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Chapter 188: Zeng Guofan wanted to commit suicide by drowning in the river, 4 rumors spread in Beiji

Chapter 188 Zeng Guofan wanted to commit suicide by drowning himself in the river, and rumors spread in Beijing.
When the dragon flag of the Ming Dynasty was flying on Xiangyang City, the Duke of Xiang and the first-class mighty general of the Qing Dynasty had already fled north with three or four thousand defeated soldiers.

Zeng Guofan never imagined how he lost like this. Is the Ming Dynasty really blessed by God?
Youyou heaven, how thin you are to me.

The three or four thousand defeated soldiers fled north. Perhaps a strong wind blew at dawn, causing the remaining soldiers to shout, "The Ming army is coming, the Ming army is coming." This moment made Zeng Guofan panic, and he hurriedly shouted among many generals. Surrounded by the elite, they broke away from the large army and ran towards the north.

I don't know how long I ran, but I could only see three poles of the sun and a big river in the distance. Zeng Guofan was relieved, and the Qing soldiers who followed Zeng Guofan also cheered.

A lieutenant general said excitedly: "My lord, in front of you is the Tangbai River. After crossing the river, walk a while and you will reach Xinye!"

Seeing Tang Baihe meant that their escape journey was about to stop and there was no need to worry, so the defeated soldiers around them were very happy.

Zeng Guofan himself looked ashen and said nothing. He just sighed. It seemed that after he had made up his mind, he resolutely knelt down toward the northeast, kowtowed three times, and burst into tears. Si Hengliu shouted with dull eyes: "Your Majesty, the humble minister Zeng Guofan has little talent and little knowledge, and he is incompetent in running the army. I am sorry for you and the Qing Dynasty for defeating Xiangyang this time!"

After saying that, Zeng Guofan suddenly stood up and rushed towards the rapidly flowing river. He only heard a 'plop' and he plunged into the Tangbai River.

Everything was so sudden that the two guards guarding Zeng Guofan did not react.

But they were also guards after all, and they quickly shouted: "Come quickly, the general has jumped into the river!"

The guards were impatient. Although they couldn't swim, they took off their armor and jumped into the water with two splashes. However, many of the Hunan Army had crawled around in the river, so they knew how to do it. The 'dog paddle' swimming method.

The Tangbai River was not a fast-flowing river, so the soldiers got into the water and tried their best to pounce on Zeng Guofan's dog that was splashing in the river. They soon swam to Zeng Guofan's side and grabbed Zeng Guofan's imperial yellow mantle. .

Zeng Guofan naturally did not want to die.

After all, if he really wanted to die, he wouldn't even have to run away, he could just stay in Xiangyang and die for his country.

The reason why he chose to throw himself into the river here was naturally to gain fame.

Of course, there is another aspect, because this is the Tangbai River, which is a tributary of the Yangtze River, and the river here is not deep. Even if there is no one to save him, he will not drown after two splashes.

After all, if you go further north, there is the Han River to the north.

The Han River is so urgent. After crossing the Tangbai River, only the Han River can be thrown into. Instead of jumping into the Han River, it is better to throw into the Tangbai River.

At least he can't drown.

And soon, with the rescue of soldiers, Zeng Guofan was finally rescued from the Tangbai River. He was wet all over and looked particularly lost. He didn't have much energy. It seemed that his spirit had died after surrendering. moment of the river.

"Oh, you have misled me, you have misled me!"

Zeng Guofan was furious, crying and shouting around, his expression annoyed and discouraged, and he seemed to be extremely unhappy: "Xiangyang was destroyed, and all the blame lies with Zeng!"

After saying that, Zeng Guofan made a move to throw himself into the river.

Seeing this, the surrounding soldiers stopped him again and tried their best to cooperate with Zeng Guofan's performance.

"The fall of Xiangyang, in the final analysis, was due to Chang Mao's magic!"

"Yes! The defeat in this battle was not due to the Duke of Xiang, but to Shaggy's demon! General!"

"The general should still be useful and serve the imperial court with plans!"


It can only be said that at this moment, Zeng Guofan was like a movie king possessed, crying and wishing he could die on the spot, die for the Qing Dynasty, and pay for the fault of Xiangyang City.

The soldiers, who were also Oscar winners for Best Supporting Actor, took turns persuading Zeng Guofan, and finally persuaded Zeng Guofan and ended the farce.

And just when Zeng Guofan felt that his performance was a complete victory, suddenly, bursts of smoke and dust rolled up in the distance.

"what's the situation?!"

Seeing the situation in the distance, Zeng Guofan panicked and blurted out this sentence subconsciously.

After hearing Zeng Guofan's words, everyone was stunned, and then panic continued to spread here.

"Oh no, the Ming army is chasing us!"

Suddenly someone shouted loudly.

Everyone was already panicking, like a dynamite barrel about to explode.

And this sentence is the spark that detonates this explosive barrel.

In an instant, these remnants of defeated generals who had barely formed an organized army became defeated troops in an instant, and began to seek medical attention in a hurry.

Some ran to the left and right along the river bank.

Some relied on the water's strength and, without waiting for the ship, simply threw off their helmets and armor and swam toward the north shore alone.

And more people squatted down directly on the spot, preparing to surrender.

Among these three options, kneeling down and surrendering is naturally the best choice.

After all, this one is 100% surviving.

Seeing this situation, Zeng Guofan was also panicked. He who was still performing immediately stood up like a carp. After looking around, he gritted his teeth and said: "I am a high-ranking official of the imperial court. I must not be What the thief got!"

"Let's go across the river!"

After saying that, Zeng Guofan jumped into the river again with a 'plop'.

Only this time, he swam very fast.

Zeng Guofan was seen using a "hands-down dog paddle" swimming technique and swimming towards the north bank.

The speed was so fast that it even surpassed several soldiers who had already reacted to swim in the water.

All this was like a thunderbolt, which was really unexpected.

One second, Zeng Guofan was worried about the country and the people, and wanted to commit suicide in the river. The next second, he heard the enemy and fled. It really shocked them so much that some people were stunned in place. I forgot to make a choice.

But not everyone was like this. There were still a few smart ones who followed Zeng Guofan.

But soon the situation reversed.

Because the smoke and dust were also caused by a group of defeated troops, not the Ming army.

This group of defeated soldiers originally wanted to join the main force, but who would have thought that they made a little noise and directly scared away the supreme commander Zeng Guofan.

However, they also brought accurate news.

After learning about the tragic defeat of Xiangyang, Xinye had already decisively changed its flag under the leadership of the local gentry. The patchwork flag of the Ming Dynasty was already flying on the walls of Xinye. The gentry and powerful people in Xinye were all carrying white silk, and they were originally stationed in Xinye. The green battalion soldiers were all wearing white helmets and white armor, saying they wanted to avenge Emperor Chongzhen by wearing sackcloth and mourning.

After learning the real situation, the senior officials of the Qing army couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

What's funny is that it was just a misunderstanding, but it turned them into beings like frightened birds.

What is crying is that their dignified Hunan Army has fallen to this point.After they sighed to each other, someone suddenly realized something.

"Wait a minute, did the General cross the river and head for the new wilderness?" Someone discovered a blind spot and immediately asked.

After hearing this sentence, there was silence for a moment. Those who had not had time to escape looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Someone stamped their feet and said immediately: "What are you waiting for?! Quickly assemble the army and catch up with the general!"

"Ah? Brother Zhao, the Qing Dynasty is already declining. Now the Ming Dynasty is the future, and the Ming Dynasty is the country of our Han people..."

"Brother Li, what you said is wrong! Now we lead the army to catch up with Zeng Shuai. After capturing Zeng Shuai and presenting it to the Ming Emperor, isn't it a great achievement?"

"Eh? Yes, yes! Quickly assemble the army, capture Zeng Guofan, and present it to His Majesty the Ming Emperor!"


Suddenly, the entire army had a common goal.

Furthermore, the originally dejected officers and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty suddenly became high-spirited and gathered with excited eyes, planning to move forward, move forward, move toward their original old boss.

Sorry Zeng Shuai, now I need to use your head to change my future.


Xiangyang was defeated miserably, and the South could be said to have reached the point where it was decided by propaganda.

Especially the cities around Xiangyang that had not yet been recovered by the Ming army. After receiving accurate battle reports from Xiangyang, they were basically ready to welcome the king's division without hesitation.

In the north, appalling things also happened in the capital of the Qing Empire.

A group of Eight Banners men who didn't know where they came from were extremely ferocious. They rampaged all the way and killed many green camp soldiers. The killings made the coated slaves tremble. I don't know where they offended these old Beijing men.

At the same time, hundreds of murderous Tatars sneaked into Beijing. Every night, soldiers on patrol died violently, which was terrifying.

In addition, there are several treacherous pornographic books that, for some unknown reason, have also been circulated in Beijing.

These include but are not limited to the stories between the Empress Dowager and the late Emperor, Prince Guo, the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, the Prince Regent and Emperor Taizong.

Between the two, there is a fourth person.

The former is Mr. Chen Ge from Haining, and the latter is the traitor Hong Chengchou.

Of course, compared to the current empress dowager, the empress dowager Xiaozhuang was simply weak.

I heard that the current emperors are not Aixinjueluo, but descendants of Chen Geluo. Qianlong’s real name should be Chen Jialuo!
The news spread quickly in the capital.

Because the Little Yellow Book spread quickly, it spread almost throughout Beijing through word of mouth.

There is no way, other transmissions may be slow, but this one will definitely not be slow.

Therefore, for a while, the city of Beijing was turbulent.

On the one hand, the Eight Banners soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who are proficient in Manchurian are carrying out assassinations in the city, making people panic.

On the one hand, Tianjin fell, and thousands of troops were stationed outside Beijing, sharpening their swords, planning to enter Beijing and kill the Aisin Gioro family.

On the other hand, rumors are spreading in the city and people's hearts are floating.

Of course, these three points are all strategies adopted by Zhu Houcong, strategies that can maximize the differentiation of Beijing's defense forces.

However, what Zhu Houcong did not expect was that during the three-pronged approach, new rumors actually emerged in Beijing, and they were related to the linked series.

Because the emperor was a Han Chinese, he hated the Manchus in the city, so he specifically contacted the Ming Dynasty soldiers in order to kill all the Manchus in Beijing. He also sent Ouchi guards to assassinate those officers and soldiers who had done their duty...

In addition, a large amount of evidence was pointed out.

For example, in the old house of the Chen family in Haining, there are two plaques written by Qianlong, with the words "Love the Sun" and "Chunhui" written on them.These two words come from Meng Jiao's famous saying: Whoever speaks from the heart will be rewarded with three spring rays.

Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River and stayed in the Chen family's home in Haining many times. He was very respectful to Mr. Chen Ge and Mrs. Chen.

Since Qianlong succeeded to the throne, he has repeatedly expressed his admiration for the Ming officials who died for the country in the late Ming Dynasty, and his disdain for many Ming traitors including Hong Chengchou.

It can be seen from this that Qianlong is definitely Han Chinese, and the evidence is conclusive!

Of course, there is a second version of Qianlong's life experience in Beijing, and this one is more accepted by the Eight Banners disciples.

The second version is that Qianlong was the child of the affair between Huanhuan Lafayette and Prince Guo in the past. This is why Lafayette was unwilling to be buried with the late emperor, and why Lafayette took more care of Prince Guo.

And it just so happened that His Majesty didn't seem to have very deep feelings for the late Emperor.

Isn't this a coincidence!

Therefore, no matter what, Qianlong seems to be not Yongzheng's son.

In the Forbidden City, Qianlong was already shaking with anger.

"Now that the enemy is outside, these bastards are plotting and scheming just to get away with it! If the Qing Dynasty falls, we Manchus will lose their empire, our wealth, and our lives!"

Qianlong was very angry.

He naturally knows what is going on in Beijing.

But I didn't expect that if the enemy just told a lie, there would be a group of guys coveting the throne in Beijing to add fuel to the flames!

Love day?Chunhui?
That was left behind by the Holy Ancestor when he went to Jiangnan!What does it have to do with him? !

Live in Chen Ge’s hometown?

It’s a joke. He Aixinjueluo and Hongli have been going to Jiangnan all these years. Whose family has the money to go to?Not only Mr. Chen Ge, he also lived in Zhao Qian, Sun Li, and Zhou Wu and King Zheng!

And admiration for the festival of sacrifice for the country, and contempt for abandoning the Ming Dynasty and surrendering to the Qing Dynasty.

Isn't this nonsense?
At that time, how could Qianlong have imagined that the Ming Dynasty would come back again?

Now that they are all unified, of course he wants to promote this positive energy, and wants the ministers of the Qing Dynasty to be like ministers of death, stick to the bottom line for the Qing Dynasty, and not to be traitors like Hong Chengchou and serve the enemy.

At the same time, more importantly, you can use this method to ruin their reputation, and then kick out some people from the Han Army Banner, greatly reducing financial expenditures.

Don’t these people know? !
Qianlong's heart ached.

But there was one thing that Qianlong was hesitant about.

His mother-in-law and her seventeenth uncle did have a very happy conversation back then. Qianlong didn't think it at the time, but now that he thinks about it, it does seem like there was some adultery.

The Queen's mother is still unwilling to be buried with the late emperor. Could it be that she is really the child of her seventeenth uncle?
(End of this chapter)

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