I, Jiajing, join the Ming Emperor chat group

Chapter 149 Killing Kangxi!The Qing Dynasty was completely destroyed

Chapter 149 Killing Kangxi!The Qing Dynasty was completely destroyed

Kangxi Dynasty.

Although the sky in Beijing City is still bright, the people in Beijing City have already spontaneously organized at the gate of the city, planning to watch the fun.

The people who appeared here were all the aborigines of old Beijing and some refugees from Hebei.

After learning that the three emperors of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were escorted back and executed under the eyes of everyone, they were elated and immediately surrounded them.

"Damn! The emperor of the Tartars should have been executed a long time ago! My Majesty Jiajing is really wise!"

"Hey! Now that the Qing Dynasty is dead, what is the name of the emperor? It should be called Your Majesty."

"Didn't you read the new law promulgated by the cabinet a few days ago? The emperor said, whether it is the emperor or your majesty, the sage, or the official, as long as there is no foul language, we Shengdou people can call you whatever you want."

"And this thing?"

"A few days ago, there was a poem circulated in the streets and alleys. It was called 'Seizing the vermillion is not the right thing, and the alien species is also the king'. I heard that it was a legacy of the ancients. Now it seems that it is exactly the case!"


There was a lot of discussion on the streets of Beijing, and the Han people were particularly satisfied with the announcement of the new policy.

After all, it is only three or forty years since the end of Ming Dynasty, and the first generation is still alive, so they naturally know what it is like in Daming.

In the Ming Dynasty, their family originally had houses and fields. However, after the Manchus entered the customs, they ran to enclose the land. With just a circle, their yard became the yard of the Manchus, and they themselves became slaves.

Now that Da Ming was back and everything was back to normal, they would naturally feel joyful.

And of course, there were also some people who stayed in the crowd of people in disgust, looking at the officers and soldiers of the Yaowu Camp who were lined up neatly, feeling aggrieved, so they could only whisper: "What is the air! The masters will come back sooner or later, what about the Ming Dynasty, a group of Ming Dynasty Thieves!"

"Extremely, extremely. The emperor of Aixinjueluo is the ninth-five-year-old. These wise people are really barbaric. They want to execute such a nine-five-year-old. After God knows about this, I am afraid that he will blame him. The world will be over!"

A few Han Chinese, old and young, secretly said bad things behind their backs. Before the Ming Dynasty entered the city, they were the old servants of the Eight Banners disciples. They usually held themselves too high and were proud of being slaves. They always seemed superior to others. To flatter the superior and bully the inferior.

Now that Ming Dynasty has come, these old coat-coated minions who used to work for tigers have become ordinary citizens, and let them die with the Eight Banners masters, and they are not happy. Slop, gold juice, etc. are pulled on the street. Once there is labor, it is necessary to repair the city wall immediately.

They are full of complaints about their current life, but they dare not openly rebel, so they can only get together and complain a few words.

"Did you just think that Aixinjueluo's house is very nice?"

Suddenly, a voice appeared in their ears, and a man in a mandarin jacket said subconsciously: "Of course! It's good for masters to be first-class, and it's a good life to be slaves with masters. Much better now!"

After they finished speaking, they realized that they all looked at the place where they had just spoken, and immediately saw a few cold eyes staring at them.

And the owner of these cold eyes seems to have a knife hidden in his sleeves.

"Take it!"

Without hesitation, order!
Several people rushed out from among the crowd, and directly held down the speaking coated servants.


The coated servant directly pressed his face to the ground, a bloodstain was rubbed out, he felt the burning pain, and immediately yelled: "What are you doing! Let go of your grandfather!"

People in Beijing who didn't know the truth also gathered around, and they were a little puzzled.

Seeing this scene, the leading swordsman immediately took out a token, and immediately said: "Jin Yiwei handles the case! These three people have just publicized Aixinjueluo, the chief of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and are suspected of assassinating the king! Now it has been captured by my Jin Yiwei, and it will be imprisoned immediately!"

After seeing these tokens, the people around were instantly filled with righteous indignation, and shouted angrily: "Hey! I have a bad temper, does anyone really want to be a slave?! What a disgrace to our old Beijing!"

"The holy emperor is in power, and the world is safe and healthy! My Ming Dynasty is flourishing, how dare such dirty bastards make noise here! Young and old, go up and beat them up!"


All of a sudden, those three good servants of Aixinjueluo were beaten to such a state that they couldn't recognize east, west, north, south.

The Jin Yiwei escorted the three of them away after letting the common people vent their anger.

After returning to the imperial prison, I have to beat him again!
It's not right to be a good person, but to be a slave. I really don't understand what's going on.

The people cursed and were filled with indignation.

Soon, the mist gradually dissipated, and as the sun shone, four prison cars escorted Yue Le, Xuan Ye, Fu Quan and Jia Han back into the capital.

The four of them were originally imprisoned together, but the road was too noisy, so the Jin Yiwei and soldiers who escorted them detained the four of them separately, and there was only cursing and fighting along the way.

At this moment, the entire avenue in Beijing has been completely blocked. Above the Meridian Gate, various props for execution are being placed, and the dark crowds in the square are all looking forward to it, as if they are looking forward to the arrival of noon.

However, a carriage stopped not far away, and three familiar heads appeared on the carriage.

The three generals who were supposed to attack Shang Zhixin on the Guangdong battlefield.

They are Tu Mo Wencheng, Bing Bi Chengchou and Malji Sangui.

These three people are all the highest-level generals who have surrendered in Manchuria.

Tu Mo was granted the title of Marquis of Keru, and Bi was granted the title of Marquis of Ping Jin, while Malji was granted the title of Marquis of Qing.

The three Manchurians who made great military exploits for the Ming Dynasty and slaughtered countless Manchurians all over the city looked at the crowded square at this moment, and their mood was a little complicated for a while.

They looked at the tall wooden frame in front of the Meridian Gate, and at the blade shining with a cold light, they couldn't help but feel a chill on their necks.

This thing beheaded, it must be very fast!
This thing is made by His Majesty. It is said that it was invented by some Luyi pomegranate in the west. I don't know who it is, but it is very fast to chop off.

In the past few days, Xiao Xuanzi and Xiao Quanzi have revealed many secrets in order to survive.

For example, all the treasures of Manchuria were buried on a certain mountain outside the pass, and they tried their best to make those cities that were still resisting put down their resistance. Therefore, His Majesty granted permission to allow Xiaoxuanzi and Xiaoquanzi to die happily.

But Yue Le and Jia Hanfu obviously did not have such good luck.

After all, Xiao Xuanzi took all the credit, and the two of them would no longer have the opportunity to be tainted witnesses.

Therefore, Yue Le will be sentenced to five punishments, while Jia Han will be more relaxed, and will only be cut in half.

They were executed together with dozens of high-ranking officials of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties who were captives, all of whom were brutal and unacceptable.

After seeing this situation, Tu Mohe and Bingbi yelled 'good death' in their hearts, but in Malji's mind, there was a feeling of sorrow for the death of a rabbit.

After all, he still has some feelings for the Qing Dynasty.

Malji is different from Tu Mo and Bingbi. The two of them were little Karami in the Qing Dynasty, and they belonged to the Qing Dynasty.

Therefore, Tu Mohe and Bingbi can say openly, 'I love Daqing, does Daqing love me? ', 'We are originally Ming people' and such words.

And Malji, after all, was a high-ranking official who was single-handedly picked up by the Qing Dynasty, so he still couldn't bear it.

But I just feel ashamed. It is absolutely impossible for him to turn against the Ming Dynasty and restore the Qing Dynasty.

He still wants to save the head on his neck to continue eating.

The reason why the three of them were called back from the front line in Zhejiang was so that they could watch the ceremony at close range, watch the destruction ceremony of the old and the young, and beat them.

As for who called them back, there is no need to say more.

Malji took a deep breath, and when he was about to say something, suddenly, nine crisp bells rang above the east gate of the Meridian Gate, and the audience was silent for a moment.

The bell chimes nine times, and the emperor is here!
Accompanied by the ringing of the bell, the people of Beijing burst into cheers, resounding through the entire Meridian Gate and the entire sky!
The sound echoed endlessly, circling over the entire Beijing, and every household could hear the shouts.

During the time when gongs and drums were shaking, firecrackers were blasting, crowds of people, and red flags were flying, an emperor wearing a uniform and twelve crowns appeared on the Meridian Gate!

"He is really the Holy Son of Ming Dynasty!"

Some people took a breath of air and looked at the figure on the Meridian Gate. They suddenly felt a pressure coming towards them and murmured to themselves.

"Look, does your Majesty look like a dragon? It's really a real dragon coming to the world!"

The people around him were also chirping, and soon, he looked at the four indescribable creatures imprisoned in the prison car, and couldn't help feeling contemptuous: "One has a big head, one has pockmarks, an old man, and one has hairy eyes. Black, this extremely ugly, deer-headed rat-eyed man is the emperor of the Qing dynasty? Pooh!"

"It's still my Jiajing Majesty of the Ming Dynasty, with a high spirit, like the emperor Mu Mu!"

In an instant, the people fell into frenzy, and the shouts flooded the entire Meridian Gate again:
"Long live Your Majesty! Long live Daming!"


Zhu Houcong arrived at the Meridian Gate. This time he was very serious and tidy, and he came in a uniform. He was very interested in this ceremony and did not wear traditional Taoist robes.

Although the Manchu Qing regime is hateful, it has also taken over the Central Plains after all. No matter what Zhu Houcong says, the Manchu Qing can be regarded as the master of the Central Plains for decades in this land. Therefore, this beheading ceremony still needs to be upright At the same time, it also announced to the world that the owner here has returned to the hands of the Han people!

As for the Taimiao, Zhu Houcong felt that he didn't need to visit it.

After all, the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty are all meeting in the chat group. At worst, the next meeting will tell them that the national war is about to end, and you guys will quickly pack up and prepare for the next one.

Countless pairs of eyes are staring at the figure above the Meridian Gate.

There are also countless pairs of eyes staring at the four people in the prison car.

Among the crowd, many plain-clothes brocade guards were patrolling to prevent acts of robbing the court and assassinating the king.

There are still more than [-] troops stationed in the entire Beijing city, the Yaowu Battalion, one of the elite battalions of the [-]th Regiment, can be said to be as solid as gold.

"It's about time, let's start the execution."

Zhu Houcong looked at the sky, and just counting with his fingers, he calculated that it was noon, and then calmly gave instructions to the surrounding officials.

After hearing Zhu Houcong's order, the officials around him didn't dare to neglect, and quickly began to read the will:
"The barbarians in Jianzhou took advantage of my chaos, drove them to ride wild horses, entered my Yanjing, stole my artifacts, messed up my clothes, invaded my territory, and enslaved my people. Everywhere in China is full of smelly smells, cultural compatriots, oppressed .Under the order to shave their hair, all the people must not flee, and the flag soldiers are stationed, and all the traces of Yu are full. And no matter whether it is ten days in Yangzhou, Jiading three massacres, the pain is still there, and the shame is not over..."

"The barbarians in Jianzhou were more violent than Jie and Zhou, but the three captives, Yue Le, Xuan Ye, and Fuquan, abused the people to the sky, poisoned the whole state, and harmed the people all over the country, leaving no bones left..."

Sentences were read from the mouth of Mao Bowen, who had been promoted to the Minister of Dali Temple, and the surrounding Jinyiwei immediately broadcast the words in real time, trying to let the people of Beijing hear this sentence, which was an accusation against the Qing Dynasty.

In the prison car, the educated little Xuanzi couldn't help clenching his fists, feeling very powerless.

And the uneducated Xiao Quanzi and Yue Le were already decadent, and they were in a daze in the prison car.

As for Jia Hanfu, he was full of tears.

What does it have to do with him?He is just a traitor, so he shouldn't die together.

And when it came to the last sentence, Zhu Houcong waved his hand directly, so that Mao Bowen didn't have to read it. He shot it himself, and after the magic power was concentrated, he immediately raised his voice and shouted:
"Today, in accordance with the heaven and the people, punish the barbarians in Jianzhou, and pull the barbarians Nurhachi, Huang Taiji, Dorgon, and Fulin out, blowing their bones and ashes!"

After Zhu Houcong finished speaking, there was bursts of applause outside the Meridian Gate, and the atmosphere at the scene was ignited.

Although most of them couldn't understand what this passage meant, they naturally knew that it was the beheading of the three emperors of the Qing Dynasty!
Ordinary death-row criminals were executed on weekdays, and there were many onlookers. Now, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty was executed. The people who were oppressed by the Qing Dynasty on weekdays were naturally even more excited, waving their fists and applauding loudly!
"Kill him, kill him!"

"Kill the Tartars, kill the tyrant!"

"Under the light of the sun and the moon, my Ming Dynasty has finally recovered!"


On the wall of the Meridian Gate, Zhu Houcong nodded his head after hearing the cheers of the people, and he was very satisfied, and then said: "Execution!"

Outside the Meridian Gate, a mountain roar and a tsunami rose instantly.

Jin Yiwei lifted Xiaoxuanzi and Xiaoquanzi out of the prison car, and Xiaoquanzi was already so frightened that his legs trembled and his feces and urine flowed profusely.

Jin Yiwei frowned, dragging Xiao Quanzi towards the guillotine.

On the other hand, Xiao Xuanzi calmed down a lot, and he deserved to be called 'a numbness through the ages'.

Little Xuanzi didn't need to be escorted by Jin Yiwei, but went towards the guillotine majesticly, with strong hatred, he looked back at Zhu Houcong, and then exhausted all his strength, his chest heaved, and roared angrily: "Zhu Houcong! !!I don’t know how you came back from the dead, but my Qing Dynasty will never perish! There will be people with lofty ideals in Manchuria who will restore my Qing Dynasty! At that time, the descendants of the Zhu family will also end up like today !!!”

Accompanied by this roar, Xiao Xuanzi couldn't help but feel dizzy, a little lack of oxygen.

The sound waves in his ears grew louder and louder, and Xiao Xuanzi could even hear the voices of the people shouting at him, as well as the cheers of the people.

He couldn't help clenching his fists, regretting that when he was the emperor, he didn't kill all these Han people!
Just under the scolding, Jin Yiwei pushed Xiao Xuanzi to the guillotine with a heavy push, and fixed Xiao Xuanzi's head with a wooden shackle.

On the other side, Xiao Quanzi, who was also fixed on the guillotine, was already weeping and crying, not at all like a gentleman.

But it is very real.

Seeing this appearance, Xiao Xuanzi also began to feel a little scared.

He is afraid of death.

Afraid to see the ancestors, afraid of everything that is afraid.

His calves were weak, and he already regretted the act of scolding Zhu Houcong just now, and even wanted to kowtow to admit his mistake.

But as the emperor, he also understood that even if he kowtowed to admit his mistake, he would still be condemned to death.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

Xiao Quanzi's desperate wails could be heard beside his ears, and at this moment, the sound that was originally like a wave of voices had gradually weakened, as if everyone wanted to watch the scene of the emperor's death.

After all, there have been few or no people who have been able to see the emperor beheaded in public.

Even if this is the king of Yi and Di!
The executioner also looked a little stiff and unfamiliar.

He is used to using a beheading knife, but now he needs to use a guillotine, and the execution can be completed with a light pull, which still has a great impact on his career.

The executioner took a deep breath, then pulled the trigger heavily, and the uppermost blade fell rapidly.

"Zhu Houcong, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!!!"

In an instant, the head was separated, and large streams of blood gushed out from the corpse, and the splashed blood dyed the entire Meridian Gate red!

However, Xiao Xuanzi's last roar before he died was filled with long-lasting unwillingness.

Immediately, the executioner stepped forward, grabbed the braids, lifted the heads of Aixinjueluo Xuanye and Aixinjueluo Fuquan, and showed them to the public!

Soon, the people let out a burst of cheers!
Zhu Houcong above the Meridian Gate also shook his head when he heard Xiao Xuanzi's dying words.

"Little Xuanzi, don't worry, you won't have the chance to be a ghost."

Under the obedience, the thunder flickered, and it seemed that there was a strong energy brewing, but it was quickly canceled by Zhu Houcong, shaking his head: "A world with such thin spiritual energy, ghost? Hehe."

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Houcong nodded, Mao Bowen immediately understood, and then solemnly said: "Yue Le, Jia Hanfu, execute!"

But at this moment, Yue Le and Jia Hanfu, the two veterans, had been frightened dumbfounded.

Yue Le couldn't control his lower body, and the urine flowed sideways, exuding a foul smell from the entire prison car.

As for Jia Hanfu, he was trembling, as if he was in a daze.

Seeing the two of them like this, Mao Bowen immediately comforted him: "Don't worry, you won't use the guillotine."

Hearing what Mao Bowen said, Yue Le was startled, and asked instantly: "Then... what do I use?"

Jia Hanfu also cast his gaze.

Seeing that the two of them were so curious, Mao Bowen laughed loudly, and then said:

"You were sentenced to five punishments, and he was cut in the waist. It was much more painful than those two just now! They were done with one click, but you will be tortured for at least two or three sticks of incense, or even half an hour before you die!"

 There is one more chapter to pinch.

(End of this chapter)

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