Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 315 Human Diversity

Chapter 315 Human Diversity

The officer continued to talk about family affairs.

Chen Ye listened carefully and gradually understood what was going on.

That stubborn old man was indeed the Marshal, but a former Marshal of the Planetary Defense Force who had been dismissed.He discovered the Governor's collaboration with the Genestealers and was removed from office.

But he was particularly stubborn. The family did not go to the nest with other nobles at the Spire seven years ago. Instead, they stayed at the Spire and guarded the family castle. He believed that he was the marshal of the Planetary Defense Force, and the Governor and others They were all traitors, so he organized his family's children, servants and guards to reorganize the Planetary Defense Force, thinking about expelling the traitors and regaining the nest every day.

Because this family is so prominent, the former marshal served as a guard for the former governor at the age of 13. After becoming marshal, he served for the former governor for 120 years. Therefore, the current governor did not eliminate this rebellious family, but established a new one around the castle. Blockade area.

Before the angels of the God Emperor and the guests from the Tyrone Sector arrived at the castle, the noble guards in the blockade suddenly attacked the castle and soon captured the main entrance of the castle. After a fierce battle, the "Planetary Defense Force" came under the "Marshal" Under his command, the noble guards were driven out again, which is why two slaves went to throw away the corpses.

"What the hell is this weird!" Chen Ye was shocked, "Are there any normal people at the top of the tower?!"

"Except for my father, our family is normal." The officer shook his head helplessly, "There are two families on the top of the tower who also stick to their fiefdoms. They are also normal, but my father insisted on naming them the xx of the Planetary Defense Force. Troop No. [-] must give their clan leader the title of general..."

Chen Ye was speechless. After remembering his experience of cooperating with the Salamanders Chapter in a war zone, he was able to understand and accept the current situation.

Just like there are warm-hearted good guys in the Salamanders Chapter, and there are also the cold-blooded Third Company... there are normal ones and weird ones, human beings are just so "colorful".

"Sir, you... I'm sorry, just a moment." The officer was about to ask Chen Ye something about the Space Marines, when the communicator suddenly rang. He picked up his earphones and listened for a while, then ran to his father to report.

"Report to my father that your two generals have led their troops to leave the military camp and will join you at Toth Street!"


"Marshal, Marshal..."

"Very good. All troops attack!"

Following the marshal's order, the infantry and centaur personnel carriers immediately left the castle and rushed towards the governor's hiding place.

The marshal was too old but had to command the battle, and his son could not persuade him, so he could only be placed in a semi-manned personnel carrier. At least these slow-moving old guys would not rush to the front line.

The marshal's son found Andreda before boarding another Centaur troop carrier and asked him about things: "Master Guards, is my brother still alive?"

"Who is your brother?" Anruida felt confused. He had never seen the youngest son of the former marshal of this hive city.

"After hearing the news that the Sector Guards were coming, each family in the Upper Nest sent a total of two hundred people to look for you, preparing to tell you about this hive city during yesterday's military parade... My brother was the one who led them. Didn't you see him?"

Anreda still shook her head.

"I see."

The son of the former marshal nodded, his eyes became determined, and he turned over and boarded the Centaur personnel carrier.


There were two other families on the top of the tower who were holding on to their fiefdoms. The family guards and armed servants from these two families met on a street called Toth, and followed the troops led by the former marshal to the governor's hiding place.

Finally, the group arrived in front of the No. 80 No. [-] shelter at the top of the tower.

"The Governor is here, ready to attack!" the former marshal got out of the Centaur personnel carrier and shouted loudly. "Are you sure?" Gray pointed to the open entrance of the shelter. "There are more than 120 shelters like this. How do you know the Governor is hiding here?"

"Believe me, that guy is just like his father. Whenever something happens to the top of the tower, he will definitely enter Vault 88 because there are rumors that the number 88 represents luck!" The former marshal was very sure.

Gray could only believe him, since he had to go into shelters to look for him anyway.

However, the detection results showed that there were 2 people underground, so the former marshal was probably right.

Everyone entered the shelter passage.

It's very spacious here, all the way down.

When he saw that the red dot shown in the scan was very close, Gray reminded everyone that there were enemies ahead, so be careful.

The former marshal slapped the armor of the personnel carrier hard and shouted at the driver to move the vehicle to the front.

The enemy was stationed behind the corner of the forward passage. When the Centaur personnel carrier appeared within the enemy's field of vision, four twin-mounted heavy logging guns opened fire at the same time.

"For the Emperor!"

The former marshal roared loudly and waved his chainsword. His servants who accompanied him to play the role of Planetary Defense had no fighting ability at all. They did not dare to step forward at this time. Only the children of the family who had grown up and been influenced by him rushed forward. .

But Gray and his group don't need help from others.

When Yao En was about to start bullet time and rush over to kill the gunman, Chen Ye stepped aside first, blocked the incoming bullets with his shoulder armor, and fired four shots in a row while shaking his arm.

The four double-mounted logging gun gunners were blown to pieces by the bombs, leaving only more than 200 people who were also defending here to continue fighting.

"Rush over and clear a path!"

The Centaur troop carrier sped forward carrying the roaring former marshal.

The former marshal was still shouting loudly until an enemy recognized his identity, picked up an automatic gun and shot him in the head.

A shot to seal the throat.

The driver of the Centaur troop carrier couldn't hear the shouts and quickly drove the troop carrier backward.

"Don't add to the chaos!" Yaoen rushed to the troop carrier and used his gravity shield to resist the incoming firepower. He turned around and ordered to the people behind him: "Go and guard the main entrance of the shelter!"

The family servants no longer wanted to continue the fight and hurriedly pulled the master's body out of the personnel carrier and hid in the back. The three Grays and Chen Ye continued to take charge of the battle.

The four of them alternately charged forward, firing with bolters, laser rifles and shoulder cannons in turn. The enemies in the passage were not completely cleared, but their goal was to reach the Governor.

It was impossible for any army in the hive to stop the three guards and a Space Marine. The positions arranged in the passage were useless, and the four people quickly reached the bottom of the shelter.

The governor of Beisu No. [-] is indeed here. He is sitting on the throne, surrounded by his cronies and clansmen, and there are not many soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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