there are trade routes to the Western Regions, and the fertile soil of Zhongzhong is concerned, the defeat of the Cao thieves is not far away.

After the true restoration of the Han Dynasty, many of today's plans have the basis for realization.


"Control sea routes and monopolize cross-sea trade."

Li Shimin murmured and repeated the words of his younger generation.

The causal relationship is not complicated.

The Tang Dynasty followed the Qin and Han Dynasties, focusing on agriculture and suppressing commerce.

But in the early Tang Dynasty, the trade routes to the Western Regions were opened up in the west, and the authority of the Tang Dynasty in the east was at least ensured. Although the tribute from the south was not interrupted, it was not interrupted.

In this case, the identity of the Tang people has become the best pass. All the barbarians from all directions are the ministers and concubines of the Tang Dynasty, and they have no conflict with each other, so merchants are naturally popular.

However, the household registration system of the Tang Dynasty firmly tied the people to their territories. Unless they were called to war or had legitimate reasons for traveling, they could only wander around in their territories throughout their lives, growing old, sick and dying.

However, the household registration system did not apply to the Hu people. These "New Tang Dynasty people" enjoyed the great convenience brought by the strong military ethics of the Tang Dynasty empire and made a lot of wealth by doing business.

And... Li Shimin felt that if they didn't know the stakes, most of them, from the emperor to the officials, would be happy with the current situation where the common people farmed the land and the barbarians did business.

But according to what later generations said, the benefits gained from this ocean-going trade were secondary.

Li Shimin sat there and watched quietly, and became completely silent. His expression showed no emotion or anger, but everyone familiar with him knew it, which showed that there was a war between heaven and man in his heart.

After all, what the light curtain said now couldn't be more straightforward. In just a few words, they questioned the national policy that this land had pursued for hundreds of years.This is a question on the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, and the adjustments or changes related to it, no matter how small, will surely stir up troubles when it is finally implemented in the world, so Li Shimin cannot help but be cautious.

While Du Ruhui was thinking carefully, he turned around and saw that Fang Xuanling was still writing furiously on the paper on the other side after copying the words of the light curtain.

Looking over his head, he saw numbers and symbols all over his eyes.

"What is Xuanling?" Du Ruhui couldn't understand.

"Tomorrow, Keming, please follow me to Wannian County."

Fang Xuanling was calculating, looking at the numbers on the paper with worry, and at the same time explained in a low voice:

"Many things said by later generations are all based on great knowledge."

"The more I think about the Malthusian Trap, the more profound it becomes."

"I used arithmetic to make some hasty calculations about the 50 years of the Tang Dynasty."

Seeing his heavy expression, Du Ruhui couldn't help but become nervous:


Fang Xuanling did not explain at this time, but just shook his head and said:

"Tomorrow, follow me to Wannian County. Half a month later, I may advise Your Majesty on arithmetic and open the sea."

Du Ruhui's eyes widened. He knew very well how kind-hearted his old friend beside him was. Unless he encountered a matter of life and death, he would mostly adhere to the principle of "no argument."

At this time, looking at the attitude of my old friend, we could tell that the situation was serious, so he became nervous, nodded and said:

"it is good."

[Another important reason can be attributed to geographical reasons.

The southern waters of China are the largest island group in the world.

This island group starts from the Andaman Sea in the west, reaches the Philippines in the east, Taiwan Island in the north, and Australia in the south. There are many large islands and densely populated small islands in the middle. It has a pleasant climate and rich products.

Cloves, nutmeg, sandalwood, camphor, benzoin and gold produced here were very popular in the ancient feudal dynasties of China.

For China's sea merchants, traveling between this Xinshou Village island group and China is both safe and profitable.

In this case, why go all the way to the far west and risk the shipwreck and death to earn a fortune that might even cost you your life? 】

As the light screen narrated, a more southerly map appeared more clearly on the light screen.

Li Shimin raised his eyes. He had an impression of this island. After all, the map of the earth drawn by Yan Lide was hanging next to it.

It's just that the map is covered by white fluff, which makes it not as clear as the southern islands in front of you.

But immediately, Li Shimin's eyes widened:

"What continent in Australia is so big?!"

On the previous map, one could vaguely see a broad landmass in the southeast of the Tang Dynasty, but only a shadow could be seen on it.

The light curtain this time was quite generous, and most of the land came into view. It only takes a little comparison to know:
In terms of size, this land is much larger than the current territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Jing tugged at his beard and said with a complicated mood:
"This... archipelago makes it easy for me to sail from China."

"However... if there are enemies and invaders stationed on this archipelago with all their strong ships, the Xinshou Cun Islands may become a prison on the sea for China, which will be difficult to break through."

Li Jing's thinking changed very quickly. As a commander at the level of a military god, after knowing the strengths and weaknesses of ships, he could also deduce the general principles of naval combat and deduce them based on this.

After hearing Li Jing's analysis, the surrounding generals all changed their minds.

The Tang Dynasty does not have such worries at present, but if it is not prepared for danger in times of peace, this possibility will indeed be very high in the later generations of the sea power era!
(End of this chapter)

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