Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 169 The Holy Cube

Chapter 169 The Holy Cube

"Forgive me." Vic murmured and stretched out his hand, tapping rhythmically on the bottom of the spherical STC 44 times.

He has never stopped researching on this STC. During the research, he gradually discovered that this thing has a back door. It cannot be destroyed by ordinary means, but it can be destroyed by using the back door.

After tapping, STC projects a holographic menu showing two options.

Urgent destruction.

emergency function.

One of Vic's robotic arms stretched from his back to the top of his head and rubbed his hooded head, wondering.

After thinking for half a second, Vic tried to click the emergency mode.

There was only one prompt left on the holographic menu: Speak.

Vic prayed in a binary prayer before asking, "I need to take out the incoming enemies."

The STC template immediately projects a blue light beam to scan the surrounding environment.

The metal that makes up the walls is rapidly decreasing, and something is being printed in the center of the passage.

The mechanical arm and various weapons on Vic's body were also scanned by the beam and then disappeared, all of which were used to quickly print things.

Eventually an Iron Man was built.

When Vic saw the iron man, he suddenly remembered, isn't this the iron man he was ordered to blow up with a melta bomb when he was tested in Tyrone's Hive that day?
It's just that the weapons are not the same, one hand is an energy weapon, and the other is a blade.

The color scheme is also different, and there are some differences in appearance. It looks like an enhanced and improved version.

When Vic was thinking, the six Chaos Space Marines of the Oathbreaker Warband had come before him, and they also saw the Iron Man in the center of the passage, thinking it was a Castellan robot, but it didn't look like it... Finally They didn't think much, and immediately launched an attack.

Iron Man moved forward slowly and awkwardly, weapons integrated in his hands firing beams.

The six space warriors used various postures to avoid the light beam and approached Iron Man. The giant ax in their hands slashed on Iron Man's metal shell, but only a scratch was left.

The infantry-type Iron Man is very clumsy, but the energy beam it emits can melt a passage on the metal wall where people can walk. The Chaos Space Marines had to wrestle with it.

Amidst the angry roars and complaints of the Chaos Space Marines, Iron Man was attacked again and again, leaving more and more slash marks on its shell.

Vic thought the battle would last forever, but Iron Man was actually analyzing and learning from the enemy's attack patterns.

After dozens of slashes, Iron Man stopped firing. He turned his body and stretched his right hand towards the trajectory of the enemy in front of him, causing an enemy's chest to hit the blade, and then split the unlucky ghost in two.

The ensuing battle suddenly became much faster.

Iron Man is indeed clumsy and slow, at least the Iron Man that has not yet been iterated.But every attack of it seems to be able to predict the future, the blade or energy beam can always appear in advance on the enemy's action trajectory.

After quickly killing four execution masters, only the last Chaos Space Marine with a giant ax remained.

The space marine's power armor was thicker than the others, and it didn't have the thick bare arms of the execution masters.

Iron Man tried to kill him by analyzing the trajectory of his movements but failed. No matter how narrow the passage, the guy always used amazing skills to avoid attacks and slash backhands.

After repeating this cycle several times, Iron Man realized that he could not win by analyzing and learning, but there is another battle plan with a success rate of more than 80.00%.

"Death to me!"

Vic saw the Chaos Space Marine roaring and swinging his giant ax towards the deepest slash mark on Iron Man's shell, while Iron Man took two steps back, the shell on his chest lifted to reveal the fusion reactor inside.

The reactor unleashed a torrent of energy straight ahead, melting the ax and the Space Marine wielding it into ashes.

The battle is over.Iron Man's chest shell closed, and it turned towards Vic.

"Praise the God of Myriad Machines, praise the Om Messiah, praise the original power..." Vic praised everything in surprise, and at the same time, the STC template in his hand released a beam of light, transforming Iron Man into material, and then into Vic mechanical arms and various weapons.

As for the metal materials obtained from the walls, they were printed into a cube and fell in front of Vic.

Vic threw himself on the cube, thinking of ways to get the thing off.

This is just a cube and has no other purpose, but in Vik's view, this is a holy relic, and it can be named the Holy Cube later. Its existence alone has great significance.

"The deployment is over. For the Om Messiah, for the God of All Opportunities."

Vic suddenly received an unencrypted communication. This was an open message to everyone in the theater, not a secret order to the marshal or officer alone. Even the simplest communication device could transmit the sound.

The door of the secret room opened immediately, and Sewin, holding four power swords and four ancient technology pistols, rushed out to fight to the death, but he didn't see the enemy, only Vic who was staring at a metal cube in a daze.

Vic quickly encrypted the video he just recorded and sent it to his friends. After receiving it and speeding up the viewing, Sewin fell into deep thought.

"We don't have time to think about it now, you have to find a way to drive out the invaders, at least drive out the invaders in the fortress." Vik said.

"I need you to remind me." Sewin turned around and returned to the secret room, closed his eyes and began to make more subtle arrangements.

His consciousness travels through the bodies of each of his subordinates, helping those soldiers who are battling the remaining enemies make the best choices for the battle.


A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Sewin and Vic didn't die in the previous raid, and paid a lot of money to eliminate other enemies who came in the airdrop pods. The only fly in the ointment is that the Dreadclaw airdrop pods took off and returned to the battleship, but this is also a good thing After all, such blasphemous creations need to be erased with all effort.

The invasion has been going on for a full month.

Sewin still clearly remembers that seven hundred solar hours ago, the enemy's attack on the Forge World changed from a small-scale assault and decapitation battle to a large-scale invasion. Troops go to the surface to fight.

The war intensified.

On this night, Sewin still closed his eyes and focused on commanding the battle as usual, and "possessed" to the frontline troops to control the operations of his subordinates.

Vic was reciting binary prayers and anointing holy oil around the metal cube, and then circled with incense.

The ceremony did not go well.

From time to time, the sound of the Titan's siren roared into the secret room, as well as the sound of the general's cannon firing, the sound of the macro cannon and light spear bombing the ground, and the sound of gunfire and artillery when the ground troops were fighting never stopped.

"What's the situation now." Vic asked his old friend after finishing the ceremony.

Sewin opened his eyes and told the truth helplessly: "I manipulated a data craftsman to use observation equipment to check the orbit, and saw that more and more enemy warships were converging on the orbit, and the hulls of those latecomers were printed with red, obviously the surrounding galaxies The void battle is not going well, and the enemy can free up more warships for orbital bombing."

It didn't take Sewin to say anything more that Vic had already realized that the situation was not good.

It's not that the Forge World didn't have a defense plan, and the defense plan did take into account that the traitors fleeing in the Eye of Terror might jointly attack.

But who would have thought that the Red Pirates would intervene. They were like angels from the enemy side, joining the war without even talking about any benefits.Vic didn't understand what they were thinking, even if they took down the Forge World, how much benefit could they get from the various traitor groups?does it worth?
In short, the Red Pirate's fleet unexpectedly intervened in the war, directly turning the planned plan into a joke.

"How many satellites and planets are there in our galaxy?"

"What did you say."

Vic was still communicating with Sewin without emotion, but he was very surprised.

After Sewin asked the wrong question, he opened his eyes and looked at Vic, directly sharing what he saw.

Vic's electronic one-eye saw the scene beyond the chamber.

On a field where the infantry on both sides was dying, a soldier accidentally glanced at the sky as he charged.

Two black moons and a smaller black planet loom in the dark skies of the Forge World.

After reading it, Vic said calmly: "The Om Messiah is with us."

(End of this chapter)

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