Tiga: Infinite Evolution from Gorzan

Chapter 296 Lin Ye: I am a monster!

Chapter 296 Lin Ye: I am a monster!
Even with Shi Shi's calmness, he was suddenly startled at this moment.

This means that humans around the world are aware of the crisis coming from this monopole monster outside the base!
This will bring greater fear to people who are already in a state of panic!

Shishi understood that this was calculated.

"In that case, let's destroy this monster!"

"Team Flash, Team Falcon, Team Cool Dragon, attack the Monopole Monster!"

"Monster codename, Mochian!"

"All-out attack! Destroy it!"

Shishi gave the decisive order, and also ordered Atsuko to convey the order and let the air base fire together to deal with Moqian.

But he didn't expect that Moqian's intensity was far beyond what XIG could handle.

No matter whether it was the attack of the three air force fighter planes or the firepower pouring from the air base, it did not cause any harm to Mochian!

That thick skin has extremely strong defensive capabilities.

Not only that, Mochian even shot out several purple rays of light, instantly blowing up the air base to the point of collapse.

At this moment, Gaia, who fell from the sky to the ground, struggled to get up.

"I believe that the patron saint Golzan is not an enemy!"

Although the red light was flashing, I Meng still spoke firmly.

Just when he was about to fly into the sky to deal with Mochian and protect the air base, a voice came into his heart.

"is it?"

"Do you really think so? I dream!"

"Then what are you afraid of?"

"My dream, what are you afraid of?"

A man dressed in black appeared on the ground.

He turned around and saw a face exactly like my dream!
"how is this possible!"

My dream was startled.

"Who are you!"

Faced with Wo Meng's question, 'Wo Meng', who was dressed in black, smiled and said, "I am you! I am your heart."


There was an inexplicable fear in my dream, and he subconsciously wanted to destroy the 'self' in front of him.

I raised my hand and pinched out a bullet, which I dreamed of hitting the ground directly.

"Are you in a hurry?"

"Don't be in a hurry..."

The black-clothed 'Wo Meng' said with an exaggerated expression, and then his body merged with the space and gradually grew larger.

After a while, a monster appeared in front of my dream.

This is a humanoid monster with a mainly black body, a gray-white exoskeleton-like substance, and a luminous body on its face and chest.

The psychic parasitic beast Bizoum!

Looking at this monster, I became even more irritable.

"Is this my heart?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Gaia stepped towards the monster in front of her and attacked it with her fist.

But I didn't expect that Bizom, who seemed to be bare-handed, actually concealed a lightsaber move.

Just after Gaia approached, Bizom's right arm suddenly popped out a lightsaber, and slashed down the oncoming Gaia.

Gaia was caught off guard and was hit hard, sparks flying from her body.

And the figure gradually became transparent and disappeared into the air.

My dream, whose physical strength was already on the verge of reaching its limit, could be said to be physically and mentally exhausted after being tortured like this. My body and mind fell into a state of severe exhaustion.

He was directly beaten by Bizom until the transformation was released.

In the sky, Mochian also sent out continuous light attacks at this moment.

The Ailier Air Base was severely damaged, the anti-gravity device completely failed, and the entire base fell from the sky.

Just when the base was about to hit the ground, a blue light arrived, held it up, and slowly lowered it.

The person who came was none other than Ultraman Aguru, transformed by Fujinomiya.

Although he often talked about how XIG and Alchemy Star were doing, he still took action decisively when he saw that the air base fell and all XIG members were facing life and death threats.However, just as Aguru slowly lowered the air base and breathed a sigh of relief, a black and white figure suddenly flew past.

Demon Destroyer Blitzbloz!

Its wings vibrated and flew past Aguru at an extremely fast speed, while its claws scratched Agururu's chest.

Aguru let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground.

Blitzblotz landed not far away, holding a ball of blue light between its claws.

As Blitzblotz crushed the ball of light with force, Aguru's body also collapsed.

All of this was broadcast live on television to humans around the world.

Almost everyone lost their voices.

The sudden change was simply confusing.

Gaia disappeared, the XIG air base was destroyed, and Agur was shattered by monsters...

In an instant, the entire earth seemed to have fallen into an abyss of despair.

Not to mention that the air power of GUARD's branches in various countries was still destroyed in the battle with the Destroying Demonic Insect Debisi.

All resistance is easily destroyed.

Many people thought of the patron saint Golzan again at this moment.

"Why doesn't the patron saint Golzan take action?"

"Are you afraid?"

"Could it be that you want the earth and humans to be buried together?"

"Please, take Golzan away, let the earth go, let humans go!"

Various voices gradually sounded.

Including many people asking for help from the "angels" in the sky.

"Angel, save us!"

After all, except for the area where the "angel" is, every other place on the earth has been shrouded in darkness.

Despair, hatred, disgust and other negative emotional forces began to overflow in many people.

There are also a few people who think this may be a trap and have not been led to wrong ideas.

But the existence of a small number has no impact at all.

Most importantly, faced with the almost foreseeable threat of death, many people became impatient and became increasingly irritable.

Of course, this is also related to the "angel" who is constantly influencing human beings.

Feeling the malice coming from all directions, the expressions of Masaki Keigo and Kirino Makoto changed.

"These stupid guys!!"

Masaki Keigo was very annoyed.

Kirino Makoto pushed up his glasses, "It's really familiar."

However, neither of them acted rashly.

They looked at the figure in the sky, waiting for the adult's instructions.


In the sky, Lin Ye watched the negative energy pouring from everywhere continue to flow into his body.

Just as the "angel" said, the light in his body was indeed gradually obscured by these negative energies.

Even the power of shining has lost some of its color and has become less "sparkling".

Looking to the other side, Lin Ye seemed to have seen the proud smile on the "angel's" face.

It has to be said that the other party's grasp of people's hearts is indeed in place.

He has a tight grip on human psychology.

"It's a pity that you are dealing with humans. What does it have to do with me, a monster?"

"Don't you think that I, a monster, can only use light?"

"I'm a monster!!"

Lin Ye sighed with emotion and couldn't help but laugh.

Wisps of dark energy overflowed from his body...

(End of this chapter)

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