Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 550 The Living Saint

Chapter 550 The Living Saint


Grote did not find the boy's sister in the south of the city, but when he was near the edge of the southern city wall, he scanned two living normal creatures in the nearest town outside the city.

So Grote took his guards to check out the town outside the city.

In that town full of Nurgle corruption, there is a house that is still intact. This is where the two biological signals are located.

Grote entered the house cautiously and saw a girl huddled by the fire. She was holding a girl younger than her in her arms.

The town is full of plague zombies, but the two of them can live here like nothing happens.

Grote couldn't believe what he was seeing.

However, although a living person was found, Grote did not immediately step forward to rescue the two girls. Instead, he carefully explored them first.

The detection method is the standard process for detecting Chaos Corruption in the Tyrone Sector.

Introduce the psionic power of the psionic matrix to deeply detect the soul, and then check the detection results of the instruments and equipment connected to the psionic matrix to see whether the target's soul has other components and whether the spirit is normal.

While the standard testing process was going on, Grote's heart was pounding.

The town has clearly been corrupted extremely deeply.

The wells we saw along the way were full of flies, mosquitoes and maggots.

The ground was also full of maggots.

Grote fears only one thing, and that's bugs.

Both legless bugs and bugs with many legs are afraid.

If he wasn't wearing power armor, Groat wouldn't want to enter the town even if he died. He would send a few Letlings over to deal with the matter.

In short, the corrosion is already so severe.

The two girls living in the small town may have also been corrupted. If the test results show any bad information, all Grote can do is give them both a happy ending.

This is also for the sake of the girls, whose young souls should not be corrupted and become the playthings of warp creatures.

"Testing completed, leader."

The medic on the side came over and handed the panel to Grote.

Grote frowned and took a look, and was surprised to find that the test result was: the possibility of corrosion was 0.

"This...how is this possible?" Grote simply couldn't believe it. "With the addition of the Iron Man called Scholar in the sector, each of our power armors must be implanted with a device that can form shadows, and these two Girls are surviving in a small town without protection, are they okay?”

The medical soldier nodded: "The test results are like this. Maybe I can report it to the scholar and ask him to conduct a personal inspection of these two little guys."

Grote was confused. He knelt down on one knee to the girl who was holding a girl much smaller than him. After getting level with her, he asked, "What do you eat and drink?"

The girl let go of the girl in her arms, turned around and walked out of the house.

She was wearing a white dress and her feet were bare.

When the girl walked out of the room and all the maggots and flies outside disappeared, she walked to the well and took out a bucket of water.

Grote thought that the bucket of water should be full of fat maggots, but when he walked over to check it with his own eyes, he found that the water in the bucket was extremely clean.

"This is a living saint." Grote said to the others, "Just like the golden-haired girl I found in the ruins of a city when I was fighting with the Lord of Tyrone in the bottom lair of Tyrone One, she is also a Living saint.”

After saying that, Grote whispered again: "How come I am the one who discovers the Living Saint every time?"

"No matter what she is, we have to leave." A soldier stepped forward. "There are a large number of hostile creatures approaching the town."

"Prepare to teleport!" Groat raised his hand and clenched his fist, signaling everyone to come to him.But the girl who could even purify dirty well water didn't want to leave. She didn't say anything, and took Grote's arm and pointed to the house where she lived.

"You go first." Grote motioned for the others to leave first, and he followed the girl into the house.

The girl protected by the girl has been forcibly taken away by the soldiers with a protective device. At this time, there are only the girl and Grote in the crisis-ridden town.

The two of them were rummaging around in the house.

The girl said nothing, but Grote somehow knew what she was looking for.

a book.

A book containing the true names of many demons.

At the same time, Grote somehow knew the girl's memory.

The reason she lives in this house is to find the book. The book was not brought by her, but kept here by another living saint.

While Grote was rummaging around sweating profusely, the girl suddenly walked to the living room on the first floor of the house and stood behind the door, staring straight at the door.

Soon the sound of the door breaking was heard, and a plague warrior covered in appendages roared in.

The girl's eyes were covered with a layer of golden light, and holy power emerged in her body.

When her body floated and the Plague Soldiers ran away instinctively, Groat suddenly rushed down from the upstairs just in time to hold the floating girl in his arms and ran away.

"I found the book!"

Grote smashed through the walls of the house.

The transmission device was calling the parameters in his power armor, and the protective device had begun to release the energy that enveloped his and the girl's bodies.

But the Plague Marines have Groat surrounded.

A second before the teleportation was about to begin, the Plague Marines had already rushed in front of Groat.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

A furious expression appeared on Groat's face under his power armor, and the hand holding the book was about to hit the Plague Soldier in front of him on the head.

Dozens of explosive bombs had already flown to Grot's head, and the tails of those explosive bombs were spurting flames.

There are several Plague Marines behind Groat. They hold long bone knives in their hands and are about to stab Groat into his body.

In this still time, only one person can move, and that is the girl protected by Grote.

The girl's white hair floated slowly, and her body gradually collapsed as it carried the power of a powerful being. She stretched out her hand.

The next second all the Plague Marines fell down, their armors empty, as if they had melted.

The moment after seeing the death scenes of those plague warriors, Groat also entered the dimension space.

After teleporting out, we were already at the southern city wall of Hekaton.

The little girl who had teleported back to Hekaton with the soldiers before was the sister of the boy who was going to the south of the city to find her sister. The two of them hugged each other happily, happy to be reunited again.

The boy thought that Groat and his soldiers had saved his sister, but in fact they didn't.

If it weren't for the girl in Groat's arms protecting the girl in the severely corrupted town, even if the Lord of Tyrone came, there would be nothing he could do to save the day.

"Medic! Medic!" Grote glanced at the unconscious girl and shouted for the medic.

 When I was excited about the several hundred snow clearing reward from my employer, the house in my hometown collapsed due to the weight of snow, and my family kept it secret from me.

  The four o'clock bus, I can write as much as I can today.
(End of this chapter)

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