Tiga: Infinite Evolution from Gorzan

Chapter 213 Gaia reappears!Where is my photon ice blade?

Chapter 213 Gaia reappears!Where is my photon ice blade?

As the device operates, the particle acceleration state gradually reaches its limit.

The consciousness of my dream began to connect with the field of particle acceleration.

However, the colorful passage still did not appear.


"Why is that?"

I can't understand the dream.

"Since you chose me, there must be a reason, right?"

"Why didn't you respond to me?"

"Is it because of the power of the patron saint Golzan?"

"But aren't you all protecting the earth and humanity?"

"Now that the monster appears again, I must protect everyone."

"If you are really the consciousness of the earth, please give me power again!"

"No matter what the cost, I just want to protect everything I want to protect!"

My dream screams in my heart.

However, nothing has changed.

At this time, due to many experiments, my dream body has reached its limit again.

Just when the device was about to stop operating and end the experiment, light suddenly appeared!

A colorful passage appeared in front of my dream.

Just like the first experiment.

I Meng showed an expression of surprise, and his consciousness turned into a body and flew into the passage.

Following this passage, I dreamed of coming to that special space again and saw the red Ultraman.

"My attitude was a bit wrong before, I'm very sorry."

"But I promise, I will do my best to protect the earth and mankind!"

"So, please give this power to me again!"


Perhaps sensing the sincerity of my dream, Gaia did not reject him this time.

In other words, from the moment the passage reappeared, Gaia had actually recognized my dream again.

The red light enveloped my dream and then teleported to the ground.


POINT335, K1 area.

A huge monster is wreaking havoc everywhere.

This monster is covered with rock-like carapace skin and has very strong defense.

The XIG Lightning Team, which had arrived at the scene, used fighter planes to continuously attack, but neither laser beams nor missiles could break through the defense of the monster's skin.

Not only that, the monster also opened its big mouth full of fangs from time to time and bit into the surrounding buildings.

Under its sharp teeth, even reinforced concrete buildings can be easily chewed up like tofu.

However, while this monster was destroying the surrounding buildings, it was still roaring, as if it was looking for something.

Magma monster underground beast Kiru.

This is the name of this monster.

It is actually a giant underground creature that lives on the earth. It is a species native to the earth. Since it has never been in contact with humans and has never been discovered, humans know nothing about it.

Kiru's awakening is actually related to the battle weapon Gob sent to the earth by the destruction of the root.

It was after sensing Gob's special fluctuations that Kiru woke up from his deep sleep and came to the area where Gob appeared.

After Kiru appeared, XIG also conducted some analysis and judgment on its appearance.

Commander Shishi believes that this is probably something awakened by Gob that can bring major disasters to the earth!

As Alchemy Star said, Gob's appearance is just a precursor.

Therefore, the Kiru that appears now is likely to be the follow-up.

Or one of the sequels!

But Shishi ignored another possibility.Kiru did wake up because of Gob, but it was not to destroy the earth with Gob, but to deal with Gob who destroyed the earth!
Because it is life nurtured by the earth.

Protecting the earth is also its mission!
It's just that it takes time from waking up to reaching the ground, so Kiru came a little late.

Moreover, the strange changes in the land in the past few days also caused Kiru to arrive later than in the original plot.

Coupled with Shishi's misjudgment and a series of problems such as his inability to communicate with monsters, this led to the current result.

Of course, Kiru's destruction of city buildings as soon as he appeared was also one of the reasons for this misunderstanding.

But for Kiru, apart from the safety of the earth and things like urban buildings, he really has no feeling at all.

It was under this misunderstanding that humans and Kiru, who were both earth creatures, began to fight.

Seeing that Team Lightning's attack had little effect, Tsusei, who was on the Mir aboard to direct the battle, immediately changed his strategy.

He ordered the release of Marine Hercules and used the Marine Buffalo tank to attack with the Lightning.

Not to mention, Di Cheng’s plan is really effective.

The powerful firepower of the Buffalo, without Kiru noticing, flipped it to the ground, exposing its abdominal area.

Tsusei immediately ordered Team Lightning to take the opportunity to attack, attacking Kiru's abdomen, which had weaker defenses.

But what he didn't expect was that there was an energy organ hidden in Kiru's abdomen!
Under attack, Kiru opened his abdominal carapace, and his red energy organ instantly fired a series of ultra-high-heat fireballs.

The Lightning were forced back and almost crashed.

But Kiru's attack did not stop.

The continuous attacks have completely angered it.

I saw Kiru standing up and continuously firing super hot fireballs, turning the surrounding area into a sea of ​​fire.

Fortunately, the personnel have been evacuated and there were no casualties.

But the situation was frozen.

How to deal with this monster?

Just when XIG was having a headache, the same light as last time appeared in the city again.

A red giant fell from the sky, splashing high dirt on the ground.


Everyone in XIG couldn't help but pronounce this name.

I Meng glanced at my body that had changed again, and I felt a strong sense of confidence in my heart.

He strode towards Kiru.

With each step, the ground shook and a large amount of soil splashed high.

This is the earth's response to Ultraman Gaia.

Since it was already my second transformation, I was obviously a lot more familiar with Meng. When I faced Kiru head-on, I didn't suffer any loss. I even suppressed him a little and gave Kiru a few kicks in the abdomen.

But Kiru was not a vegetarian. After being beaten, it began to use its hard head to carry out collision attacks.

And it opened its big mouth and bit Gaia's legs.

The mouth full of sharp fangs made Gaia extremely painful.

Kiru, on the other hand, bit Gaia, picked him up directly, and threw him away.

Before Gaia could get up from the ground, Kiru quickly rushed over again.

Fortunately, Gaia reacted quickly and quickly squatted down and hugged Kiru's head.

After a struggle, Gaia stood up again and wrestled with Kiru.

But Kiru quietly opened the carapace on his abdomen, revealing the red energy organ.

At such a close distance, even Gaia would definitely feel uncomfortable if she was hit by the ultra-high-heat fireball launched by Kiru.

Fortunately, Captain Kajio of the XIG Lightning Team noticed this and quickly attacked Kiru's abdomen with a fighter plane, interrupting this behavior.

Gaia took the opportunity to turn over and distance herself, preparing to release her special move and kill Kiru with one blow.

I saw Gaia opening her arms, gathering a large amount of photon energy on her head, and squatting down while standing with her hands clenched on both sides of her head.

The light energy on the head forms a huge ribbon-shaped red light blade. He stands up and leans back, nodding forward while opening his arms to guide the light blade to launch and attack the target.

However, just as the light blade was released, another ray of light floated out of Gaia's body and engulfed the light blade!

My dream was so confusing.

This is... the light of the patron saint Golzan?
(End of this chapter)

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