Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 448 The Cold Sun

Chapter 448 The Cold Sun


The realm of Nurgle.

The dead souls of Tailong Army are being led by Qin Mo and Kaldor, trudging through the endless demon army.

The place where Nurgle himself is is located in front. I don’t know how far away it is, but it is just in front.

At this time, Qin Mo could see a corner of the grand mansion, and he realized that he was getting closer and closer to where Nurgle was.

The old woman's sword radiates light, guiding a path that cannot be lost among the demon army.

Killing in front of Nurgle was not Qin Mo and Kaldo's original plan, at least not before 99 minutes... They just wanted to kill every mansion in Nurgle's Demonic Domain and kill one demon prince after another. The material power that obliterated the demons caused irreparable damage to Nurgle's army.

But something suddenly happened, and Qin Mo and Kaldor had to take the opportunity to have a longer-term goal - Tzeentch began to attack the Demon Realm of Nurgle.

Above the Demon Realm, countless concepts of blue and green converge into storms located in two different directions.

Near the two-color storm were countless demon armies gathered by demons and demons. They were not in the garden, nor in front of Qin Mo. They were fighting in a way that was beyond the limits of imagination and observation of creatures in the real universe.

It didn't look like a mighty army of Tzeentch Daemons and Nurgle Daemons slashing at each other on the battlefield.

Instead, the abstract concepts of blue and green are intertwined with fragments and fluctuations. Even their colors were forcibly filled in by Qin Mo and Kaldo's almost overloaded sensory self-protection method. Their senses and brains In this way, they are protected from being driven crazy by the overwhelming amount of conceptual information, both concrete and abstract, that pours into their brains from their eyes.

Nurgle, who was in a conflict with Tzeentch, thought that the two creatures that invaded his garden were Tzeentch's pawns. Just like before, Tzeentch used its links to connect links, always making things happen in plans.

But judging by Tzeentch's whispers and murmurs during the battle, Nurgle was wrong.

Tzeentch knew what the mortal creature named Kaldor would do, but not what the man with the Crone's sword and scythe would do.

The Lord of Changes praised the endless changes brought about by the unknown, and thanked Nurgle for his carelessness and stupidity. However, Nurgle was willing to roll out of the mansion and strike a blow at the intruder, which would not let the Lord of Changes. Find an opportunity to invade Nurgle's realm and seize authority and power.

However, Nurgle is not careless or stupid. He just doesn't want to be like one of his stupid brothers and sisters, who can't wait to jump out and face a realistic universe god with mortal concepts, and is branded with concepts that can be measured and challenged.

Tzeentch waited for an opportunity, jumping out to fight when the invaders invaded the garden.

The invaders, emboldened by Tzeentch's sudden appearance, penetrated deeper into the garden to the abode of the god.

In Nurgle's view, this was truly an agreement between the evil forces.

"You and two other gods once invaded my residence and forced me to give up part of my power and authority..."

"I'm here to take revenge. I want to let you taste the feeling of having your power and authority taken away from you. I want to take back what belongs to me!"


For a brief moment, Tzeentch threatened Nurgle, but seemed to make no threat.There seems to be anger in the concept of what might be called discourse, but it also seems mundane.The Lord of Change seemed to attack, but seemed to wait there motionless... ever-changing, making Nurgle elusive.Among the countless blue fluctuations and intertwined fragments, the conceptual storm representing Tzeentch swept towards Nurgle, easily shattering the intertwined green fragments around Nurgle, and countless great demons died in an instant.

The demon prince did not dare to get even half a step closer when the two gods were fighting.

The children of their loving father discovered that Tzeentch's power was too great. Countless changes enhanced its authority, and every fluctuation in the thread of fate that entangled the real universe made it more powerful.

But in the warp where the power of the four gods is constantly decreasing or increasing, Nurgle at this time is far more powerful than Khorne and Slaanesh.

Corruption and rise and fall swept towards Tzeentch, and countless great demons dissipated in pain while wailing, and some dying great demons were revived by the power of Nurgle.

When the two dark gods were locked in an inextricable fight, a gaze was cast above the Nurgle Demon Realm.

In the Demon Realm of Khorne, the Blood God sitting on the brass throne is eagerly admiring the confrontation between brothers. Such grand scenes are rare even in the turbulent subspace.

In the Demon Realm of Slaanesh, the Prince of Darkness tried to erase the six words "Qin Mo is here for a visit" in his palace. He found that he could not erase the pure material power. These six words were like the words in the Demon Realm's palace The curtain of the real universe cannot interfere with or corrode the subspace. Unless it is willing to erase these six words along with the palace, otherwise the humiliation of this text will remain in the palace forever.

The furious Prince of Darkness had just made his great demon named Sharasi endure nearly ten thousand years of confinement in the real universe in an instant, and then he discovered the confrontation between gods taking place in the subspace.

The dark prince Slaanesh summoned the demon army and quietly came outside the Demon Realm of Nurgle. While watching the confrontation between the two brothers, he thought for a while that if Nurgle was defeated, he would fight all the way into the Demon Realm of Nurgle and take the beautiful spirit. The tribal goddess Aisha snatched it out.This would not only allow him to take humiliating revenge on Nurgle, who had suddenly fought for Elsa and succeeded, but he could also seize Elsa's beautiful toy.

Every confrontation between the two gods can set off a storm in the warp.

Hundreds of routes in the Empire were suddenly blocked by subspace storms, and countless galaxies were cut off from the outside world and spent decades in loneliness until the Imperial Regent sent them a dimensional engine.

Countless psykers exploded in roars and screams across countless worlds, and the Librarians of Space Marine Chapters near the Maelstrom and the Eye of Terror were drained of their souls.

In the Gray Knights Monastery on Saturn Titan, the Gray Knights who had just prepared to set off had to suspend their actions and gathered in the chapel to pray to the towering statue of the Emperor.

The Dark Eldar city of Commorragh located in the webway was even affected. The Dark Eldar increased their plundering efforts, plundering more creatures and sending them to the torture hell of Commorragh, using the pain of these creatures to replace themselves at the hands of the Dark Prince. Devour.

The confrontation between the Lord of Change and the All-Father lasted for a long time, and finally ended in Nurgle's defeat, and Tzeentch was severely wounded by Nurgle.

Regardless, the victorious Tzeentch approached Nurgle and attempted to wrest power from him.

Slaanesh swaggers towards the Demon Realm, ready to take away the toy it wants.

Khorne, on the other hand, was furious at the victory of the bastard playing sorcery. He picked up the great ax from the side of the Brass Throne and slashed at Tzeentch and Slaanesh at the same time. The former was his most hated brother, and the latter was his most hated brother. brothers and sisters.

Slaanesh, who was imprinted with the concept of measure, was driven back by Khorne, while Tzeentch used all his strength to resist the blood god's axe, and continued to approach Nurgle, greedily grabbing what it wanted.

At this time, a cold black sun appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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