Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 724 Numerology

Chapter 724 Numerology


"The Drakasi are in a laboratory somewhere on the equator of Broome, to use an analogy from the astronomical rules of the real universe. They are very far away from us."

"They had a conflict with the Death Guard just now."

In Fabius' main laboratory, Qin Mo listened to the scholar's report.

Scholars use their psychic powers to observe the uninvited guests on Broome.

Things in the Eye of Terror are always progressing at an alarming rate. It didn’t take long before the laboratory used by the Drakasi people as a military camp was already crowded with people coming from Drakasi. army.

An arena was even built in the laboratory for the entertainment of those who believed in Khorne.

"Why did the Drakasi come here?" Qin Mo frowned and thought, "What are the Death Guards here looking for again?"

The scholar was silent.

It can't see the affected future and past when it's next to Qin Mo.

It's one thing to observe with psychic powers, it's quite another to look into the future.

All predictions of the future that use psychic energy or are related to psychic energy are all about looking at the threads of fate attached to the curtain that wraps the real universe. The threads of fate will reveal the future of everything, but only if the observer has enough ability to check the fate. The bulkiest part of the thread.

The prophetic ability of Star God Mimicry is to observe changes in real matter, then exhaustively enumerate the next changes, and then consider the part that is most likely to be realized. Perhaps it can see the future here, and then explain the Death Guard and the people from What on earth are Drakasi's followers of Khorne doing here on Broome?

"Forget it, let's just do our thing."

Qin Mo, who really couldn't figure out the reason, chose to give up thinking about this seemingly meaningless thing at the moment. He didn't care how many enemies there were on Broome. Anyway, this was the Eye of Terror. It was not surprising that countless demons suddenly spewed out. of.

Destroy the new humanity, completely destroy everything that can create the new humanity, and then leave.

As for the world of Broome and the enemies in this world...if Qin Mo needs to deal with them all together, there will be no golden expedition fleet, only the auxiliary army of Lord Tyron.

"There are many new humans gathered on Broome, who came through the webway used by Fabius. Heat Death and Bendis are killing them right now. There are hundreds or even thousands of them as we speak. New humans were killed.”

"I can see their determination to protect the property of their Creator Father, but their demise is inevitable."

"But they are capable of reproduction. Clone Magnus and I are studying the biotechnology of new humans, and then we will create weapons to destroy new humans."

The scholar went on to report other things.

During the recent period, Qin Mo did not personally kill the new humans, or study Fabius's technology to create new humans. He just stayed with the cloning originals, taking advantage of the problem of the new humans before they were solved. The time spent in Broome prepared the original clones mentally to accept that they would live in secret forever as clones and contribute silently to the continuation of humanity.

Magnus, on the other hand, is more accepting of this future than anyone else. I don’t know whether he is willing to sacrifice everything for the pursuit of knowledge, or whether he is numbing himself with research.

In short, he is working with scholars to study Fabius' technology to create new humans.

This shouldn't be a difficult matter. After all, Qin Mo had created weapons to kill gene stealers during the Battle of Tailong's Nest, but there was something about the new humans that confused him.

I don’t know if Fabius did it deliberately or if it was caused by other reasons...

The New Humanity has an implicit subspace component. It’s hard to say whether this component exists in the new human body in the form of biological genes, or in the form of spiritual talent... It is very weird, like a person who can’t find any evidence of its existence, but can clearly feel its existence. Something illusory.

"Let the new humanity wither away completely." Qin Mo said.

"Soon they will completely wither away." The scholar nodded, turned around and left to continue his research work with Magnus.

Qin Mo turned around and walked into the room where the original clones were.

In order to allow the remaining clones to wake up quickly, instead of being carried away in jars, the knowledgeable people among the awakened clones have moved the other jars containing the clones to a Sturdy new room.

This room is filled with various instruments made by Qin Mo or Bendis, used to explore the physiological mysteries of the original clones.

Perturabo, who was previously mad and locked in a jar, was released again. He made a device that he thought could revive the other brothers.

Clone Lane was exploring everywhere in the laboratory, looking for a backup of the medicine that Fabius had injected into him when he woke him up.

Even Mortarion is applying his knowledge.

"Guilliman, you are Thirteen."

"This number represents ominousness, evil, disease, evil, disaster."

"If our father really played the role of a god in the ancient times of mankind, then you, the thirteenth, are the thirteenth disciple who betrayed him."

"Lian and many other brothers doubt you for no reason."

Mortarion sat in front of Guilliman and very seriously told the results of his analysis of Guilliman using numerology.

Guilliman doesn't really believe in numerology. He feels that the fate of all creatures in the universe may be tied and related to something, but this bond is definitely not a few numbers.

He didn't want to hear Mortarion's analysis.

But Mortarion had no choice but to study the relationship between Lion and Guilliman recently, and suddenly found that his numerology came true in his thirteenth brother, and insisted that he must tell Guilliman why he was suspected.

"Why don't you use your numerology analysis to wake up our other brothers." Perturabo came over and asked while wiping the oil on his hands.

"I've studied it." Mortarion sat down on the equipment Perturabo had just made. "These things you made are useless. Do you know what we should really do?"

Hear Mortarion comment on his creation: useless. Perturabo tilted his head, glared at Mortarion, and waited for the brother to express his ridiculous opinion.

The Lord of Steel has the attitude that if you don't tell me why, I will beat you to death.

Ever since he learned that many of the original clones had rebelled, Perturabo had become hostile to everyone, even himself.

Mortarion was used to it and was ready to express his opinion.

 I just finished writing three chapters, and there are three more to go



(End of this chapter)

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