Spoiler History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 465 The only way to deal with it

Chapter 465 The only way to deal with it

"As a woman, my words are so vulgar. It seems that I had a good meal in Chang'an."

Zhang Fei, who returned to Tongguan, dug his ears with his little finger and looked helpless.

Seriously speaking, Zhang Fei also considered Xia Houyuan's suggestion for a long time.

And what he said is not wrong - Le Jin was also famous for his bravery and bravery. Wasn't he killed by the old general in Xiangyang?

Besides, it is now visible to the naked eye that Cao Jun has organized an offensive again.

According to reports from scouts, places such as Hongnong Caoyang in Hu County west of Tongguan have become empty cities, and ordinary people and large households have been forcibly relocated.

The previous garrison troops all retreated to Dayang, Shaanxi County, relying on the natural dangers of the Yellow River for defense. It is not known where the remaining soldiers went.

What if Xia Houyuan wanted to avenge his crime and perform meritorious service after returning, and then led his troops to attack Jingbei and encountered the old general's defense? Zhang Fei didn't dare to think about it.

"Can you leave your name in the future?"

"Qiaojun Xiahouyuan!"

They traveled all the way from Jiaxian County and saw with their own eyes the mobilization of Cao's troops.

Zhang Fei didn't know how to explain it to his wife at that time.

Zhang Fei thought about it carefully and nodded sincerely:

"I forgot that he is also known as 'five hundred miles in three days, and a thousand miles in six days'."

The Yizhou Army, which had expressed their emotions about returning home before, seemed a little reserved at the moment. After entering the pass, many of them were afraid of the majestic soldiers.

Seeing the two generals discussing the fate of themselves and others, either out of a desire to please or out of gratitude, a few of them looked at each other and came out together:

"And with your appearance, you are still far from being able to join me!"

This is Huo Jun's judgment.

Huo Jun, who was guarding the gate, listened carefully to Xia Houyuan's continuous and angry curses outside the gate, shook his head and pursed his lips, smiling:

"But if I bump into General Huang, wouldn't it be a thousand miles away... and my head will be lost?"

Huo Jun could only be glad that Xia Houyuan didn't hear what he said, otherwise he would probably have attacked the city in anger instead of scolding him angrily.

"Go away, go away, how can I explain to your parents and wife if I stay here?"

"General, let me follow you to fight Cao Bing!"

This athlete is no longer a good soldier.

"If you don't have the opportunity to face Hanzhong, I can just kill you in Jingbei and you will die!"

Zhang Fei sneered at this:

Behind Zhang Fei, Fan Jiang and Zhang Da both puffed up their chests and felt excited: I am also an elite soldier!

"Will this talented young man return to Yizhou quickly?"

This is also the reason why these soldiers are worried: the war is about to begin, can they really return home?

"General Xiahou is also a fierce general, and what General Yide said is quite hurtful."

Although they are not good soldiers, they still have a basic sense of war, and they all know that there must be a war now.

But thinking about the awkward status between Xia Houyuan and Zhang Fei, Huo Jun felt that his worries were in vain, so he simply put it down and said:

The unabashed dislike won the gratitude of Yizhou soldiers.

The angry curses outside Tongguan made Cao's soldiers look at each other in shock.

It wasn't until the depression from being defeated and captured that Xia Houyuan was gone, that Xia Houyuan returned to the road feeling refreshed.

Because Hongnong and other counties had strong walls and clear fields, they could not rest until they arrived in Shaanxi County.

Later, he simply declined the banquet from Shaanxian County and ordered a team of fine cavalry to accompany him on the journey all night. It was not until the moon was near midnight that Xiahou Yuan rushed to Jiaxian County.

So, Cao Cao, who had put on his clothes and didn't even bother to put on shoes, saw Xia Houyuan who knelt down with a plop as soon as he entered the hall.

One kowtows and apologizes with tears, and the other warmly holds hands to comfort. After several visits, Xia Houyuan sat down again to explain the details to Cao Cao. "Why don't you see Jun Yi and Miaocai walking together?" This is Cao Cao's question.

Speaking of this matter, Xia Houyuan also expressed emotion:

"Liu Bei said that we can only return after all the troops from Yizhou return and the Ma Teng clan is confirmed to be safe."

"Junyi is of high righteousness and is willing to stay as a pledge."

Cao Cao, wearing his clothes, was noncommittal:

"Where's Zi Xu?"

Xia Houyuan hesitated and said:

"Du Xi was diagnosed with a disease by Liu Bei's genius doctor and is currently staying in Chang'an for diagnosis and treatment."

Cao Cao hummed.

Then Xia Houyuan took the initiative to talk about what he had experienced while being imprisoned in Chang'an. Halfway through the story, Xun You, who had heard the news, quietly entered the hall and sat down.

This narration is completely different from what Xiahou Bazhi saw, from the miraculous weapons under Liu Bei's command to the complete medical skills and agricultural methods and the restoration of imperial learning, to the glimpse of Liu Bei's strong strength from a thin piece of paper.

The content described is quite complicated, but in Cao Cao's view, all he saw was nothing more than "people's hearts".

But what bothers him most is another thing:

"Is it true that Zhong Yuanchang has surrendered to Liu Bei?"

If the emperor had not returned eastward, Cao Cao would not have been able to overtake Yuan Shao in Hebei in a short period of time.

Among them, Zhong Yao contributed a lot. In the end, Xu Zhong Yao upholds integrity and supervises Guanzhong as a Shizhong leader, Sili Xiaoweijie. It can be said that the situation in Yongliang is not completely corrupt now, and it is all thanks to Zhong Yao's efforts to maintain the stalemate.

Just thinking about Zhong Yao's pursuit all the time, and thinking about Xun Yu who was sent to Shouchun in the name of contacting Jiangdong before the war started this year, it doesn't seem strange anymore.

If they are united, they will be the same; if they are different, they will abandon each other. They stick to their true intentions without bending. It is probably this kind of integrity that they admired about these two people at the beginning.

So Cao Cao sighed: "Why can't Zhong Yuanchang join Liu Bei?"

After lamenting the different paths with his old friends, Cao Cao just noticed what Xia Houyuan said about Lu Su's surrender to Liu Bei, and he laughed and said:

"Lu Su didn't surrender to Liu Bei. This was because Sun Quan's childish plan made Gan Ning, Liu Biao's former subordinate, so angry that he did something extraordinary."

To be fair, Xun Yu's talent can be said to be worthy of his reputation, and Ju Shouchun also knew the situation in Jiangdong very well. Based on the clues and rumors, he had already guessed the internal disputes.

It was also because of this that Cao Cao felt a little headache looking at Jiang Dong.

Xun Yu believed that if he did not help Jiangdong, then sooner or later Sun Quan would commit himself to Liu Bei again, and he might be in danger if he was too cunning. Cao Ca and Xun You also agreed.

Although he agreed, he was also uncontrollably irritated. After all, when he attacked Jingbei before, he asked Na Lu Meng to go north from Jiangxia to support him, but he was rejected without hesitation.

As a result, after besieging Jiangling for so long, the army was finally defeated. Even Xun You found it difficult to figure out:

If troops were sent north from Jiangxia in February to engage in a pincer attack with Ruying's army, the worst case scenario could force Guan Yu to retreat and garrison at the front line of Wancheng in Xinye, Xiangyang.

Sun and Cao can form a united front in Huyang, Suixian County, Jiangxia and encroach on Jingzhou. It will be better than the current dilemma of having to pinch their noses to rescue Jiangdong.

From the most unfavorable perspective, if Liu Bei destroys Sun Quan, he will be able to form an area from the Western Regions to Yangzhou and divide the world into two, which must be guarded against.

Jiangdong's reckless actions led to the forceful invasion of Jingzhou to cut off its connection, which became the best countermeasure to deal with Liu Bei now.

Xun You even remembered that his lord had secretly cursed more than once: "Short-sighted like a mouse, it ruins my plans."

After suppressing all his thoughts, Cao Cao is now planning more about the war that is just around the corner:

"If a brilliant talent is defeated, he must not go unpunished."

"Go to the General and retain it, and use the position of military governor to go to Duyang's front line to defeat the enemy."

Xia Houyuan accepted the order, and after Cao Cao expressed that he was tired and wanted to rest, he quickly asked Xun You:

"Commander Xun, who is the general stationed at Duyang?"

Xun You knew this clearly and said calmly:

"There are two generals in Duyang, old and young. One of them is Guan Ping, the son of Guan Yu, and the other sixty-year-old veteran is Nanyang Huang Zhong."

"This Huang Zhong used to deceive and harm General Yue Jin. General Miaocai must not be treated lightly."

Xia Houyuan immediately remembered Zhang Fei's Wuji words, and for some reason his heart trembled.

How could a sixty-year-old veteran be so brave?

(End of this chapter)

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