Chapter 445 Steady Li Longji


Kong Ming nodded.

Kong Ming couldn't get the "Barefoot Doctor's Manual" that later generations casually mentioned, so he had to do it himself.

He also asked Divine Doctor Zhang to sort out some common diseases of local people and compile them into a book for the army sergeants to learn from.

The requirements are not high, as long as you can recognize the disease, diagnose it, and use the right medicine.

Doctor Zhang took this very seriously and even temporarily slowed down the compilation of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" to allow Kong Ming to express his guilt.

After seeing the picture of the forceps, discussing with Zhang Zhongjing, and talking about the urgent need for veterinarians, Kong Ming felt that this barefoot doctor might have temporarily filled in the last link.

Able to treat people, save lives of livestock, and educate children in the village in his spare time, such a barefoot doctor is enough to change the fate of a village.

Comparatively speaking, training such barefoot doctors is not too difficult. After all, when he was in Jingzhou, Kong Ming had already begun to specially select active veterans to make them literate. Now this group of people just come in handy.

What is even more difficult is the financial and food support for these barefoot doctors, road repairs, assessment and discipline, etc., but there is no need to worry about it for now.

He thought long-term, but only wrote a few words on the paper, which already made Lu Su a little unable to hold back:

"Kong Ming's plan should be considered carefully, why is it only a half-measure?"

Kong Ming smiled slightly, kowtowed a few times with his fingers:

"Let's take a look first, and we'll discuss the remaining half of the plan tomorrow."

Lu Su said a little anxiously:

"Why tomorrow? Just tonight."

On the contrary, Kong Ming said seriously:

"When you are late, you must rest as early as possible. Only by taking good care of your body can you avoid disasters and diseases. Only by being healthy can you save the people from water and fire."

Lu Su was speechless.

Pang Tong was laughing "chuckling" on the side, and intuitively felt that the day of working with Lu Zijing was not far away.


Seeing the content coming and going on the light screen, Li Shimin sat on the couch and showed no expression at all. He just said one sentence:

"You are really cowardly."

Not distinguishing between loyal and treacherous people is considered cowardice.

And Li Shimin felt that he had figured it out. Although Li Xian had restored Li Tang in name, he was actually still a standard Emperor of Wuzhou.

For a moment, Li Shimin didn't know whether to say that the pheasant slaves were also incompetent in teaching their children, or whether to blame Wu Zetian for causing trouble for the court.

But no matter what the cause was, it was obvious that the emperor was extremely incompetent at his job, so in the end there was only a lack of interest, and he didn't even pay attention to the light screen for a while.

The words Chang Sun Wuji said just now suddenly popped into my mind:

"If evil is not accumulated, it is not enough to destroy the body."

As mentioned before, the light curtain at this time of death was that Tang Long's coup led to Li Longji killing Wu Yanxiu in Suzhangmen.

Suzhangmen is in the northwest of Taiji Hall. There are layers of palaces to the south, and to the north... there is Xuanwumen.

It seems that Li Longji has learned the lesson of Li Chongjun who hacked Wu Sansi to death, or he really watched Li Shimin kill his brother.

I just don’t know how Xuanzong, as the third son of the Prime Minister, got into trouble?

[In June 710, Tang Zhongzong Li Xian died suddenly in the Dragon Palace.

The old Tang Dynasty records only record that Li Xian died suddenly and collapsed, but the cause of death is not described in detail. Li Xian's nephew Li Longji categorically claimed that Empress Wei and Princess Anle poisoned Li Xian, and that the Qing emperor was seeking revenge for his uncle.

As for the truth...because Li Xian's Dingling Mausoleum has been recorded as stolen five times in history books since ancient times. The bones have long since been found and there is no way to conduct a toxicological analysis. It is unclear whether he was poisoned to death. And know.

However, at present, the historians generally prefer that Zhongzong really died suddenly.

After all, scientifically speaking, there was a lack of poison purification technology in ancient times. If you really wanted to poison Li Xian, it would not be enough to "add poison to the cake" as "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" said, at least you have to "mix the poison into the cake". OK.

In addition, Li Xian acted like a fool when he was alive. He himself was the best source of power for his wife and daughter, and poisoning him was unnecessary.

For example, when Li Xian died, a man named Lang Qian in Dingzhou wrote a letter to report the disaster caused by Empress Wei.

Empress Wei greeted Li Xian and then killed her with a stick without Li Xian asking.

A month later, Yan Qinrong, another Xuzhou native who was not afraid of death, also wrote a letter scolding Empress Wei, Princess Anle and others.

This time Li Xian was not polite and directly issued an order to kill Yan Qinrong.

Li Xian died suddenly less than half a month after the incident, and out of consideration for the situation, Empress Wei and Princess Anle had no need to poison Li Xian.

But for Li Longji, claiming that Li Xian was poisoned by Queen Wei was the best source of legitimacy for the coup.

Unlike Li Chongjun, who was a bargain hunter, Li Longji grew up under Wu Zetian's power.

During his childhood, he witnessed with his own eyes how his grandma purged the former Tang clan and ministers. Rolling heads were the most common embellishment under his grandma's rule.

Li Longji was six years old when Wu Zetian became emperor. At that time, Awu needed to use his position as emperor to support the Wu family to work hard, so he directly ordered Li Dan and his son to be imprisoned for nearly ten years.

As we mentioned before, Li Longji's biological mother, Concubine Dou De, was also killed by Wu Zetian when Li Longji was nine years old.

It wasn't until the age of fifteen that Wu Zetian, who was starting to make funeral arrangements, finally remembered Li Dan and others, released them and made an oath in Daomingtang. Only then did Li Longji's life become closer to normal.

After the Shenlong coup, Li Longji took advantage of his father Li Dan. He was promoted to Wei Shaoqing and was in charge of the arsenal. It was here that he watched Li Chongjun's failed rebellion at close range and lost his life.

Finally, in 710, the -year-old Li Longji saw the huge ripples caused by Li Xian's death and keenly smelled the opportunity.

After Li Xian's death, Shangguan Wan'er first announced the imperial edict, in which Li Xian appointed Li Dan to assist in government and supervise the country.

But Empress Wei's minions jumped out immediately and asked the Empress Dowager to take the throne while the Prime Minister Li Dan went to play!

Empress Wei didn't show even a trace of reserve to this request. She made Li Chongmao the crown prince the next day. Four days later, Li Chongmao ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. Also announced was Empress Wei's appointment as emperor.

Faced with the smooth progress of the situation, Empress Wei's faction quickly became excited. Li Xian's body was still cold. Prime Minister Zong Chuke and Princess Anle, who were loyal to Empress Wei, wrote a letter saying that according to the prophecy of the interpretation map, " Webster should reform the Tang Dynasty."

The Tang Empire, which had only been restored for five years, once again appeared to be shaky. At this critical moment, Li Longji finally stepped onto the stage of history.

Li Longji's early rebellion was very similar to that of the unlucky man Li Chongjun who died.

Li Chongjun was dissatisfied because the Imperial Guards had turned from heroes to criminals, and they hit it off immediately.

However, these people did not make any progress in the past few years. Empress Wei's relatives relied on their ability to serve the dragon immediately, and they often beat and cursed the imperial army, and the two sides had a lot of hatred.

At the same time, Li Longji also took advantage of the convenience of being in charge of the arsenal. He had already spent several years getting familiar with several leaders of the Forbidden Army, and thus he had the first basic base.

With the Forbidden Army in hand, in charge of the arsenal, and at the same time familiar with the Xuanwu Sect, it should be considered that everything would be foolproof.

But Li Longji still felt that it was not safe, and he also planned to find a heavyweight helper:

My aunt, Princess Taiping. 】

(End of this chapter)

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