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Chapter 110 "Braid Cutting Order" promulgated!Braids but no hairs, hairs but no braids

Chapter 110 "Braid Cutting Order" promulgated!Braids but no hairs, hairs but no braids

General Shengjing, or according to the current situation, should be called General Fengtian.

Although the new general Wu Mahu held great power in Shengjing City, there was an unspeakable depression in his eyes.

General Fengtian, ranked first rank, is the head of the three generals outside the pass, and has absolute power of life and death over the Fengtian area. Shengjing City is like Nanjing in the Ming Dynasty. There are ministers and ministers. It is no exaggeration to say that the emperor .

But Wu Mahu was a Manchu general who went south with the Regent. He had already seen the great rivers and mountains in the pass, and seen all kinds of glory and wealth. Now that he stays in Shengjing, how can he not let him feel a little depressed?
The same is true for the Three Thousand Manchurian Eight Banners in Shengjing City, complaining again and again.

They are all Manchurians, and they are all elites of the Eight Banners. They conquered the country of the Han people together. Why do you enter the customs to enjoy the blessings and leave us outside to suffer the cold?

You know, this is the Qing Dynasty, there is no heating at all, and outside the customs in winter, people are really freezing to death.

In particular, in order to make Guanwai the last retreat, the Qing court also forced the Manchuria outside the Guanzhou not to forget the glory of their ancestors and continue to follow the original ecological training, so that... all the Eight Banners soldiers outside the Guanzhou complained.

If it weren't for the astonishing amount of funds allocated by the imperial court, these Manchu Eight Banners soldiers would have raised their flags to rebel.

Of course, in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, because the supplies outside the customs could not be provided, the Manchurian soldiers outside the customs were boiling, so that there were several times of "armed demands for salary" and Manchurians "anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty", which is really a bit embarrassing .

But Wu Mahu would not raise the flag to rebel, and do something like 'anti-Qing and restoring Ming'.

Although he was only a small team leader during the campaign against Nanming, and his name was not recorded in the history books, but after so many years of development and his reasonable standing in the team, he finally became General Fengtian last year.

The main reason is the relationship with the Grand Master Obai.

Otherwise, how did he, a small Shengjing Hubu Zuoshilang, be promoted to General Fengtian overnight?

Therefore, as of this morning, the relationship between Wu Mahu and Qing Dynasty still belongs to the stage of "I love Qing Dynasty, and Qing Dynasty loves me".

However, just this morning, an urgent report was sent from the pass, which was from Emperor Kangxi, saying that the Grand Master Oboi had conspired against him and had been captured by the Holy King. Slave, don't make trouble, the sage will not hold the ministers of the frontiers accountable.

But having said that, Wu Mahu still had doubts and anxiety, not knowing what to do.

It wasn't until the end that Wu Mahu sighed quietly: "Grand Master, why did you get overthrown by a child? Could it be that the current emperor is really a sage?"

"General, urgent report, urgent report!"

Suddenly, a hasty voice sounded in Wu Mahu's ears. Wu Mahu was terrified when he heard the words. Then he stood up and walked to the door quickly, but saw a young man from Manchuria wearing a yellow jacket, it was Guar Jia Jialai is the gilded young Vice Dutong.

This person can be said to be extremely well-informed about the news in the pass.

Seeing the shock of the deputy governor, Wu Mahu felt a thump in her heart, thinking that the news came from inside the pass, and immediately asked eagerly: "What's wrong? Could it be that the grand master was killed... Cough cough, could it be a traitor?" Oboi was beheaded, the emperor wants to hold this general accountable?"

This is the one thing that worries him the most.

After all, he had just become General Fengtian, less than eleven months ago!
Hearing Wu Mahu's words, everyone on the other side was stunned, and then they didn't bother to say these things, but said out of breath: "General, Xingjing...Xingjing and Ningyuan have fallen!"


Wu Mahu turned pale with shock: "The emperor has already sent troops to attack this general?! Why did you march from Xingjing and Ningyuan instead of Jinzhou and Liaoyang?!"

After that, he paced back and forth, and then he gritted his teeth and said: "It must be General Ning Guta Bahai, he must have received a secret report, so he marched without hesitation!"

He has already thought of it.

What soldiers can fight so well?It must be the Sauron Battalion under the command of General Ning Guta. The Sauron Battalion cannot be mobilized without an imperial decree.

Everything was connected, and as a direct descendant of Grand Master Ao, that little Kang Mazi couldn't tolerate him!

Wu Mahu gritted her teeth, and said angrily, "Well, you Kangxi boy, the old man was attacking the city under the command of the Regent, and you and Ni Ama didn't know where to wear crotch pants, but today you dare to do something like this!"

He, Wu Mahu, was born in the Inlaid White Banner of Manchuria, of the Yitemo clan.

It is the direct line of Dorgon who is serious.

Originally, he was at odds with Shunzhi's lineage, but now he will naturally think about it.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Mahu looked at the deputy governor who came to report.

The Vice Dutong's expression was also a little embarrassed.

Because General Ningguta Bahai was born in the Guerjia family.

And I am also the Guarjia family.


Wu Mahu directly pulled out the big knife hanging on the wall, pointed at the deputy governor, and angrily said: "Tu Mo, you came here wearing armor and bringing troops, don't you mean you want to kill me?!"

It can't be said that Wu Mahu thinks too much.

It's a very sensitive time.

His backer in the court, Obai, had just been overthrown by Kangxi, and just when he was worried, he suddenly heard that two cities under his command had fallen, and they were the two cities closest to Shengjing. What did Wu Mahu think of this? !

Who can attack from the north without making a sound, and can also cross the defense zone of General Heilongjiang and General Ningguta?

General Ning Guta, that is, General Jilin.

It's just that General Jilin will have to wait more than ten years to change his name. Now, like General Shengjing, he has another name.

"The general misunderstood!"

The deputy governor, Tu Mo, can be said to be terrified now. It was agreed to come here to be gilded for four years. After returning, he can go to the alley to find Xiao Taohong, but why did he get involved in such an important matter for no reason?Your Majesty, you really did a terrible job to this slave!
"According to the report from the reinforcements, the ones hanging on the walls of Xingjing and Ningyuan are..."

Having said that, Tu Mo looked around to make sure there was no one around, then lowered his voice and said in a low voice, "It's the dragon flag of the Ming Dynasty."

"There are so many soldiers and horses, it is estimated that there are no less than one hundred thousand."


Hearing this news, Wu Mahu was even more startled. After looking around for a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Even if someone wants to revive the Ming Dynasty, how could they come from the north? Isn't that the Ming Dynasty stall?" Are you in the south, I heard that there is a man named Zhu Yanping in Taiwan, our man's customs is too far away from Taiwan!"

Wu Mahu is now confused.

Who is it that captured Xingjing and Ningyuan?

General Ning Guta?Where can one hundred thousand soldiers be drawn from that wretched place in Ningguta?There are only a few armored men, but counting the slaves who have been exiled over the years, it is estimated that they can gather [-] soldiers.

But this is coming out in full force, Jilin doesn't want it anymore?What if the Rakshasa ghost takes the opportunity to attack?
Could it be that North Korea wants to avenge the Ming Dynasty?
Impossible, absolutely impossible.

North Korea is a bunch of eggless cowards, and they don't have the guts at all.

And even if they are Koreans, their combat power... let alone tens of thousands, even 30 to [-] people will not be able to break through Xingjing, let alone occupy Ningyuan.

So... where did all these troops come from?

It can't be that the army of the Ming Dynasty appeared, wearing white helmets and armor, and came to avenge Emperor Chongzhen in hemp and filial piety, right?

But it can't be outside the customs. Isn't it better to go directly to Beijing for revenge than to come to Shengjing?
For a moment, Wu Mahu was in a state of confusion.

But at this moment, Tu Mo gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "It must be the emperor's soldier!"

"The emperor didn't want to create a cruel image of killing the big officials in the frontiers, so Cai Ning Guta put up the banner of the Ming Dynasty, under the guise of anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty, attacked the city and occupied the territory, and wanted to kill the general. After killing the general, he used it to destroy the Ming Dynasty. Under the guise of remnants of crimes, we will carry out a large-scale cleansing outside the pass!"

Tu Mo's mind was wide open, and he came up with a possibility.

But Wu Mahu was at a loss for words for a while, and could only say: "This... this... the emperor is only 14 years old, and he is still a child..."

Tu Mo gritted his teeth, and continued: "The emperor brought down Oboi at the age of 14, the general must not regard him as a 14-year-old child!"

He didn't want to die here, of course he wanted to get involved with Wu Mahu as much as possible.

After gaining Wu Mahu's trust, he will open the city and surrender to welcome his uncle's army into the city. He is still a good servant of the emperor!
Even after killing Wu Mahu, it is possible to take over as General Fengtian!

After hearing this sentence, Wu Mahu immediately gritted her teeth and said, "If the emperor is not benevolent, then this general will be unrighteous. Since he is under the banner of the Ming Dynasty, then this general is responsible for defending the land. He should treat Zhu Ming's puppet army Give it a head-on blow!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Mahu said coldly: "Order all the troops to guard Shengjing strictly and stand by for help!"

Seeing this, Tu Mo was about to agree, when he saw another cavalry captain hurried over and said to Wu Ma, "General, there are more than a thousand rout soldiers from Xingjing and Ningyuan outside the city, clamoring to enter the city, what to do?"


Wu Mahu was tense, and then walked with a knife in her hand, and quickly arrived at the city wall, staring at the disgraced soldiers outside the city wall.

"Open the door and let the man in!"

"The Ming army is too cruel, we Manchus in Xingjing and Ningyuan are all finished!"

"What they say is to keep your braids but not your hair, and keep your hair but not your braids... Be good, man's braids are passed down from our ancestors, how can we cut them off casually, and join those North Koreans? Fortunately, men can escape quickly!"

"Jing Guan, it's too scary!"


A group of rout soldiers shouted there, among them were Manchuria and Han troops, their voices were so noisy that they felt lingering fear.

While Tu Mo was hesitating whether to persuade Wu Mahu to open the door, he heard Wu Mahu laughing and saying: "This is a treacherous trick, don't fall for it."

"If the Ming army was so brutal, how did these routs come to the city of Shengjing? The defenders in Xingjing and Ningyuan combined are only [-]. If the Ming army attacked the city with [-], how could they escape? More than a thousand people?"

Wu Mahu stroked her gray beard and laughed out loud, feeling that she had seen through the trick.

Seeing that the door didn't open for a while, the rout soldiers outside the city were very dissatisfied, shouting and insulting one after another, and Wu Mahu didn't hesitate to see this, "They are all Kangxi...cough cough, they are all spies of the Ming army. , Let the arrows, let the arrows!"

Accompanied by General Fengtian's order, arrows rained like rain in an instant, causing heavy casualties to the unsuspecting soldiers in an instant.

"God's Wu Mahu, you bastard with a white flag, how dare you shoot your grandpa, I will definitely give you a copy of your grandpa later!"

"Damn it, go away, Wu Mahu wants to kill you guys! It's better to cut off your braids and surrender!"


In an instant, the defeated soldiers outside the city cried for their fathers and mothers, and immediately fled in all directions, not daring to stay.

Seeing this, Wu Mahu was very satisfied, and laughed loudly: "How can such a small trick succeed?"

Just when Wu Mahu was laughing, there was a roaring sound in his ears, and then the city wall trembled, as if some artillery was coming, Wu Mahu staggered and fell to the ground in an instant, pale with shock: " What's the situation, what's the situation?!"

"General, hurry down to the city wall, the thieves have firearms!"

The deputy governor, Tu Mo, was loyal, and immediately covered Wu Mahu, and went down the city wall. When he went down the city wall, Wu Mahu also yelled without hesitation: "Our city defense artillery, fight back, fight back! !"

After getting off the city wall, Wu Mahu took a rest, and after hearing the roar of artillery fire outside the city, Wu Mahu said angrily: "There are artillery, it really is the armored men of Ninggu Pagoda! They want to cheat to open the gate of the city, so as to respond to each other, but fortunately, this general is resourceful!"

Hearing Wu Mahu's words, Tu Mo was so ashamed, he gritted his teeth, and said to Wu Mahu: "General, please go up to the city wall to see how many bandit soldiers there are!"


Wu Mahu nodded, and Tu Mo took a deep breath immediately, faced the constant bombardment, climbed onto the city wall, took a peek outside, saw the densely packed Ming army formation and mandarin duck armor, and nodded in satisfaction .

In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, a large number of armors still used the armors of the Ming Dynasty.

However, these details can only be seen up close. From such a distance, Tu Mo can only take a quick look, and naturally his eyes are a little dazzled.

Therefore, Tu Mo hurriedly shrank his head, planning to find an opportunity tonight, and ordered people to contact outside the city, and surrendered in Kaesong, surrendering his cousin Bahai.

That's right.

Tu Mo really thought that the other party was his cousin Bahai.

After all, there is really no one who has experienced a great army of heavenly generals, and there is no one outside the pass who is capable of launching such a large-scale war, except for General Ning Guta Bahai.

North Korea?

Although North Korea can gather people, but... huh.

Everything is without words.

After he settled his mind, Tu Mo immediately got down from the city wall, rushed back to Wu Mahu, and said in a low voice: "General, if that's the case, the general recognizes that army, which is the armored man of Ninggu Tower! Think about it, others Do you have the patience?"

"We, the three generals outside the pass, are in the same spirit. In the end, the general felt that it was better to send a letter from the general to Bahai, so that he could understand it with reason and move it with affection. Don't fall into the tricks of Kangxi's son!"

Hearing Tu Mo's words, Wu Mahu nodded immediately, feeling a little dizzy and nauseous, and immediately said: "In that case, you can write. General, General, I need to take a rest."

Wu Mahu is very old. In history, Wu Mahu died in the ninth year of Kangxi, that is, next year, and died in office.

He was already old, but he was frightened by the cannon just now, and he even fainted for a while.

The reason why he gritted his teeth and persisted was mainly for his descendants.

As long as he persevered long enough, that kid Kangxi would not be able to do anything to his family members, just like the Han people in San Francisco today.

There are about [-] troops in Shengjing, as long as the troops in other cities obey the order and rush to help, it will be fine.

Hold on firmly, there will be a way!
After hearing Wu Mahu's words, Tu Mo was overjoyed, and he cupped his hands without hesitation, and said loyally: "Yes, I will write this in the end!"

After finishing speaking, Tu Mo hurried back to his residence, and wrote two letters, both in Manchu, the first one was written according to Wu Mahu's thoughts, and the second one was tonight when the cronies opened the door.

After seeing the first picture, Wu Mahu didn't doubt that it was him, so she immediately put down the hanging basket and asked someone to deliver the letter.

And Tu Mo's heart was pounding all the time, he was afraid that Wu Mahu would see through the trick.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly.

And this Wu Mahu is not a famous general. When he attacked the Central Plains, countless people took the lead, but he was always a small general. It wasn't until Oboi came to power that he hugged Oboi's thigh and became a general. General Fengtian.

For such an important position, Wu Mahu is still unknown, which shows how weak his ability is.

Just like that, Wu Mahu was helped back to rest, and soon it was night.

After nightfall, Tu Mo immediately summoned his cronies, took advantage of the darkness, and came to the gate of the city. After taking down the gate officer with lightning speed, he shouted loudly: "General Wu Mahu of Fengtian intends to rebel. The crime deserves to be punished! Outside the city is my Emperor Qingsheng’s anti-rebellion army, and your relatives are all in Beijing, don’t make mistakes, and quickly deal with me! Welcome Wang Shi to enter the city, and follow me to kill Wu Mahu!"

Hearing Tu Mo's words, the Eight Banners soldiers who originally wanted to resist looked at each other, wondering if it was true or not.

Isn't the opposite party under the banner of the Ming Dynasty? Why is it his own?

But everyone recognized Tu Mo, after all, he was from the noble family of Guerjia, all of a sudden the soldiers of the Eight Banners clasped their hands together and shouted in Manchu: "May I follow the governor of the capital to kill Wu Mahu!"

Yes, although not very satisfied with the court.

But after all, there are hostages staying in Beijing, and the court has never defaulted on payment of money, and if it is a counter-rebellion army, they will not be able to win at all, so without hesitation, they are willing to march with Tu Mo.

All of a sudden, the city of Shengjing was in chaos, and Wu Mahu, who was sleeping, was awakened. After learning about this, she turned pale with fright, and led her cronies one after another, trying to take back the city gate.

But the general situation was gone, there was no room for Wu Mahu to be captured alive on the spot.

After finishing all this, Tu Mo stood proudly at the gate of the city, planning to welcome his cousin Bahai into the city.

Soon, the sound of horseshoes came, and Tu Mo was extremely obedient, but soon he saw that something was wrong.

No, their armor seems to be a little different from my Qing Dynasty?

"You are Tu Mo who opened the door to offer the city?"

Suddenly, a cold Chinese word appeared in Tu Mo's ears. Tu Mo raised his head to look, but saw Marquis Wuying Guo Xun riding a tall horse, looking down at Tu Mo, and said, "That's right, I didn't expect that during the establishment of slavery, there would be a You are such a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty! You have endured humiliation for many years, but you have suffered, and when His Majesty comes down, he will definitely reward you."

Tu Mo was dumbfounded all of a sudden?

His Majesty?

What Your Majesty?
Loyalty Ming room?

Are you really the Ming army? !

Tu Mo was dumbfounded.

How could he be loyal to the Qing Dynasty, a person with vested interests in the Qing Dynasty, suddenly became a loyal minister of the Ming court?
And it's the kind that endures humiliation.

Before Tu Mo could react, Guo Xun drew out the Xiuchun Knife he asked for from Lu Bing and pointed it at Shengjing City: "How many Manchus and Han people are there in Shengjing City?"

"There are more than 20 Manchus, and more than [-] Han people."

A Han soldier, Bao Yi, took the courage to respond with a speech.

"Okay, Your Majesty has an order! Any Manchurian or Baoyi who resists and refuses to obey, his family members will be killed on the spot and built into a Beijing temple to serve as an example to others! The rest of the obedient and Han people are ordered to go to Shengjing within three days. ...No, all the people in Shenyang City and Nuergandusi cut off their braids and put on their hair, keep their braids but not their heads, keep their heads but not their braids!"

Without hesitation, Guo Xun loudly announced the promulgation of the "Braid Cutting Order".

Basically, it is an eye for an eye. How did the Manchus promulgate the "Shaving Order" when they entered the customs, and now they are going to promulgate a code of the same meaning.

And beside Guo Xun, there was a translator proficient in Manchu, who translated this sentence into Manchu.

For a moment, the Manchurian Eight Banners who followed Tu Mo and surrendered were shocked. One of the Eight Banners soldiers pointed at Tu Mo with a knife and cursed angrily: "Tu Mo, you Manchurian traitor, full of traitors! What did the Han people give you? Good thing, you actually betrayed my Qing dynasty?!"


Tu Mo couldn't argue.

 In the past, the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs and massacred the Han people in the Central Plains.

  Now I want to do the opposite, Huang Ming enters the customs and slaughters all the people in the city!

  Of course, Manchuria will naturally surrender, and this part can be accepted as dogs and used as consumables, just like the green camp in history.

  Recommend a book
  "After the life exchange, the eldest lady came to the door with a knife"

  The protagonist obtains a game where he can exchange bodies with others, and can also bind others to practice√


(End of this chapter)

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