Basketball: Starting from the Rodman template

Chapter 204 It’s a pity that something like this happened

Chapter 204 It’s a pity that something like this happened
Kwame Brown can't guard Woody, that's for sure. The reason why the Wizards head coach abandoned Kwame Brown is because of Woody's contribution.

But with Kwame Brown here, he can at least last an extra seven or eight minutes, which allows the starters to rest a little longer.

Even though it only takes such a small amount of time, it can greatly reduce the pressure on the Wizards' inside line.

Of course, this idea only lasted for one or two games, until the fourth game of the series.

Before this game, the Pistons played the fifth game of the series with the Pacers, and now the Pistons lead by a big score of 3 to 2.

If the Heat cannot win this game, then once the Pistons and Pacers break out in the next game and are eliminated 4-2, they will have two more days of rest.

If they are allowed to recover, the Heat will lose an advantage.

So, despite the fact that the Heat are leading 3-0, from the perspective of the Eastern Conference finals, they still have to win this game and enter the Eastern Conference finals earlier than the Pistons.

this point is very important!

It is for this reason that Stan Van Gundy stopped pretending and showed off his cards. He used the "Woody on the left, Shaq on the right" offensive mode from the beginning of the game. He caught the Wizards' inside line and attacked him.

After Jeffries and Haywood played the previous few games, although they were completely at a disadvantage, in terms of the final result, they felt that they could still have a "[-]-[-]", but in today's game they faced Woody and Sha. The combination of Gram and O'Neal was so full of fire that I couldn't help but blush for my own naivety.

There is no "three or seven opening" here, it is simply "spring water opening", and the two of them are completely powerless to resist.

In the first half, the two of them were able to get the wind and rain out of the Wizards' interior, and they didn't even look like they were in trouble at all.

At the end of the first half, Woody scored 18 points in the half, and Shaquille O'Neal scored 20 points.

The two scored 38 points together, which is already the firepower that the Wizards' "double gun" in the backcourt can catch up with in the entire game.

The Wizards collapsed faster in this game than in the previous games, but at the end of the first half, there was no suspense in the game.

In the fourth quarter of the game, Woody and Shaq were already sitting on the bench talking and laughing.

Judging from the appearance of these two people, I am afraid that when the whistle that symbolizes the end of the game sounds, the sweat on their bodies has dried.

108 to 82, with a 26-point difference, the Heat won the fourth game of the series, eliminated the Wizards on the road with a big score of 4-0, and reached the Eastern Conference Finals for the second consecutive year.

The entire city of Miami is already in a state of excitement.

After watching the game, the Heat fans were so excited that they rushed to the street and frantically vented their joy.

Reaching the Eastern Conference Finals again!
Only a year has passed since the last time.

And this time it was even stronger, sweeping 4-0 in two consecutive waves and entering the Eastern Conference finals.

They only have one feeling at the moment:
The era of the Heat has really come!
Woody's performance in this game was similar to that in the previous game. There were two main games where there was "garbage time" and he clocked out in the third quarter. This data is not luxurious even if it is luxurious.

This is also why some people's playoff averages look so luxurious.

He always plays seven games. Isn’t this data an exaggeration? ?

Can the total data not be too much?
And a very strange thing is that you play a full 7-game series with some strong teams. This is understandable. After all, strong opponents can often make victory more valuable.

But some opponents who are obviously not as good as themselves can still be inextricable, which is a bit...

It’s time to question the dominance of individual games!

Is there a behavior of "swiping data on the court"?

Anyway, letting Jordan play certain people's games will only make him appear more dominant, that's for sure.

And if Pippen partners with him, let alone whether he can grow up, even if he does, he probably won't reach his original height.

Space for growth is something that some people really can’t see around them!


In this series, Woody's defensive statistics are still very impressive due to his supplementary defense.

After confirming the promotion, now just wait for the results of the other group of Eastern Conference semifinals. The reporter asked Woody which opponent he would rather encounter in the Eastern Conference finals.

Woody said: "We definitely want to meet the Pistons. We lost to them last year. If we can step on the Pistons' bodies into the finals, I think this is definitely a great thing!"

Ben responded to Woody through the air the next day: "We will enter the Eastern Conference Finals, that's for sure, but it will definitely be us who enter the finals this time!"

The Heat are very clear about the advantages of advancing quickly, and similarly, the Pistons are also very clear about their disadvantages.

If they continue to struggle with the Pacers, the Heat's physical advantage will be further amplified.

This is fatal.

and so……

They must try to win Game [-] of the series.

It's just the sixth game of the series. They are on the road and the home court belongs to the Pacers.

The Pacers' winning rate at their home court this season is already high, but now that it's a last-ditch battle, they are even more difficult to deal with.

Before going to Indiana, Tomjanovich said to the Pistons: "Remember, this time we go to Indiana, please be prepared to die once!"

If you don't have the consciousness to fight to the end, you will definitely not be able to win this game.

Facts have proved that there is nothing wrong with the vision of the "championship coach". As soon as the game started, the Pacers took on a desperate posture to fight them.

Although the Pistons anticipated this situation and gritted their teeth and fought against them, in the end they allowed the Pacers to defend their home court, 78 to 77, with a 1-point advantage. The Pacers defended their home court...

The two teams that reached the "tiebreak" last year met the next year and still reached the "tiebreak".

After the game, Artest breathed a sigh of relief and said to the media: "Don't rush to shout. You'd better make sure you can pass this test first!"

These words undoubtedly made the smell of gunpowder between the two teams even stronger.

As a result, although both teams are strong defensive teams and the game is a sleepy iron fight, the outside world is paying more attention to the "tiebreak" between the Pistons and the Pacers.The "Battle of Cows and Horses" next door also went on to the crucial "Battle of Tianwang Mountain", and the attention was less than half of this game.

Woody is naturally paying attention to this game, after all, the final winner of these two teams will be their opponent in the Eastern Conference finals.

The smell of gunpowder is full, which means that this final will be a decisive battle from the beginning.

The game officially started amidst the swear words from the fans at the Palace of Auburn Hills, and from the beginning, there were all kinds of big moves and pushes, so much so that the referees who were accustomed to the turmoil in the playoffs needed to call two fouls to let them calm down. .


Neither side has any intention of calming down.

Barkley watched the big moves in this game and said with great interest: "Viewers, welcome back to the 90s!"

Needless to say, big moves consume physical energy. Both sides soon fell into a state of anxiety. The score rose slowly, and it took a long time before it even jumped.

In comparison, the Pacers, who tied the score in the last game, are in better condition, or in other words, they have more pressing reasons.

This made them the team that led more often. Before the game entered the final quarter, the Pacers had led by almost 10 points.

The Pistons showed their resilience at this time. Just after the first 5 minutes of the fourth quarter, they chased the point difference to within five points.

So far in this game, this is their smoothest scoring period.

But then they missed all their next five or six shots, and the Pacers opened the score again with consecutive three-pointers from Reggie Miller and Stephen Jackson.

victory is in sight!

It's just that at this point in the match between the two teams, the mood of the game was a bit off.

The excitement of the competition is also becoming more intense.

With 4 minutes and 43 seconds left in the game, Hamilton grabbed a defensive rebound and elbowed Tinsley in the back.

This action was so big that everyone saw it, including the referee.

But the referee didn't blow the penalty!
Under this scene, the Pacers' bench instantly erupted. Their accusations failed and they became even angrier.

This actually made their offense smoother. With 1 minute and 25 seconds left in the game, the Pistons trailed by 11 points!
Even Bill Walton believed that the Pistons should not be able to win this game.

At this time, there was another big move on the court. Ben knocked Artest into the fence when he blocked Artest's shot, but was not called for a foul.

What surprised Woody was that Artest did not do anything in a hurry, but remained calm.

This is somewhat inconsistent with his violent image.

With 57 seconds left, Jackson went to the free throw line and hit two free throws, giving the Pacers a 97-82 lead.

15 points!

This point difference will have to be weighed even if McGrady comes, not to mention this is the playoffs, not the regular season.

Artest's focused expression also underwent some changes at this time.

With only 45.9 seconds left in the game, the Pistons organized an offense, Ben Wallace made a layup, and Artest directly pulled Ben down.

Seeing that he was about to be slapped in the face, Ben was furious and pushed him back hard, not wanting to punch him reluctantly.This move triggered a fierce conflict between players from both sides, and Rasheed Wallace did a good job of blocking the flames from both sides.

Artest was persuaded to go back to the field and lie down on the referee's bench to calm down.

For 90 seconds after Wallace hit Artest, Artest remained lying on the scorer's table as Detroit fans sprayed obscenities at him and the 10 players and coaches from both teams gathered around midfield. What's worrying is that Daben can't calm down.Everyone else was near their respective benches. For some reason, no one pulled Artest off the table. Ben, who couldn't bear it, finally decided to throw an arm guard in Artest's direction.Afterwards, a drink fell from the sky and hit Artest.

The drink bottle "awoke" Artest, and he rushed directly into the stands to catch the spectator who threw the drink, but he caught the wrong person.

The fan who threw the drink, John Green, grabbed Artest from behind and tried to hug him tightly. Another fan poured another beer at Artest from close range, but it splashed all over Stephen Jackson.

Stephen Jackson originally came to pull him away, but upon seeing this, he immediately hit back with a heavy punch.

At the same time, the situation on the court suddenly changed. A Pistons player suddenly threw an uppercut that failed to hit Fred Jones. A new round of conflict broke out, causing players and coaches from both sides to rush into the battle group. Be the peacemaker.

So many things happened in just a few seconds, and Woody was stunned in front of the TV.

The camera showed Reggie Miller at this time. After trying to stop the fight to no avail, he watched his teammates angrily leave the scene, confusion flashing across his face.

They finally won, but he knew very well that the Pacers were finished, and what awaited this team tomorrow would be heavy penalties!
That night, the league took swift action. David Stern issued a statement, "The events that occurred during tonight's game were shocking and unforgivable, and they are the responsibility of everyone associated with the NBA." It's a disgrace. It explains why our players are not allowed in the stands, no matter how provocative or vicious the fans may be. Our investigation is ongoing and I hope to get to the bottom of this by tomorrow night."

The next day, the league headquarters also issued a notice, banning nine players that night for a total of 146 games without pay, causing them to lose nearly 1000 million in salary.

Among them, Artest was the most serious. He was directly suspended for the entire season, including the remaining games of this season.

Stephen Jackson suspended 30 games;
O'Neal was suspended for 25 games, which was reduced to 15 games through arbitration;
Anthony Johnson suspended five games;

Ben Wallace was suspended for five games; Billups was suspended for one game, Reggie Miller was suspended for one game, Eldon Campbell was suspended for one game, and Derrick Coleman was suspended for one game.

John Green, the main culprit who threw the drink, was found guilty of misdemeanor attempted assault and sentenced to 30 days in prison and two years of probation. He was also banned from entering Auburn Palace Stadium for life.

After this result came out, Indiana wailed. They finally eliminated the Pistons and avenged last season, but the result was at such a tragic price.

This is no longer just a tragic victory!

Miami was a little surprised when things developed to this extent.

Who would have thought that the final result between the Pistons and the Pacers would be like this...

The New York Times called them "the easiest team to advance in NBA history."

Woody was asked what he thought about this matter. He originally thought a lot, but in the end he said: "It's a pity that this happened."

(End of this chapter)

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