I, Jiajing, join the Ming Emperor chat group

Chapter 240: Implementing the new caste system, Ming Dynasty’s rule in Tianzhu will be impregnable

Chapter 240: Implementing the new caste system, Ming Dynasty’s rule in Tianzhu will be impregnable

To Indians, the Ming Dynasty seemed to have suddenly fallen from the sky. In less than three months, the entire India would be wiped out.

This is really too shocking for them. Even the Westerners who came here before and burned, killed and looted were not so powerful!
India has a very complete history of being invaded.

Whenever a foreign enemy invades, India will lie down and quickly absorb the outsider as one of its own.

People often talk about how powerful Confucian assimilation is. In fact, the most powerful assimilation in the world is the caste system.

As long as a powerful foreign enemy successfully invades India, it can become a Brahmin-level existence. However, there is no saying among Indians that "princes and generals have the right to live together", so as long as the invasion is successful, they can quickly become a Brahmin and then become drunk. Fall into this gentle land made of sugar and honey.

No matter how brave your bloodline is, if you become a Brahmin and fall here, you will truly become a part of India within two generations until the next invader arrives...

For the invaders, becoming a Brahmin in India was a difficult thing to refuse.

But for Nong Boyuan, he was able to restrain this desire.

Those nobles in India repeatedly tried to persuade Nong Boyuan to surrender, saying that as long as Nong Boyuan changed sides and surrendered with courtesy, these Indian nobles were willing to overthrow the emperor of the Mughal Empire and support him as the leader of India. The new emperor.

Nong Boyuan severely rejected the proposal of the Indian nobles, but suggested that they establish a new emperor in the south. They would give priority to attacking the Indian emperor in northern India, and the one in the south could be attacked later.

Why can Nong Boyuan put forward such conditions?

The reason is also very simple.

Destroying an emperor can only destroy a country.

If another Indian emperor comes from the south, then he will have two achievements in destroying the country.

When the time comes, won’t the position of Duke be within reach?

However, Nong Boyuan's thoughts were limited to this.

Although the land of China has always had the tradition of raising bandits and respecting themselves, for Nong Boyuan, he did not dare to have such an idea at all.

After all, the current Holy Emperor has extraordinary abilities when he comes to the court. He knows 500 years before and 500 years after. Under the leadership of such a majestic emperor, how can Nong Boyuan dare to have any disobedience?It can only be said that it's almost okay. He doesn't want to bear endless infamy after death.

"Nong was born unknown in the annals of history. Now that the Holy Emperor is coming to court, he has given Nong a chance to achieve countless results in destroying the country in this land of Tianzhu. Nong must work hard to repay the Holy Emperor. Great favor!”

Nong Boyuan took a deep breath, then looked around at the generals on the general stage, and said sternly: "Instruct the three armies to advance northward, capture the Mughal puppet emperor alive, and establish the Tianzhu Protectorate for Your Majesty!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The generals were filled with murderous intent, and the Ming army was as powerful as a rainbow.

The Indian slave soldiers gathered aside had trembling expressions.

Most of them were prisoners of war of the Ming army. They had been frightened by the Ming army. When they saw Han people, they all wanted to kneel down and lick the soles of their feet.

But soon, they suddenly straightened their backs and became proud.

What am I afraid of?

I am a Mingjun now!
The gentlemen of the Ming Dynasty are now our own!
Thinking of this, these Indians became even more proud and proud. They had even begun to imagine the benefits of being a Ming Dynasty citizen and wanted to join the Ming Dynasty nationality.

After all, the treatment here in Daming is really good.

It is incredible to have a warm meal of potatoes every day. These low-level soldiers in India feel that Ming Dynasty is simply a messenger from heaven, and if they die on the battlefield, their family members can too. Receive a certain amount of pension... Omaika, this is something that the lower castes in India have never experienced before. They feel that the Ming people are so good!

This is the situation in India. It is a country that is very good at integrating. After all, it has been colonized countless times in history. The Indians at the bottom have no concept of the Indian nation at all. In any case, outsiders are the masters of the country.

Regardless, they have always been enslaved.

But now, the new master is a little different.

If nothing else, at least now I’m in charge of the food!

The previous masters did not regard the lower castes of India as human beings, but as cattle.

And now the Ming Dynasty... is also regarded as a slave, but even if these low-caste Indian soldiers are given one meal a day according to the food of high-level slaves, they will be grateful.

This kind of treatment, given to the workers of Ming Dynasty, would cause strong dissatisfaction and complaints.

If you meet a staunch and meritorious veteran, you may even be given a drama of "going to Beijing to file a petition".

In this regard, Nong Boyuan could only sigh... Fortunately, these Indians were treated in India. If they were placed in China, he would have to be charged with 'abuse of prisoners of war' or 'abuse of soldiers' to hinder Make progress on your own.Although they are used as slaves, once the slaves form a slave camp, they are regarded as part of the soldiers and cannot abuse the slave soldiers in the slave camp.

The purpose of this rule is to prevent these slaves from rioting in front of the battle formation and causing some situations that may affect the situation of the war.

Although the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were brave and good at fighting, they always had to consider that some special circumstances would arise.

And Nong Boyuan didn't know what to say to these fooling Indians.

He has never seen such easily satisfied cannon fodder!
However, the next step was going to be an unprecedented tough battle. Nong Boyuan still couldn't bear to let them die with their stomach full of potatoes, so he immediately reminded the general in charge of military supplies: "Add a meal today and give them some minced meat."

Just as the general in charge of military supplies was about to say yes, the only Indian general in the military tent spoke to Nong Boyuan in a strange Chinese language: "General, you don't need to give them minced meat, you just need to give them in the morning." A few sweet potatoes will suffice, and they will still be grateful and devote themselves to my Ming Dynasty Master Wang."

"Meat is so precious. We should give more nutrition to our officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. Those Indians... don't need it at all. They have no combat capabilities. They can only be used to transport supplies. In my opinion, we should bring them all with us. When I go to Siberia, I heard that His Majesty plans to build a railway there, just for these lazy guys! If something goes wrong, just throw it on the roadside."

This person's name is Salman Khan, who was born in a Kshatriya family in India. However, as a member of the Kshatriyas, after the Ming army landed on the Indian subcontinent, he immediately chose to be a slave and defected to the Ming Dynasty. And because He had some military proficiency and was appointed by Nong Boyuan as the general of the Tianzhu camp.

As a noble, he knew the low-caste people best, so he proudly said to Nong Boyuan: "General, giving them food is a waste! The general suggested that after this battle, even The basic rations should also be reduced, and they should only be given what they eat on a daily basis, or cut potatoes into cubes and boil them with some condiments to make curry, and then each person should be given a bowl..."

"Shut up!"

Hearing Salman Khan's remarks, Nong Boyuan couldn't help but became furious and angrily said: "In our Ming Dynasty, all military personnel, even slaves, must ensure the basic supply of food and grass! How dare you! To shake the morale of the troops in front of the army, they pushed out the Meridian Gate from left to right and beheaded them in front of the Tianzhu camp to show the public as a warning!"


Immediately afterwards, two soldiers immediately stepped forward and dragged the Indian general named Salman Khan away. Salman Khan panicked and was about to say something when he was skillfully blocked by the soldiers. He opened his mouth, and then he was pulled to the front of the Tianzhu camp and showed his head directly to the public!
Suddenly, the entire Indian soldiers in the Tianzhu camp were shocked!
"Am I right? That's Mr. Salman?"

"Why did the gentlemen of Ming Dynasty kill Mr. Salman?"


The Indian soldiers in Tianzhu Camp were talking a lot. Just when they didn't know what happened, two trembling Indians soon came over and loudly announced Salman Khan's crime.

These two Indians were originally Salman Khan's servants and belonged to the third-class Vaisya in the caste system.

They loudly announced various crimes, and the Indian soldiers had long been accustomed to this kind of thing, but they heard that the Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers actually killed the local noble Lord Salman in order to allow them to eat meat!
For a moment, these Indians from the Sudra and even Dalit class opened their eyes wide and felt incredible.

"In today's India, there will no longer be so-called Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras and Dalits!"

A Ming officer stood in front of the Tianzhu camp and shouted loudly in unskilled Indian: "From today on, there are only four levels: Ming citizens, Ming honorary citizens, new citizens and pseudo-citizens!"

"Besides these four levels, there is also the most despicable level, which is the sinners of the Ming Dynasty, slaves! This level is no longer considered a human being and does not belong to the four major national levels."

"Although you are pseudo-nationals now, as long as you kill three or more enemies on the battlefield, or have a daughter who marries an honorary Ming citizen or a Ming citizen, you can become a new citizen of the Ming Dynasty in the Tianzhu area and become a true citizen. Ming Dynasty!"

The Ming officer's voice was loud, and the entire Tianzhu camp immediately burst into excitement after hearing such words!
Although there are many things that have not been said, for example, no matter how hard they work, they can only reach the level of honorary citizens at most, and the identity of a Ming citizen, no matter how hard he struggles, cannot be surpassed.

But this is already an epic improvement for Indians!
To them, this is actually the caste system with a different name, four classes plus a Dalit, but with a new function.

That means there is room for improvement!
This made them excited, and they were already gearing up to kill those 'compatriots' who stood against them, make contributions, and become the new citizens of Ming Dynasty as soon as possible!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

For the first time in the Tianzhu camp, shouts that could be compared with the Ming army camp broke out. Their current mental outlook can be said to be extremely energetic.

This Ming nationality, Ming honorary nationality, new nationality, pseudo-nationality and slaves have long been implemented within the Ming Dynasty.

For example, the residents of North Korea were new citizens when they came up. Some of those who have made great contributions are already honorary citizens of the Ming Dynasty, and even a few who have made great contributions have become citizens of the Ming Dynasty: after all, the Koreans have already become citizens of the Ming Dynasty. He is a spiritually enlightened person.

Japan and Annan are also very similar.

Regarding East Asia, Ming Dynasty was relatively generous.

But in India and elsewhere, people here are not new citizens right off the bat.

But we must start from the pseudo-citizens.

When Nong Boyuan saw this, he couldn't help but be very satisfied, and then raised his voice:

"In the Tang Dynasty, the envoy Wang Xuance once stood here and led the troops of Tubo and Niboluo. They destroyed the cities of Chabo and Luocheng in three days, beheading more than [-] people. I, the Ming Dynasty, want to 'govern the Tang and Song Dynasties and reach the Han and Tang Dynasties'. Then we should recreate the scene of the prosperous Tang Dynasty and the powerful Han Dynasty, march tomorrow, and completely incorporate this land called Tianzhu into the Ming Dynasty!"

(End of this chapter)

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