Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 847 The Steely Traitor

Chapter 847 The Steely Traitor

“I feel like Ironman’s treatment is actually quite good.”

After listening to the Emperor's speculation on the nature of Guilliman's acceptance, Qin Mo muttered.

At the same time, he also thought that if, as the Emperor said, Guilliman would become the second Perturabo after accepting his true nature.

The Primarch of the Iron Warriors, Perturabo, was the Primarch that Qin Mo hated the most personally. He did not even like to have even a face-to-face contact with the cloned Perturabo when the cloned Horus was not present.

Perturabo doesn't communicate and holds back what he has to say, which Qin Mo hates.

Secondly, it is too cold and heartless.

If the Iron Warriors Legion fails to attack, what awaits them will be eleven kills, a horrific punishment that was shocking in the ancient times of Terra.

Everyone draws lots together and randomly selects an unlucky ghost among ten people to kill.

Including Perturabo did the same thing during the rebellion in Olympia, the home of the Iron Warriors, directly killing one-tenth of the population of Olympia, and the heirs who refused to engage in planet-level massacres were also massacred by the Gene Father.

But Qin Mo then thought again, if Guilliman accepted his true nature, he would definitely be more ruthless than Perturabo.

"Of the many horrific endings I envision for the success of the Webway Project, one is Guilliman's acceptance of his true nature."

"The human species is ruled by superhuman beings such as the Primarchs and the Astartes. Anything different from these superhumans or weaker than them, such as human nature, such as weak flesh, will become a thorn in the flesh of these superhumans."

Even the Arkworld of Otansa, which was far behind the fleet and was regarded as a mobile supply world, also stopped.

"But this is also your own speculation." Qin Mo said, "Although most things in this universe will be worse than speculated..."

"Inhumane?" The emperor turned back sharply, "What is that standing in front of you?"

The fleet suddenly stopped.

But thinking objectively, mortals without AI assistance are really...an embarrassing task.

And from Vanessa's mouth, Qin Mo heard some slightly trembling words.

After listening, Qin Mo nodded thoughtfully, feeling that this was the reason why both the Emperor and Guilliman refused to allow the Space Marines to participate in the rule of the empire.

Qin Mo suddenly smiled and was about to use some words to torture the emperor to let the emperor feel the ups and downs of the conversation, but the sudden tremor blocked all the words that came to his mouth.

The only good thing about Guilliman like this is that he won't be emotional anymore and will never get into trouble again.

"Ha." A smile instantly appeared on the emperor's face, "You are a very nice person."

"I would rather Guilliman die than accept his true nature." The Emperor turned and looked out the window again, fear in his eyes.

Since Qin Mo was unable to perceive anything related to spiritual energy, the Emperor could not communicate with him directly using spiritual energy and had to use Vanessa's mouth.

Qin Mo looked helpless at first, and then said: "Okay, your humanity is so powerful and indispensable, and you are also a pure human being. Of course you will act for the welfare of real mankind."

He will not engage in eleven-to-one killing, because manpower is also a usable resource in his eyes. He will impose some punishments that will not hurt the body and reduce the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers, and then let his descendants fight one after another. In the war, the tactics that considered his strategic goals the most were consumed until they were all gone.

The transport plane bore the rosette symbol of the Inquisition, but that wasn't enough to stop the entire fleet.

"You are quite persistent in humanity and mortals. It is obvious that you are neither mortal nor have much humanity." Qin Mo sighed.

"Superman tyrants insult human beings' weaknesses and curse human beings for their incompetence due to their many weaknesses. From the moment babies are born, their brains are pulled out of their weak bodies and put into more powerful cold machines. Information from the brain nerves The transmission was blocked by some means and became cold and cruel, or many other similar measures that superhumans thought could make up for the weaknesses of mortals were implemented."

The entire huge fleet stopped not because it encountered an enemy, but simply because a small transport plane approached the fleet.

"I have considered many possible outcomes for the human species, and it has always been clear to me that even if the Webway Project succeeds, the human species will not necessarily escape its dark ending."


The team of Inquisitors who boarded the flagship from the transport plane formed a long queue and rushed to the bridge.

When this group of Inquisitors passed by, both the Imperial Navy and Army officers on the flagship, the Inquisition personnel, and the Astartes looked at this team of Inquisitors curiously. The reason is that these inquisitors all wear power armor that is obviously Tyrone style.

The appearance of the power armor bearing the emblem of the stars of the Tyron Sector has been modified, branded with a large number of Emperor's mottos, and the rosette symbol of the Inquisition is branded in the center of the chest.

These inquisitors all wear such power armor, and the various explosives hanging on their waists are different from the explosives used by ordinary imperial inquisitors.

All kinds of cutting-edge technological equipment in the Tyrone star sector can be seen everywhere on them.

Under the leadership of a lord-level inquisitor, the inquisitors and their team members marched quickly in a long queue and soon entered the bridge.

The fleet commanders who had gathered due to the emergency had been waiting in the bridge for a long time.

When he saw the appearance of these inquisitors, even Qin Mo was stunned for a moment. His first reaction was whether these guys were a joint force specially formed by Tailong's military department and the Inquisition for the Golden Expedition military operation.

"Lord of Tyrone, Regent, and Warmaster."

The lord-level judge who led the team saluted the commanders present one by one.

Qin Mo was curious why the judge saluted him first.

Then the leading inquisitor stretched out his hand and pressed it on the helmet of the power armor.


The gas that balanced the pressure was released, and the lock connecting the power armor helmet and the neck guard structure rotated open, revealing a face that was familiar but a little unfamiliar to Qin Mo.

"I hope I have the honor of being remembered by you until now." The Lord Inquisitor showed his trademark stupid smile, "I am Chuck."

Only then did Qin Mo remember the Inquisition member who had interacted with him before the Tyrone Star Sector was established, the unlucky boy Chuck whose father was a Mechanicum monk.

Chuck has matured a lot now, with wrinkles appearing on his face and a lot of gray hair.

Without reminiscing too much, Chuck went straight to the point: "This is what I saw when I was conducting survey activities at the front of the fleet's sailing route."

A projection was projected into the bridge.

The Inquisitors were active throughout the expedition, surveying the fleet's route as it advanced.

When danger or an ambush is discovered on the navigation route, the Inquisitors will try their best to eliminate the danger.

They fought intelligence gathering and counter-gathering battles with Chaos traitors, went deep into the lairs of weak enemies to carry out assassinations, and destroyed evil rituals on a certain planet on the route... these things alone are an epic event. .

The intelligence displayed by Chuck at this time came from the front of the fleet's route, which was also the reason that forced the fleet to stop.

"A defense line composed of planets?" Guilliman was surprised and confused. He blinked several times to make sure that he had seen it correctly.

That is a defense line composed of planets.

There are seven planets in total, and each planet is surrounded by a huge silver ring surrounding the planet. The seven planets and the seven rings surrounding them are arranged together to form a seven-star chain on a plane.

Every planet has lines visible to the naked eye left by some kind of giant metal engineering, which looks lifeless and impassable.

Chuck raised his hand to the influence in an introductory gesture.

He took a deep breath and exhaled gently...

"The handiwork of the traitors known as the Iron Warriors."

"It looks like it's probably another war quagmire after Broome."

(End of this chapter)

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