Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 483 A little special planet

Chapter 483 A little special planet


After filling his stomach with fruits, Ryan was brought back to his residence on Karis by Sutik and Harlin.

The residence is a fortress city.

There are solid bastion-shaped walls surrounding the city, and countless artillery fires are bombarding the tide of beasts that are rushing towards the walls.

I don’t know why those beasts are so crazy...

Ryan saw those huge tank-like beasts charging towards the city wall in groups, as if they were being commanded by something.

The hunters told Ryan that they were sent by the city to find the beast's lair, but they couldn't find it, but it didn't matter, anyway, the beast was not about to invade the city.

The hunter took out his communicator and said a few words.

Then a transport plane flew out of the city. Its heavy artillery and heavy blasters repel the beasts that were gradually surrounding Ryan and the others. Then it loaded up Ryan and the two hunters and flew back to the city.

When the transport plane landed on the tarmac, the hatch opened.

A thick and dissatisfied voice came into the hatch.

"Gunship aircraft should be used for defense, including transport aircraft converted into gunships."

A man close to Ryan in height walked towards the tarmac, surrounded by several City Defense personnel.

The moment he saw this person clearly, Ryan's brain roared, and he stayed in place, and more memory fragments emerged from his brain.

The hunters saluted the approaching man.

The man was tall and muscular, wearing rough black armor, with a sword with wings adorning his chest and shoulders.

That was obviously a Space Marine.

At least it was before.

After seeing Ryan clearly, the Space Marine was stunned for a moment, then pulled out both guns and opened fire.

The movement made by Ryan's huge body was as sudden as the movement of the Space Marine's gun. He instantly dodged two bombs and rushed in front of the Space Marine. When the Space Marine just put his hand on the sword, he punched hard with both fists. Hitting the sides of the ceramite helmet.

The ceramite helmet was cracked by the impact, but Ryan obviously held back his strength.

The Space Marine felt as if his head had been hit directly by Ryan. His brain shut down for two seconds, and his body fell to his knees weakly.

He was not dead. After regaining consciousness, he still tried to shoot, but was pinned to the ground by Ryan with one hand and unable to move.

"Let go of Commander Zabriel!"

"You crazy beast!"

The soldiers near the tarmac rushed over immediately, their bodies covered in power armor bowed slightly, and they raised their rifles that could fire atoms and molecules and aimed at Ryan's head.

The two hunters who brought Ryan back were also targeted.

But no one fired, because it seemed that the person pressing down on the commander was not an enemy, but...

A Primarch.

Ryan heard that the person he was suppressing was called Zabriel, and saw that Zabriel, whom he was suppressing, had a high status in this city, but he still did not let go until someone scolded those hunters. It was the traitor who brought the enemy back, so he roared and refuted: "The one I am suppressing is the traitor!"

Ryan's memory goes back to the eve of Caliban's destruction.

Zabriel wanted to kill him, whether it was in the past 1 years ago or now, Ryan remembered it clearly.


A dull sound came from the Space Marine's helmet, and the words that followed stabbed Ryan's heart like a knife.

"You are the traitor! You betrayed Caliban! You betrayed the Legion! You betrayed the Empire!"


Ryan roared.

"Nonsense? Then where have you been for the past 1 years?"

"You ask me? I would like to ask you where you have been and what you have done. How can a space warrior live for 1 years? Are you the same as me, the original body?" "Caliban! At that time, Asia Space storm! We only broke away from the subspace 400 years ago. We are hunted down because of the good things you did. Once we are found, we will be given the cruelest punishment!"

"What nonsense! I returned to Caliban from Terra 1 years ago, and you opened fire on me!"

"It was you who ordered us to Caliban and then the fleets were firing on us and our brothers landed ready to fight us. The first time I caught a glimpse of you in years was when you slaughtered the new recruits of your own home planet! They were wearing No. The first real battle for the armor of a Legion was against their Primarch and his executioners!"

Others couldn't understand what Ryan and Zabriel were talking about.

Only the senior officials who came with Zabriel and those who had studied the history of the empire knew that they were arguing about what happened when Caliban, the home planet of the first Primarch, was destroyed 1 years ago.

After talking to Zabriel for a few words, Ryan suddenly stood up and let him go.

Zabriel was freed from the weight of the Gene Father, stood up and took two steps back, shaking his shoulder armor to massage the painful shoulder.

The two looked at each other.

After a long silence, Ryan looked at his heir in amazement: "What the hell are you talking about?"


After a while.

In a tavern in the city, Ryan and Zabriel sat face to face.

There was a glass of wine in front of both of them.

Zabreel stared at Ryan fiercely.

Ryan looked at his heir who had disowned him with a blank look on his face.

In any case, the two of them sat down and had a good talk.

Things that could easily cause arguments between the two people - Caliban's past - were not mentioned again. After all, neither Zabriel nor Ryan wanted to destroy the tavern because of a quarrel.

The two of them talked about recent events.

About this planet, about why Zabriel appears here.

Ryan learned that Caris was a defense zone to the north of Tyrone's Gate, which was the gateway to the Tyrone Star Sector, just like the Gate of Cadia.

The planet Karis is located on the border of Tyron's Gate. It is a forest planet filled with terrifying beasts. It can be called a little Catachan.

The Tyron Sector is extremely independent, and even the Inquisition is unable to insert personnel into the sector. It is even impossible for the Imperial Navy and Space Marine Chapters to cross the cordon established by the Tyron Navy and enter the sector without permission.

Because of this characteristic, Karis has gathered a lot of weirdos.

This makes Karis a somewhat special planet.

Some Eldar who committed wrongdoings in their home craftworld and were exiled.

A small order of Sisters of Silence who were persecuted decades ago and had no place to stay.

A branch of the Blood Ax Clan's special force that couldn't get along with other clans and was slaughtered to the point where only a dozen boys were left.

Some Chapters were destroyed during the Atonement Crusade, leaving the Space Marines with nowhere to go and no desire to join the ranks.

Even fallen angels.

Originally, these short-term gatherings of weirdos would have been eliminated directly, but during the previous period when the red pirates invaded the Tyrone sector and Caris was isolated and helpless, these weirdos helped local civilians defend the planet.

Several Fallen Angels and Space Marines led by Zabriel, as well as Eldar and Greenskins, formed a team that assassinated many high-level officials of the Red Pirates. They even cooperated with the Tyron Army in the counterattack phase to completely drive the enemy out of the area where Caris was. galaxy.

For these feats, they were allowed to remain in the sector under surveillance and documentation, but only on Caris.

Zabriel will work with the local defense team to deal with any aliens discovered by the logistics machinery that show uncontrolled tendencies, including Space Marines who have lost their chapters, crazy greenskins, Eldar who want to do something small... or... A certain outsider who is suspected of being an expert in the trial court.

"This ghost place looks pretty good. The living standard should be considered to be the middle and lower reaches of many worlds in the empire."

Ryan grabbed a plate of meat and stuffed it into his mouth, looked around, his eyes swept over the Eldar and Greenskins who had just withdrawn from the city wall in the tavern, and finally settled on Zabriel: "Huh? "

Zabriel kept a straight face and said nothing.

 In "Children of the Forest", Ryan woke up on a planet called Caris instead of a giant stone. Caris was on the dark side of the empire.Including the two hunter supporting parts, they are all the supporting parts that meet the original body at the beginning of Children of the Forest.

(End of this chapter)

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