Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 274 It's Coming

Chapter 274 It's Coming

When the Blood Angels and Lamenters left the inner wall and rushed towards the biochemical Titan getting closer and closer, Foros went to the council chamber.

This is a meeting.

Present were the think tanks, the company commanders of each regiment, the blood slave generals, the nuns, as well as General Durst of Cadia and his assault army officers.

Compared with the previous meeting, the number of participants was much smaller.

Some Chapter Leaders have already perished in the Insect Sea along with their Chapters.

Since the Zerg attack suddenly became fierce, several members of the sub-group have been sacrificed.

Although Dante didn't say it, everyone felt that this was definitely the last meeting.

The atmosphere was dull.

Everyone lowered their heads, either worried about the future or remembering their fallen friends.

Even Dante no longer wears the golden mask, he reveals his old face to anyone present.

"We will have one final battle."

Dante's rich and vicissitudes of voice echoed in the hall.

"If Baal's fall is destined, and if our end is destruction, then we should conduct a glorious battle before we die."

"I will lead you into battle."

After that, Dante stood up from the throne and put the golden mask back on his face.

Dante's old face was hidden, and he became the human hero who was ordered to lead the Blood Angels in times of crisis for 1000 years.

All the chapter leaders nodded silently, their expressions becoming determined.

"Live up to the blood of Sanguinius!" Dante shouted.

"Live up to the blood of Sanguinius!"

"Live up to the blood of Sanguinius!"


Fierce shouts echoed in the hall.

"Sorry to interrupt."

A voice suddenly came from the other side of the door, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

Inquisitor Bellona and her apprentices have just entered the hall. Bellona wears a voice amplifier around her mouth so that what she says can drown out everyone's shouts.

"Lord Chapter Master, why haven't you informed me of the plan to eliminate the bugs?" Bellona looked directly at Dante and asked loudly.

A month ago, Dante allowed Bellona to implement her radical plan, but specifically stated that it was to be tested first.

Bellona then asked Foros to assist her.

Now a month has passed, and Bellona has long been ready to implement the plan, but Fros has run away from her to defend the tunnel and has been fighting the bugs so far. The order to implement the plan has not yet reached Bellona's ears. inside.

Now that Dante plans to lead everyone to a glorious death, it's hard for Bellona not to question him.

"I'm sorry, I was negligent." Dante's way of speaking was still as humble as before, "It was Mephiston who predicted that your plan would bring terrible consequences two weeks ago, so I decided to temporarily abandon the implementation of the plan. Recently, There are too many things going on, and I haven’t had time to inform you yet.”

Bellona's eyes shifted from Dante to Chief Think Tank Director Mephiston, and asked him the same way as Dante: "What did you see?"

"I saw that your plan brought in demons that were originally unable to enter the real universe. They massacred on Baal. The heads of the chapter leader and I were inserted into the spikes on the back of a powerful demon." Mephiston replied.

After hearing this, Bellona refuted it without hesitation: "Impossible! After the Battle of Cadia, the Eye of Terror was reduced to only half, and even one of the babies born on Cadia had his pupils return to normal color. How could the devil Maybe you can be brought into the real universe by me?"

As soon as the words fell, Mephiston and Dante had no reaction. The assault army general Dust on the side was very surprised.

In fact, there have been similar babies born before, but they are very, very rare, and they may be soulless ones.

Today, when the Eye of Terror has been reduced in half, the birth of a baby with normal-colored pupils means that the Cadian people will likely have a normal life in the future.

But that's not the point at this moment. "Okay, to be honest, my plan may lead to something terrible, but so what."

Bellona paced the hall, talking to the others.

"With the Eyes of Terror now half the size in size, is it possible that they have the same power they had when they appeared in the past?"

"We don't have to sacrifice, but because of the obstruction of this think tank director, we have to sacrifice."

After Bellona finished speaking, everyone in the hall began to whisper and discuss the whole matter.

In any case, Bellona brings a glimmer of hope to everyone.

In this glimmer of hope, whether sacrifice is needed is not the point. No one on Baal thought that they would be alive as early as a month ago.

The most important thing is to be able to defend Barr.

Everything else is secondary.

Many people decided to believe Bellona, ​​and they all looked at Mephiston.

The people present were easily divided. Most people agreed to implement the psychic plan, while a small number of people remained neutral. Only Mephiston and the think tanks were still unwilling.

What divides the Space Marines is not those few words, but the most tempting thing-the swarm can be repelled and Baal can be defended.

"Are you against me for Baal's future, or for yourself?" Bellona looked at Mephiston, "Are you worried that you will die from the psychic scream I caused? Don't worry, I have ways to protect you. you."

Mephiston's expression was dull, and he turned to look at Dante: "I propose a vote, and I will not participate in this vote."

Dante nodded: "Let's begin. Those who agree with the implementation of the psychic plan raise their hands."

Many people raised their hands.

There is no need for others to express their opinions anymore, Bellona has already gained an overwhelming advantage.

Although the Blood Knights Chapter and the Flesh Tearers Chapter were not present, even if they opposed it, they could not outnumber those who expressed approval.

A Chapter Master raised his hand and said loudly to Mephiston: "I know that the Inquisitor's plan will definitely bring terrible consequences, but as long as Baal can be guarded, the holy body of the Gene Father will not be defiled... At least my Chapter and I will do whatever it takes to face the consequences."

Mephiston nodded and asked Bellona: "How to implement your plan?"

Bellona also felt that her plan might have serious consequences, and what the think tank director said might not be false, so she was not going to fully implement the plan from the beginning, but would try it on a small scale on Baal first.

But even trying it on a small scale requires preparation.

"Please bring back the soldiers on Bawei [-] and Bawei [-]. The people on Baal must also be concentrated in the core area of ​​​​the fortress, and then ask the think tanks to be prepared to resist the psychic scream." Bellona said.

Mephiston asked again: "How can we resist the Zerg if everyone gathers together?"

Bellona didn't think about this question in detail.

Just when Mephiston was about to continue questioning, Karan suddenly burst into the hall.

At this time, Karan was still not wearing armor, but the dimension missile he was carrying on his back was gone.

"Chapter Commander, you must go to the No. 17 defense point on the inner wall to take a look." Karan said.

"What happened?" Dante asked.

"Do you still remember the powerful fire-breathing alien that was released by those metallic aliens when we were in the Hades galaxy?" Karan said, "It's here."

The words were not spoken clearly, but Dante still understood them.

Before officially beginning the defense of Baal, the Blood Angels Chapter fought in the Hades system, working with the Necron.

When the situation became irreversible, the undead unleashed something as powerful as a god.

Dante still remembered that the undead told him as if showing off that it was a fragment of a star god who had been enslaved by their race for a long time.

But Dante remembered that the Star God fragment was missing, just like the undead, they all disappeared when the battle in the Hades galaxy was completely defeated.

(End of this chapter)

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