Spoiler History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 381 Zhang Zhongjing, the son of Shengtian

Chapter 381 Zhang Zhongjing, the son of Shengtian

You can hear needles dropping in the yamen of Chang'an Prefecture in the Han Dynasty.

"Then solid garbage is just feces..."

Before Ma Chao finished speaking, Zhang Fei tightly covered his mouth.

And facing the whole room, he looked like he wanted to kill someone.

After all, even though he has a gentle temper like Doctor Zhang, he still has a look of hesitation on his face at this moment.

Ma Chao kept silent, but Zhang Fei still felt that it was difficult to get over this hurdle, so he muttered casually:

"No wonder I, Mr. Zhang, think the water from Chang'an well is not as sweet as Hanzhong and Chengdu."

Looking at Ma Chao who nodded fiercely next to Zhang Fei, Liu Bei suddenly felt very tired.

Kong Ming was the least affected by this. He kept a straight face and copied down what later generations said about the land composition of Chang'an. He sighed softly and said:

"In this future world, everything will be learned and everything will be scientific."

I don’t know which dynasty in later generations summarized the changes in Chang’an’s water quality in a concise and comprehensive manner, but it also left a few points for the predecessors, so as not to be too embarrassing.

But this news made Liu Bei, the leader, feel a bit in a dilemma for a while.

Why don't Chang'an relocate? The well water does have a smell, and there is always a thorn in my heart.

Let's move it. In what capacity to plan the new Chang'an is another question. The name is not justified.

Zhang Zhongjing, on the other hand, did not have so many worries. The old miracle doctor also wrote down his thoughts while watching the light curtain. At this time, he also had a new understanding of the casual saying of later generations that "diseases come from the mouth."

If daily drinking water is contaminated by feces and filth, then it is no wonder that during the Zhongping reign of Emperor Ling, there were no wars and chaos, but small epidemics continued.

Moreover, judging from what later generations said, the so-called "typhoid fever" in one word at this time was not really typhoid fever. It may have been mixed with a variety of epidemic diseases, which also needs careful study.

Zhang Zhongjing really felt that it was of great benefit. Many of the casual remarks made by later generations made his research direction of medicine more and more clear. In contrast, it also made the "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" that was originally close to completion even further away from completion. No deadline.


In the Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin was thoughtful. Why the old site of Chang'an in the Han Dynasty was abandoned was nothing new to him. In comparison, it was precisely because of the lessons learned from the previous Han Dynasty that the Sui Dynasty only built the new Chang'an in Longshouyuan. Pay more attention to the handling of these filth.

The Tang Dynasty followed the Sui Dynasty regulations and formulated more stringent laws on this basis. For example, if garbage is thrown outside the wall, it will be punished with a sixty-year penalty. If the sewage flows into the street, the supervisory officials will be charged with malfeasance in their duties.

On the basis of the former Sui Dynasty, open ditches were built to discharge daily sewage, all in order to avoid the old disasters of the former Han Dynasty.

From this point of view, Li Shimin believed that Datang's performance was not bad.

But on the one hand, Li Shimin was amazed that later generations could still investigate this matter after thousands of years, and study the accumulated filth so clearly.

On the other hand, I have also begun to worry about the future. When the Tang Dynasty gradually becomes stronger and merchants from Western Central Asia and the Yi people from the East China Sea hang out in Chang'an City, will Chang'an be able to support such a large population now?

After all, the memorials submitted by Fang and Du described the population surge during the peaceful and prosperous times, and Li Shimin was not very confident in Chang'an City at this time.

But this matter... Li Shimin glanced at Yan Lide, who was working conscientiously next to him:

I think the general supervisor should be able to come up with a method.

[Of course, what we are talking about above is a conjecture about the reason for the continuous plague in the late Han Dynasty and early Han Dynasty. After the Yellow Turban Uprising, we are familiar with the plague.

Floods, droughts, locusts, wars and food shortages have disrupted social operations and production order, making people's lives extremely difficult.

The corpses that died in natural disasters and man-made disasters will breed a large number of pathogens and become the best breeding ground for epidemics. In the end, it only takes one opportunity to trigger a large-scale plague, and eventually lead to the tragedy of the late Han Dynasty, when ten houses were empty.

It is also precisely because of the horror of these disasters that those who go against the grain and face them are extremely valuable.

Zhang Ji, named Zhongjing, was born in Nanyang. His family originally had more than 200 members. However, after several major epidemics, more than 140 people died in the family, and 100 of them died of typhoid fever.

The death of a close family member from the epidemic was a great shock to Zhang Zhongjing. At this point, this young man who had hated officialdom and despised official career since childhood also established his own ambition in life: he wanted to relieve the suffering of typhoid fever for the people. Zhang Zhongjing, a descendant of the clan, now spent his family wealth and became a practicing doctor. In the turbulent times of the late Han Dynasty, epidemics often followed natural disasters and military disasters, and behind epidemics, Zhang Zhongjing was often closely followed.

After ten years of traveling and learning from hundreds of schools of medicine, Zhang Zhongjing lived in Lingnan in his later years, where he escaped from the troubled times and devoted himself to writing about medical skills. The epoch-making clinical medical masterpiece "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" was published.

As we have said before, this masterpiece was originally unfortunately lost, but fortunately, it was recollected, edited and compiled by later generations into "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", making most of Zhang Zhongjing's achievements available. It has been passed down to this day.

Zhang Zhongjing passed away in Lingnan. After three parts of the world returned to Jin, the old doctor's tomb was moved back to his hometown of Nanyang. The people were impressed by his medical skills and ethics and built a holy medical temple to commemorate him and offer incense. To this day, later generations also regard him as a medical sage.

So did Zhang Zhongjing succeed in fighting the epidemic?

In the short term, there is no doubt that it still failed, because after the publication of "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases", epidemics continued.

In 223, there was a great epidemic in Xudu, Wancheng, and tens of thousands of people died.

In 253, there was a great epidemic in Xincheng, killing most of them.

In 273, there was a great epidemic in Jianye, killing one hundred thousand people.

Just like the late Han Dynasty, behind these large-scale outbreaks of plague, there must be countless small-scale plagues.

But the UP owner believes that looking at the entire history, Zhang Zhongjing has undoubtedly won.

This medical saint was a pioneer. When almost everyone was helpless in the face of the epidemic and fled, he chose to go in the opposite direction and declare war on it.

For thousands of years, several classic prescriptions in "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" have been spread throughout the land of China, and countless people have survived, allowing China to survive thousands of illnesses and become stronger and stronger after suffering from thousands of epidemics.

The name of the Medical Saint has also inspired countless newcomers, so that they no longer turn a blind eye to the suffering of the people, but choose to have China in their hearts and China on their shoulders, so that our entire nation can move forward high-spirited.

Thirteen hundred years after Zhang Zhongjing's death, the Black Death caused by the plague swept across Europe, killing more than 75 million people in more than 150 years. Europe was helpless and could only lie down and wait. The disease disappears naturally after the death of the host.

This disease also spread to the Ming Dynasty. Chinese doctors at that time also followed Zhang Zhongjing's example and chose to fight against the epidemic. Wu Youxing, a Wu doctor in Jiangsu, did not care about life and death to explore the plague. He wrote "On Plague", summarized the transmission routes, explored the treatment methods, and started The pioneer of modern plague theory, it curbed the ravages of plague in the Ming Dynasty.

In addition, the Black Death played a decisive role in the entire history of Europe, because the massive death of the population shook the rule of the Catholic Church and made precarious people popular to live in the present and enjoy themselves.

In terms of mentality, this point has to be said to be quite similar to the hedonistic school represented by Cao Pi in the late Han Dynasty. 】

Kong Ming looked sideways and saw the old man, Doctor Zhang, looking at the light screen with unprecedented concentration.

He still didn't say a word, but his gradually red eyes showed what kind of turmoil was going on in his heart.

“Practice healing to heal this time, write books to heal the ages.”

"The name of the Medical Saint is worthy of its name."

Kong Ming’s admiration was sincere.

Zhang Zhongjing, whose eyes were red and his chest was agitated, just sighed and cupped his hands in front of Kong Ming.

After all, the younger generation made it clear that there were still many epidemics in the short term after him, which was still a pity for him.

After all, his original intention was to cure typhoid fever so that the people would not suffer the tragic death of most of his Nanyang clan from the epidemic, and the death of 100,000 people in Jianye was horrifying just from the numbers alone.

Kong Ming had a profound insight and changed the direction and said:

"I wonder when Liang will be able to read the doctor's book on governing the world?"

So Zhang Zhongjing could only wave his hands slightly embarrassed and said:

"It's coming soon."

The complicated mood just now calmed down immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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