Spoiler History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 433 Changing the Courts and Governing the Tang Dynasty According to Law

Chapter 433 Changing the Courts and Governing the Tang Dynasty According to Law

[We all learned a sentence when we were in school, which is called "objective laws are not subject to human will."

What are objective laws?

Counting from the time when Wu Zetian was planning to change the Tang Dynasty’s name, in order to save face:

The Vientiane Shrine and Heaven were repaired twice.

The Tianshu Bronze Pillar costing tens of billions of dollars has also been built.

Dayun Temple, Buddhist conferences, artificial auspiciousness, Songshan Zen, etc. all cost money.

However, during the Wu-Zhou period, firstly, there was no population explosion, and secondly, there was no industrial revolution.

Old ladies live a happy life, while ordinary people live a life of crying for their fathers and scolding their mothers. This is the objective reality.

The old lady tried to achieve immortality with these wonders that could neither advance technology nor destroy spaceships. This was human will, and it goes without saying what the result would be.

Just when Wu Zetian was having fun changing her reign and amnesty, news came from the north: The Khitan had rebelled!

The first reaction of the Central Government to this news was disbelief, because the Khitan had never been the ambitious group among the miscellaneous people in the north.

Due to the limitations of the tribe's strength, the Khitans were beaten in the face by Gao Yang during the Northern Qi Dynasty.

When the Turks rose in the Sui Dynasty, they were caught between the Turks and the Sui Dynasty and suffered from both sides.

During the Tang Dynasty, the Khitan ruler saw that Erfeng had a lot of thoughts about Jieli Khan, so he simply joined the Tang Dynasty, accepted the surname Li and was named Khitan Khan.

From the second year of Zhenguan to the present for sixty-eight years, the Khitan tribe has followed the lead of the Tang Dynasty. How could they do the opposite?

What happened is not too complicated. It started with a natural disaster.

In 695 to 696, when the old lady changed her number frequently.

First, hail fell in the states east of Luoyang in February, making the people worried.

Subsequently, the Kodong region suffered a frost in midsummer in June, resulting in a significant reduction in grain production.

When the Chinese New Year arrives, the common people are greeted by spring famine and severe drought. You can imagine how difficult their lives will be. The only thing they can count on is the official ration of food relief, and Khitan is no exception.

Logically speaking, officials who can guard the border must have the minimum political literacy. It does not require you to be treated as equals through ethnic integration, but at least you must be able to draw on others' strengths, right?

However, Zhao Wenhui, the protector of the Dongyi capital of Wuzhou, did not. Since he took office on the order of Wu Zetian, he has treated the two ethnic minorities as slaves.

This famine was no exception. Despite the cries of the hungry people, a death order was issued and no warehouses were allowed to be opened to provide relief to the victims.

Under this circumstance, after the era name Long Live Tongtian was adopted, the first major event that happened in this era was also recorded:

Li Jinzhong, the governor of Songmo, joined forces with his brother Sun Wanrong to rebel against the Zhou Dynasty, killed Zhao Wenhui, captured Yingzhou, and besieged Tanzhou.

After confirming the authenticity of the news, the old lady made two preparations.

First, Yan Zhiwei was sent as the envoy to the Turks and told the Khan: I agree to the marriage proposal. As long as we fight the Khitan together, we will still be a family.

The only slight difference is that the Turkic Khan wanted to marry Wu Zetian's daughter and get married. If not, he could just accept the old lady as his godmother.

Unexpectedly, Yan Zhiwei sent Wu Yanxiu, the son of Wu Chengsi, who was ordered by Wu Zetian to marry the daughter of the Turkic Khan as a marriage partner. This move made the Turkic Khan furious: If you want to play like this, will the Turks do the same in another generation? Is your surname Wu?

As a result, this envoy was either imprisoned, killed, or surrendered, trapped within the Turks.

If you can't count on foreign aid, you have to do it yourself. It took Wu Zhou two years and two battles to put down the Yingzhou Rebellion.

For the first time, the disciples of the Wu family led tens of thousands of people on an expedition, but were defeated miserably and the entire army was annihilated.

The second time, Yang Xuanji and Zhang Jiujie jointly led 200,000 people to finally put down the war.

If Xue Rengui's defeat at Dafeichuan was the end of the invincibility of the early Tang Dynasty, then the Yingzhou Rebellion was a precursor to the decline of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

After the fall of Goguryeo, most of the people of Goguryeo were dispersed and moved to the Tang Dynasty, among which the Mohe tribe was settled in Yingzhou.

Taking advantage of the chaos in Yingzhou, Mohe leader Da Zuorong and Qiqi Zhongxiang once again led their troops eastward to cross the Liao River and return to their hometown.

Even during this process, the Mohe tribe and the Khitan people joined forces to defeat the Tang (Wu Zhou) army at Tianmen Ridge, and the Bohai Kingdom became independent since then.

Later, the Bohai Kingdom joined forces with many forces in Liaodong and the Korean Peninsula. In more than ten years, it had more than 13 wars with the Tang Dynasty, including the Battle of Dengzhou, the Battle of Madushan, and the Battle of Bohai.

The border troubles pressed closer and closer, and finally Xuanzong adopted the strategy of using barbarians to control barbarians, and An Lushan finally came to the stage.

Oh, by the way, Yan Zhiwei is also worth mentioning.

At that time, among the entire mission, Yan Zhiwei was cowardly and had no master, and Wu Yanxiu knelt down on the spot. Only deputy envoy Pei Huaigu was loyal and unyielding and would rather die than surrender.

For the Turkic Khan, he looked down upon Wu Yanxiu and Pei Huaigu at all. The most important thing he valued most was Yan Zhiwei, who was the grandson of Yan Lide and was quite famous in the court. He forced them to land and gave them the title of Khan of the South in order to recruit more people. Drop more people.

When the news came back to the court, Wu Zetian killed the Yan family directly and swiftly, leaving only two members of the Yan family who had joined the Wu family alive.

When the fighting between the two sides stopped for a while, Yan Zhiwei, who returned to Wuzhou, was punished by Wu Zetian and was punished by breaking a chariot and ordered all officials to shoot his body with arrows.

Later, he ordered his flesh to be cut off and his bones broken, and the three tribes were hunted down and executed.

Wu Yanxiu returned to Wuzhou and was granted the title of Duke Heng, until he was beheaded by Li Longji at Suzhangmen during the Tang Long coup. 】


This sound was particularly prominent in the silent Manna Hall.

Everyone turned around and saw Yan Lide hurriedly picking up the hard brush used for painting from the ground.

The supervisor, who always had a calm smile on his face in the past, now had only a confused look on his face.

After all, he, Yan Lide, is only thirty-five years old now, and he is still waiting for his eldest son to be crowned. Who would have imagined that he would suddenly learn that his grandson has such a bad fate, and is also connected to the three barbaric tribes...

These three words were unprecedentedly heavy, and they also made him, who had always been optimistic, feel a bit silent.

Li Shimin hesitated for a moment, and finally, with the encouragement in Empress Changsun's eyes, he comforted:

"Lide..." Yan Lide shook his head and said:

"Your Majesty, there is no need to say more. It's okay for Yan to not enter the official career."

No need for Li Shimin to say anything, Yan Lide pulled Daodao out first and said that he would not play with you anymore.

It’s no wonder, after all, nowadays, whether it’s painting, arithmetic, or engineering, a person can study the classics for a lifetime.

Since accompanying the royal family is so dangerous and the descendants may not be useful, then we just don't get involved.

But Yan Lide's simple words made Li Shimin speechless for a long time.

Du Ruhui sighed secretly at the side: It's thanks to the old Yan family who either studies architecture or is obsessed with painting, and it's also thanks to His Majesty that he won't be angry at these negative words.

But before Du Ruhui could come out, Changsun Wuji, who had been silent for a long time, stepped forward and said:

"The reason Yan Jiang complained for making these remarks, and for future generations to sigh, is none other than Wu Zhou's laws and regulations."

His face was calm, but in fact his hands in his sleeves were pinched together nervously and were sweating.

Living in the Ganlu Palace, his eldest grandson Wuji would never want the honor and disgrace of his eldest grandson's family to be tied to the queen alone.

But now that the way forward is known, the road to returning to office will remain in a state of limbo for a long time.

In fact, I know from later generations that in this Zhenguan period, one person more than him was not enough, and one person less than him was not enough. If you want to realize your long-cherished wish, then it can only show your uniqueness.

What is his grandson Wuji good at? Both civil and military affairs are involved, especially the legal code. I have been thinking about it for many days and have finally solved it today.

"Looking at future generations, we can see that without a king, there will be no royal relatives. If there is no honor, there will be no one who can express kindness to others."

"Why control the people? After much deliberation, I can only come up with four words that later generations casually said when they commented on Zhuge Wuhou: Governing the country according to law."

Li Shimin listened attentively, and at the same time, his mind jumped out to Ma Su who was executed according to law. When he thought about Yan Zhiwei's severe punishment and Wu Yanxiu's reward, it was indeed ironic to compare them together.

Thinking about later generations' attitudes towards Confucianism and the inclusive attitude revealed in his words, Li Shimin had already vaguely guessed about Changsun Wuji's thoughts.

There was no fool present. Almost immediately, many people cast their eyes over: So hard?

Changsun Wuji, who was in the center of the storm, spoke impassionedly:

"Han Zi once said that the strength of a country depends on the strength of those who follow the law. I believe that the strength of those who follow the law depends on whether the law can be followed."

"Wei Yangguo had a promise to govern the Qin Dynasty, but the law was not implemented and he violated it himself, so he punished the two young masters, Qian Gong and Sun Jia. The people of Qin all followed the orders."

"Today, our Tang Dynasty can still be called the first establishment. Although there is the "Wude Law", it is only the law that quasi-founded the emperor."

"Emperor Yang has subjugated his country by following this law. If everyone wants to achieve unparalleled achievements, they should also have laws and regulations that connect ancient and modern times to govern the people."

"I ask you to cultivate the laws of Zhenguan to restrain Zhenguan, promote its power, highlight its brightness, and praise its virtues."

After Changsun Wuji finished speaking, he bowed calmly, raised his hands above his head, and waited for the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty's decision.

As for the looks of Wei Zheng and others behind him, although he couldn't see them, he could still imagine them, and they were probably not very happy.

After all, in the final analysis, Confucianism advocates etiquette rather than law. This is a fundamental issue.

But for Changsun Wuji, borrowing the slogan of later generations to govern the country according to law, raising the banner of Legalism, finally gaining the power to compile laws, and using this to resume his official career, this is the safest path he can think of. .

Continuing to remain unmoved would certainly keep him rich and prosperous, but he didn't want future generations to talk about him with only the name of a relative and the Duke of the country.

The period of time when Changsun Wuji raised his hands over his head and begged for help once again felt like his days were like years. But fortunately, he finally heard the voice in the distance after an unknown amount of time:


The quiet air became noisy, and the Ganlu Hall, which was slightly cold when we arrived, now felt extremely hot, and my back, which was wet with sweat, felt particularly uncomfortable.

The only dissatisfaction at this time is probably that Hou Junji is not here, otherwise this talented person would be overwhelmed by his knowledge and skills.

Changsun Wuji sighed slightly excitedly.

Li Shimin really didn't think so much. He knew what Han Fei Wei Yang said, and he also knew Han Fei's other two sentences:

Don't avoid ministers when punished, and don't spare ordinary people when you reward good deeds.

He can do this if he is ambitious, but what about his children and grandchildren?

Putting aside such troubles for the time being, Li Shimin looked back and sighed in boredom:

"The chaos in Yingzhou...compared to the inner court Yingying's planning, the emperor seems to have to deal with border troubles by more than one person."

In fact, in his opinion, there is not much difference between his son and his daughter-in-law. They both grew up in the palace and did not understand the rules at all and gave orders from afar.

It is the nature of Zhu Hu to be afraid of power but not to be virtuous.

Four million kilograms of red gold cast in Kyoto is no match for half a kilogram of inferior iron placed around a barbarian's neck.

Only by making others fear the power of China can they be forced to learn the virtues of China.

Otherwise, it will be just like Song Dynasty's "virtue is not dangerous", which is just a joke that makes people laugh.

In comparison, later generations simply and straightforwardly reminded the seriousness of the unreliability of frontier officials.

The responsibility of the Great Protector requires that he not fall under the authority of the central government, but also needs to be able to care for the people of the barbarians and Di, and needs someone who pays equal attention to power and virtue.

In addition, the Khitans who have been won over can rest assured for the time being. Only the Turkic troubles need to be completely settled. Li Shimin will keep these in mind one after another.

Du Ruhui wrote down two words of interest:

What is the state of population explosion?

What was the industrial revolution like?

 Let’s do this tonight. I came back late from the injection today, and my current condition is much better.

  Will update normally tomorrow.



(End of this chapter)

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