Spoiler History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 449 A loving father and a filial son

Chapter 449 A loving father and a filial son

"Can peek into the mirror of heavenly power..."

Du Ruhui murmured to himself, with endless longing in his eyes.

Who wouldn’t envy the ability of future generations to ascend to heaven and enter the sea? But the meal must be eaten one bite at a time. This is something that all of them, including His Majesty, understand.

And if you want to explore the secrets of the stars in the universe, you must first at least be able to see them.

It's just that they couldn't find the right way before. Now, relying on the work of future generations, at least they have seen this possibility.

But after hearing what Fang Xuanling said, Du Ruhui suddenly remembered and said:

"Then this thousand-step mirror..."

You can tell from the name that this telescope should only be able to see the scenery a thousand steps away, which is much farther than the appearance of the sun and the moon, but how could Du Ruhui not understand its convenient role on the battlefield.

Fang Xuanling smiled and whispered:

"Baiqisi was sent by your majesty to send all the Thousand Step Mirrors to Liangzhou to control Tuyuhun."

[Li Dan’s sudden resignation caught everyone off guard.

But even Princess Taiping and Li Longji's dissuasion could not stop Li Dan from going his own way.

In the end, before the comet completely disappeared, Li Dan made himself the emperor.

It's just that Li Dan left a trail here. On the grounds that "military and national affairs should be dealt with at the same time as provincial affairs", he only delegated some power to Li Longji who came to the throne. The appointment and dismissal of officials of third rank and above still required Li Dan's personal decision.

When most people mention Li Dan, their first impression is his nickname of Liuwei Dihuang Pill, and they lament his good luck.

But in fact, if you think about it, you will know that Princess Taiping had the last laugh because of her superior power, and that Comrade Liuwei Dihuangwan, who had a harsher political living environment, had the last laugh because he relied on more than just luck.

In fact, the few times Li Dan took action after he ascended the throne, he basically took the position of an arbiter, restricting his sister and cutting off his son's wings.

Retiring the Supreme Emperor and making way for the Emperor is more like making up for his son's shortcomings in the court, so as to work hard to maintain the balance between the two forces.

But Li Longji's power was still too weak after all. This can be seen from the advice of Li Longji's cronies during the Xiantian coup:

"Please secure the Northern Army first, and then take back the rebels."

The Northern Army is the Xuanwu Gate Guards. Several coups in the Tang Dynasty have proven that those who win the Xuanwu Gate will win the world. As a result, Emperor Li Longji cannot even command the North Gate Guards. The constraints of his father are evident.

But as the Xuanwu Sect is said to be indecisive in times of trouble, after being frustrated on the throne for a year, Li Longji once again gathered his team and planned to do something big.

It's just that compared to last time, both the number of people and the foreign aid are much shabby, as you can see by clicking on the list.

Qi Wangfan and Xue Wangye are Li Longji's brothers, the fourth and fifth respectively.

Wang Maozhong, Li Shoude, and Gao Lishi had the common identity of being Li Longji's slaves before he became the prince.

Li Lingwen and Wang Shouyi were both close friends from when Li Longji was still King of Linzi.

He took Li Longji with him, including eight people, "more than 300 people in his family", and "taken the stable horses". This was the entire team for this coup.

Still continuing the successful experience of Tang Long's coup, Li Longji and others rushed to the North Gate and immediately killed Princess Taiping's confidants Chang Yuankai and Li Ci, thus establishing the Xuanwu Gate.

Then they gathered their troops and began to clean up the three provinces and six ministries in an orderly manner. The prime ministers Xiao Zhizhong, Cen Xi and others promoted by Princess Taiping were either captured or beheaded.

The end of Princess Taiping, who had her military power taken away and her confidants killed, was conceivable. She was eventually ordered to die at home by Li Longji.

It seems that Li Longji's beheading operation was extremely efficient, but if you think about it from another angle, the dignified emperor was forced to take the slave soldiers to take risks, which shows how hard he was forced. Moreover, it was clearly the emperor who took the lead in killing the thieves, but in the end it was called a "coup", which I have to say is very interesting.

What is particularly interesting about the coup is Li Dan's attitude.

The main reason why Li Longji was able to complete the coup quickly and accurately was to win the support of Guo Yuanzhen, the Prime Minister of the Ministry of War who was originally loyal to Li Dan.

After Li Dan heard that there was a war in the palace, he did not move closer to his son immediately. Instead, he boarded the Chengtian Gate and ordered the Nanya imperial army to obey the emperor's control.

In the end, it was Guo Yuanzhen who led the troops and said that the emperor was now executing the traitors on the order of the Supreme Emperor, and he "pacified" Li Dan.

It is estimated that Li Dan should have seen the shadow of Yu Chigong in Guo Yuanzhen at that time.

It's just that this time Li Longji didn't have the need or shame, and didn't do Erfeng's "Kneel down and suck the breasts" operation. 】

Yuchi Jingde's eyes widened and he stood up immediately, but then he didn't know what to say, and he scratched his head and was in trouble.

Li Shimin patted the table dissatisfied:

"Why is Jingde like this? You're blocking me!"

So Yuchi Jingde sat down again as he was told, but his face was filled with dissatisfaction and satisfaction.

Qin Qiong, who was standing next to him, understood after thinking about it that Xuanwu Sect Yuchi Jingde's behavior might be criticized a lot by future generations, but for Yuchi Jingde, it was more of a betrayal of his majesty.

After scolding Yuchi Jingde, Li Shimin thought about it for a while.

The sentence "sucking breasts" is rather confusing just by looking at it, but if you think about the comparison between Li Longji and Li Dan, and then put it on yourself, it is probably the record of the incident with the Supreme Emperor.

"The fact that I and the Supreme Emperor sucked and cried showed the affection of licking the calf. It is a good thing to pass on to future generations."

Li Shimin was calm and calm, his face full of ease and ease, but his cheeks were slightly twitching, which made this expression of ease and ease not very natural.

Fang Xuanling was also calm and unfazed. Although everyone in the Manlu Hall could hear the suppressed laughter in the later generations talking about this matter, since His Majesty has already concluded the matter, the fact can only be so.

In fact, I was shocked when I first heard this sentence. Then I thought about it and realized that this was a common saying since the Southern and Northern Dynasties. However, for some reason, it was broken down into this statement in later history books.

Moreover, as someone who witnessed the Xuanwumen Incident, from His Majesty's perspective, seeing that the Supreme Emperor, Prince Shiyin, and the Prince of Hailing County were both dead, what else could he do besides hug each other and cry together?

Even with Fang Xuanling's intelligence, she couldn't think of anything to say at that time, so crying was the only feasible way.

Then there were mixed voices of approval in the Manna Hall.

Li Shimin didn't want to talk more, almost as if he was running away and said without hesitation:

"This innate coup by Li Longji, named to kill Princess Taiping, is actually an rebellion against the Supreme Emperor."

"Only by killing the bandits and gaining the power of the king can we achieve success."

Government orders and personnel appointments and removals come from many places, and disasters arise from time to time. This is a truth that has been written down in history books.

But after thinking about it for a while, Li Shimin also felt that this incident became more and more interesting:

"The emperor started an uprising to kill thieves, but later generations also called it a coup. Could it be that they regarded it as the emperor's rebellion?"


Lu Su smiled softly at Pang Tong beside him:

"I understand, this should be the father's kindness and son's filial piety that the younger generation will laugh about."

(End of this chapter)

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