Tiga: Infinite Evolution from Gorzan

Chapter 218 The light of true friendship, the blessing from the patron saint

Chapter 218 The light of true friendship, the blessing from the patron saint
At the suggestion of two good friends, Wu began to pray to Golzan, who is known as the patron saint.

And his two good friends also chose to join him.

The sincere hearts of the three young men called out at this moment.

Let Lin Ye, who is far away in the dark depths of the universe, sense it.

Lin Ye also found it interesting after understanding the causes and consequences of all this.

Stretching out his hand, a little light fell on his claws.

That is the light that represents friendship.

Although this light is not very bright, the energy contained in it is not small.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to cross this far distance and make him feel.

This seems to really correspond to that sentence.

[The light in the human heart is greater than the universe]

However, it is difficult for humans to exert this power.

But this also gave Lin Ye some other ideas.

He will not stay in this world forever, and will definitely enter other Ultra universes to obtain some of the powers and abilities he knows.

For example, the world of Gaia, the universe where the Kingdom of Light is located, etc.

However, it seems that he can make some arrangements when leaving.

Try to collect these powers in the human heart over many years.

Through long-term accumulation, we can condense the power in the human heart, and then just take the time to come back and absorb it later.

"It seems that you can try it."

Lin Ye thought about it and realized that there was indeed room for maneuver.

Of course, that's a story.

As for now...

Lin Ye absorbed that little bit of light of friendship, and then condensed another little bit of brilliance.

"In exchange and as a reward, I'll give you this."

Lin Ye whispered with a smile.

This is the glory of courage.

It was specially extracted by Lin Ye from the power of shining.

When faced with Gatanje, the faith that burst out from mankind not only had the light of hope, but also the power of courage.

Now Lin Ye took out a little courage alone and turned it into brilliance and gave it to A Wu.

Leave the earth where you have lived since childhood, leave your parents, and go to the unknown universe to find a new home planet.

This is Wu's responsibility as a La Cesta planet, and it is the responsibility for the survival of the race.

However, this cannot hide the fact that he is only ten years old.

He will be confused and scared.

But he never thought of escaping.

Therefore, Lin Ye gave him the power of courage.

This responsibility requires courage to clear the way!
A bit of light passed through the distant universe and entered the earth silently.


A4 second area, Wakaba Town.

In an ordinary house.

The three teenagers were still praying in the room.

Suddenly, the young man sitting in the middle seemed to feel something, and his face showed joy.

"Guardian God Golzan, responded to me!"

"He responded to me!"

Ah Chen and Ah Shi next to them immediately opened their eyes and looked at Ah Wu, their faces full of excitement.

"What did the Patronus say?"

A Wu smiled and said: "He didn't say anything, he just gave me the strength of courage."

"The power of courage?"

Ah Chen and Ah Shi looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

"Yeah!" Ah Wu nodded vigorously, "It may sound a bit abstract, but it is courage."

"Originally, I was a little confused about going to the universe, and I was also a little scared of leaving my parents and you."

"But now, I'm not afraid anymore!"

"I will do everything well to create my own future!"

Ah Chen and Ah Shi were filled with wonder.

Ash even said: "Although I still don't understand it, I feel it's very powerful."

After thinking for a moment, Ah Chen stood up and said, "Since Ah Wu is so courageous, I have decided!"

"I want to be an astronaut in the future!"

"After becoming a space pilot, you can go to Awu and meet Awu."

Saying that, Ah Chen looked at Ah Wu again, "When the time comes, Ah Wu, don't forget me!"

Ah Wu said happily: "Definitely not!" Ashi, who was sitting on the left, scratched his head, "Then I will...be a scientist!"

"Make the spaceship that Ah Chen rides on!"

"Let's go find Ah Wu together then!" Ah Chen said excitedly.


Ash nodded.

Ah Wu looked at his two best friends and was very moved.

Wu's mood fluctuated violently, and he even accidentally changed back to a bit like a La Cesta star.

Ah Chen and Ah Shi were startled, and then the three of them laughed together.

Wu, who originally transformed back into the form of a La Cesta star, would release special radio waves that were detected by the Super Victory Team.

But at this moment, the Super Victory Team found nothing.

Everything was due to the power from Lin Ye.

The three teenagers put their hands together and made a promise for the future.

A little light shone from A Wu and passed to A Chen and A Shi.

"Is this the power of courage?"

Ash felt the power of the light and marveled.

"I feel that my body is full of strength and I am not afraid of any difficulties or dangers!" Ah Chen said.

"Well! This is the courage that the patron saint gave me, no, it gave us!"

A Wu said seriously.

"I can feel that this courage is far more extraordinary than the literal understanding."

"There is extremely powerful power in it."

"Maybe it can be used to protect me if I encounter danger in the universe!"

"That's great!" Ah Chen smiled.

Ashi said: "I said that as long as we pray sincerely, the patron saint will definitely help us!"

"Although Awu is a La Cesta planet, he was born from the earth, and he is also a partner of our earth!"

"Guardian God Golzan is the patron saint of the earth and mankind, and he will definitely take care of Wu!"


The next day, Ah Chen and Ah Shi walked around the city again with Ah Wu, who was from La Cesta.

They also introduced more unique scenery and culture to Awu.

"When you get to the universe, Wu, you must introduce the earth to your other friends!"

"I certainly will!"

Awu responded affirmatively.

"By the way, remember to introduce our patron saint Golzan to them!" Ash said.

Ah Chen nodded quickly, "Yes!"

Ah Wu smiled and said: "This is necessary!"

At night, after Awu said goodbye to his mother, he rode his bicycle to a research institute with Achen and Ashi.

They quietly climbed over the door of the institute and entered.

Because here, you can see the star field where the La Cesta people agreed to gather.

After Wu said goodbye to his two companions, he ran behind a building and restored his true form as a La Cesta star.

A huge figure appeared instantly.

But Wu didn't know how to fly because he had never changed his true body.

He could only try to keep jumping and trying like what he saw on TV, when Ultraman flew into the sky.

But it had no effect at all.

As Wu continued to try, soft light escaped from his body.

A pair of transparent, insect-like wings stretched out from under the carapace on Wu's back.

These are the cosmic wings belonging to the La Cesta people, which can help them fly freely in space.

But because Awu was too young, he didn't know this.

But at this moment, these wings are spread out under the light of courage.

"Thank you, Lord Patron Saint."

Ah Wu said silently in his heart.

Then he looked at Ah Chen and Ah Shi on the ground and said, "Goodbye."

Wu's voice sounded in the hearts of the two of them.

Then Wu flew into the sky.

Ah Chen and Ah Shi waved goodbye on the ground.

"Awu, goodbye!"

"Awu, don't forget our agreement!"

(End of this chapter)

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