Spoiler History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 366 What’s the point of being a rat?

Chapter 366 What’s the point of being a rat?

Ma Zhong's blood boiled when he faced the battle.

After leaving Chengdu with Xuande Gong, Ma Zhong was very happy in the battle in Nanzhong.

There is no need to recite classics or write every day for Duke Xuande to check.

In Nanzhong, you can use your sword to gallop at will. Therefore, when Xuande returned from the expedition in March last year, Ma Zhong resorted to various means to stay with difficulty.

The terrain of the entire South Central Region determines that it is basically impossible to launch a decisive battle with large armies like the North, and it is difficult to complete the victory in one battle.

Although the continuous small battles made the Yizhou army a lot more elite, they did not achieve any major military exploits.

After all, the strategy for Nanzhong focuses on strategy rather than attack. This is why Wu Yi was still busy in Nanzhong after the battle.

This is also the reason why Ma Zhong chose to follow Zhang Yi out of Yizhou. He wanted enough credit to prove that all the people entrusted by Xuande Gong were talented people.

He even wanted to use these military achievements to prove that he was better at military formation than at writing.

Zhang Yi led his troops to the north, and Yiyang did not waste much time, because there was no garrison in the city, only a few Jiangdong troops guarding food and grass.

Three thousand people descended like heavenly soldiers, and the entire Yiyang was easily frightened into opening the city gate. After learning about the battle situation from Jiangdong's army, Zhang Ni continued to run north without hesitation.

When he saw the decisive battle of the legion surrounded by thousands of people from a distance, Zhang Yi, who was still a meritorious officer a year ago, hesitated for a while.

But Ma Zhong's passion has been completely aroused.

This Hanshou seems to be overthrown, but it still has the strength to resist, which shows that the difference in combat power between the two sides is not too big.

If our reinforcements arrive at this time, wouldn't it be possible to reverse the victory at the drop of a hat? Great work!

Unlike Zhang Yi, when he was directly given to Pang Tong by Pan Zhang, Ma Zhong still remembered the heroic appearance of Zhou Governor in Chibi and Nanjun.

Later, he was transferred to Xuande Gong by Pang Tong. What Ma Zhong saw was that after two months of passing through six cities, the people of Yizhou returned home and captured Yizhou with only a few injured.

What I saw was that General Zhang conquered Yangping first, and Zhang Lu was suddenly lost in Hanzhong.

What I saw was that General Guan's navy was targeting Jingxiang, and Cao Cao was defeated and retreated to Jingzhou.

Nanzhong can also be said to be unstoppable, so unknowingly for Ma Zhong, victory is a matter of course for Xuande Gong.

It was also because he followed Xuande Gong at different times. When he saw the crumbling Han Shou, Zhang Ni hesitated a little, while Ma Zhong was not afraid at all and attacked directly!

"I am Ma Zhong, who dares to fight with me!"

Clear shouts echoed in this corner of the battlefield, and the unexpected surprise attack from behind immediately caused chaos to Han Shounan's defenders.

Although Zhang Yi was a little slower, his ideas were more comprehensive than Ma Zhong's.

Seeing that Ma Zhong had already entered the enemy's formation, Zhang Ni put aside his hesitation and stepped forward with his sword, shouting at the same time:

"Gong Xuande's reinforcements are coming!"

The soldiers behind Zhang Yi also had a tacit understanding. As the general stepped forward, they shouted together:

"Gong Xuande's reinforcements are coming!"

The sound waves rushed from Han Shounan to all directions.

Shamoko, who was gradually falling into trouble, clearly captured this cry. He swung away Han Dang's long knife with an iron rod, then turned sideways to avoid the ax blow that Han Dang was following, and finally jumped back to avoid the iron hook. Xiang, just laughed.

Too lazy to argue with Han Dang, Shamoko grabbed a chance to breathe and shouted with all his strength:

"Gong Xuande's reinforcements are coming! Follow me to kill the enemy!"

Morale increased and decreased, and the shaky front began to stabilize.

"Yi Gong, I will stop the reinforcements!"

Pan Zhang couldn't wait to ask for a fight. When Han Dang nodded, he immediately turned around and left without any regrets.

During the attack and defense just now, Pan Zhang discovered that his coordination with his soldiers was obviously not as good as Han Dang's. Forcibly inserting himself in would disrupt Han Dang's rhythm of suppressing Samoko.

Moreover, where they were, several barbarians around Shamoko recognized him. They laughed and insulted him during the attack and defense, which made Pan Zhang feel ashamed and angry. However, he could not attack for a while and it was difficult to kill the barbarians to vent his anger.

At this time, he heard that there were reinforcements, which of course needed to be dealt with. Pan Zhang simply suggested that he should get out of here.

Anyway, looking at the situation in front of him, even if Han Shou was defeated, Han Dang would be the first to take the credit. He would not share the credit if he didn't like it. Instead of doing this, it would be better to block the reinforcements and monopolize the credit.

Anyway, Han Shou was surrounded by two armies, so he would not be able to escape his share of the credit. All he had to do was exaggerate the strength of the reinforcements in his letter to Marquis Sun, and wouldn't his credit be guaranteed?

Han Dang was self-possessed, he just nodded to Pan Zhang and rushed towards Samoko again, not intending to give the barbarian king any room to breathe.

On the way to the south of the city, Pan Zhang also clearly learned about the situation of the supporting army:

"Only three thousand people?"

"The leader calls himself Ma Zhong?"

Pan Zhang couldn't help scratching his head. Why did this name sound vaguely familiar?

It is not far to the south of Hanshou, so there is no need for his subordinates to remind him. When Pan Zhang saw a young general running like a dragon in the Jiangdong Army, he immediately laughed:

"I thought it was some Ma Zhong, but I didn't expect it to be this Ma Zhong!"

At this time, the Yizhou Army rushed forward like a sharp arrow, and Ma Zhong was the tip of the sharp arrow.

Because Ma Zhong took the lead, Zhang Yi simply stopped fighting and was half a body behind Ma Zhong, charging with him.

Ma Zhong also noticed these subtleties, and he even forgot to die when he rushed to kill. of

As a result, at this moment, Ma Zhong was about to hit the target with a knife, but was directly knocked away by a sudden sideways knife from the side.

"Ma Zhong! Have you forgotten your ancestral land?"

This frivolous curse hit his ears, and even without raising his head, Ma Zhong dug up this person from his memory.

"Pan Zhang?"

The two sides collided with each other, and the soldiers beside him hurriedly made room for the two of them. Zhang Ni was also a little confused and stood behind Ma Zhong to see what was going on.

Pan Zhang's face was stern:

"I haven't seen you for many years, but you are still so ignorant! Call me General Pan!"

Ma Zhong shook his head:

"How can I respect you if you don't even call me General Ma?"

Pan Zhang frowned and scolded directly:

"If I hadn't been promoted by this general, you wouldn't be a slave in someone's house, and you would be so ungrateful today!"

As he said this, Pan Zhang glanced at the infantry behind Ma Zhong. He could see that they were all strong men. If he could get this army, it would no longer be a dream to be powerful in Jiangdong!

So after Pan Zhang finished scolding him angrily, he put on a kind smile:

"Ma Zhong, I'd like to teach you that you know that Jingnan is about to overthrow, and Cao Gong's army is pressing down on the north. Guan Yu's death has come."

"Now that you have returned to my general's command, you will be rich and noble!"

But Pan Zhang didn't say it was okay. This statement aroused Ma Zhong's anger. He immediately drew his sword and attacked and killed Pan Zhang. Pan Zhang was helpless, and he cursed again and again:

"When I was in Jiangdong, I dedicated all my money and possessions to you. What's the difference between being a slave and being a slave? How dare you show kindness?"

"Sun and Liu are good friends. How has my lord ever lost to Sun Hou? Instead, Sun Hou and his thieves attacked in a surprise attack, and Chen Bing was here." "Sages have said that people have died since ancient times, and people cannot stand without faith. Isn't Sun Hou's move a breach of trust in the world? ? Instead of admonishing Marquis Sun, he was complacent. If the Zhou Governor saw this, he would be so ashamed!"

"Today, those who persuade me to surrender are no more than a jackal and a raccoon begging me to enter the hills. How can they, like rats, be righteous?"

These words made Pan Zhang furious, but for a moment he could not refute, so he could only shout angrily:

"When I, the general, kill you, let's see if I can still be so eloquent!"

Ma Zhong retorted without hesitation:

"Rat! This general is waiting to chop off your head and hang it in Jiangling, so that the world can watch your dishonest behavior!"

"Ahhhhh!" Pan Zhang was furious and furious. He felt that everything had gone wrong since he left Jiangdong. Now even his former troops could disobey him. All kinds of troubles made Pan Zhang think at this moment:

He wants this horse to die! No more holding back between attacks.

But the moment Pan Zhang jumped at him, Zhang Ni did not hesitate to take action.

Because his family was poor when he was young, Zhang Ni has always been very frugal. He wears many patches on his clothes and only eats enough to fill his stomach. He has always lived and ate with the soldiers, and he is very popular.

The same is true for the aid to Jingnan this time, especially when he changed his clothes and armor when attacking Quanling, and Zhang Yi also rarely talks. When he is silent, it is difficult for others to guess that he is the one who really commands this army.

Therefore, Pan Zhang thought that Ma Zhong was the leader of the supporting army. He attacked without sparing any effort and only wanted to kill quickly. He was not prepared for the fact that there was another person beside Ma Zhong.

There seemed to be little bits of warmth on the back of the hand, but it became extremely cold when the wind blew it.

The same is true for the chest. A warmth spreads from the neck down, dispelling some of the chill and still feeling comfortable.

Pan Zhang turned around and wanted to say something, but the only sound that came out was "哓哓". The warmth in his chest seemed to be just an illusion, and Pan Zhang fell on his back.

For a dying person, the last bit of attachment to the world makes the last moment extremely long. Pan Zhang clearly saw the soldier who made quick moves, his brows and eyes were full of calmness, without any unnecessary expression.

He felt unbearable for a moment when he saw Ma Zhong, but it soon dissipated like an illusion.

Finally, he saw the soldiers who used to drink and eat meat together. Now they looked at him with disbelief and took the initiative to step back.

At the end of the moment, Pan Zhang's consciousness completely dissipated before he could regret his decision to leave Jiangdong.

Zhang Yi didn't hesitate much. After he succeeded with one blow, he stepped forward without hesitation, pulled his hair and cut off his head.

"The enemy general has been awarded the head, Jiangdong is defeated!"

The Yizhou army behind Zhang Ni also shouted together immediately, and expressions of confusion and fear began to appear on the faces of Jiangdong soldiers.

For most of them, the war has become absent-minded at this moment.

The news of Pan Zhang's death quickly spread back to Hanshou County, where the battle was still going on. Han Dang, who had always been steady, felt a little unbelievable for a moment:

"No more than three thousand people! Just kill them with a large army."

"Is there a soft girl in the bandit army or something? With the superiority in troops, Pan Zhang actually went to the formation?"

You can imagine the impact it would have on morale if the general was beheaded before the battle. At this time, Han Dang could not wait to get Pan Zhang's body from the enemy and come over and whip him thirty more times.

But it was useless to think so much. Before Han Dang could ask more questions, Shamoko was overjoyed and took the initiative to attack. At this time, he would not give Han Dang a chance to breathe:

"Come on, come on, such a hero will fight with me again!"

Han Dang turned a deaf ear and ordered his soldiers to join forces to stop Samoko. He glanced at the Wuling Army's shaky but unyielding defense line with nostalgia, and the messenger conveyed Han Dang's military order.

The war drums were played, and although Jiangdong Army was a little reluctant to leave, it still began to slowly withdraw from Hanshou County.

In the north, Dong Xi, who had listened to Han Dang's order and temporarily led Pan Zhang's troops, was holding back his joy, maintaining a sad expression on his face and commanding his soldiers to reinforce the barracks and form formations in the open space.

Now that Dong Xi had judged the situation, although one of the generals had been lost, Han Dang, the real commander-in-chief of the three armies, was intact.

Although the bandits have reinforcements, they are only a few thousand. With such increases and decreases, Jiangdong still has a slight advantage overall.

It's just that the rebel reinforcements are coming from the south. Where can the elite soldiers come from the south? Dong Xi couldn't figure it out.

With Jiangdong temporarily withdrawing his troops, the Wuling Army couldn't believe it. After all, they had been prepared for a deadly battle half an hour ago.

Now not only did he survive, but he was even better, it was like a dream.

Instructing his subordinates to carefully collect the corpses, Shamoko took the initiative to greet the supporting troops without taking any weapons.

Zhang Ni also took the initiative to greet him. Shamoke was a head taller than him and had to raise his face when speaking.

"Zhang Yi, a commander from another department under Duke Xuande, came to the rescue on the orders of the governor of Nanzhong."

Shamoko breathed a sigh of relief and also followed the same etiquette:

"Hanshou County Magistrate, Samoko."

After meeting each other's identities, Zhang Yi made the first request:

"Is there a place to rest in this county?"

A moment later, looking at the reinforcements who had been fighting hard before, now lying in a twisted state on the school grounds, with many people snoring like thunder, Shamoko was filled with gratitude:

"General Zhang... I'd better call you my cousin."

"Brothers Bo Qi have worked so hard. From Nanzhong to Hanshou, not many merchants are willing to go even in peacetime."

"To come to the rescue now is a great favor."

The short conversation just now also made Shamoko understand where this support army came from. He was stunned for a while, and he was even more grateful.

Moreover, he had hardly had a good rest during this whole journey, and now Xiao Sheng's first request after his battle was actually to have a good rest.

Although there was a tired look on Zhang Ni's face, this time he went to Yizhou to perform meritorious service, and the rescuer was Wuling Man, who was also a minister of Xuande Gong. This experience was quite novel for him:

"If County Magistrate Sha hadn't held on, we could only hope that the army would rise and sigh."

"Just what County Magistrate Yisha saw, what should we do now?"

Zhang Ni and Mr. Lu didn't talk much, but Mr. Lu didn't know what was going on in Jiangling. His previous suggestion was just to let him act according to the situation after arriving at Hanshou.

Since Samoko, the head of Hanshou County, is here, we should make a summary.

Shamoko laughed and waved his hands repeatedly to indicate to Zhang Ni that he could just call him his brother. Then he muttered:

"Previously, before our brothers were driven back from the Tang Dynasty, the scouts reported that there were navy soldiers under Jiangling City who had left and headed downstream."

"Now that Brother Bo Qi is heading north without any hindrance, it can be seen that this navy is not going to Yunmengze, but to the east, or to the east of the Yangtze River."

"Before, we were unable to do anything. Now with the help of Bo Qi brothers, we may be able to break the siege of Jiangling!"

Shamoko is not good at analyzing military situations, but after living here for nearly thirty years, he knows the geography and hydrology very well, and he can make a general guess just by guessing.

And he could see clearly that if Jiangling rescued the siege, Jingzhou would have no worries.

(End of this chapter)

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