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Chapter 28 Responses from all parties, Wu Sangui's hesitation

Chapter 28 Reactions from all parties, Wu Sangui's hesitation

"My lord, drink some water."

In the barren hills, Gu Yan, a helpless counselor, held a water bottle and handed it to Li Zicheng respectfully, painstakingly admonishing him.

And Li Zicheng sat on the hill in a daze, alone in a daze.

As the emperor of Dashun, Li Zicheng already felt powerless.

This feeling is even weaker than when he was chased and beaten by Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting.

When he hit the city of Beijing, he was so majestic and heroic, he felt that the world was under his control.

But he never thought that a hundred thousand Ming soldiers who came from nowhere suddenly appeared in the city, ended his dream of being a co-lord of the world on the spot, and fled all the way in a hurry.

And after fleeing all the way to Shanxi, for some reason, those guys who had bowed to him all changed their faces, and they all boasted that they were loyal and loyal, and launched attacks on themselves.

Especially those Shanxi merchants are even more hateful, hateful!
And behind him, a battalion of mad dogs came from nowhere, biting him and refusing to let go. In the end, Li Yan personally asked for orders to attack, which allowed Li Zicheng to escape.

When he came, he brought an army of nearly 20 people, but when he left, there were less than [-] people around.

Of course, most of the 20 troops are newly recruited and descended from Ming Dynasty, but [-] of them are the elite of the old battalion, and there are less than [-] of the elite of the old battalion now.

Although there are still some elite soldiers from the old battalion in various places, even if the soldiers are united in one place, there are only [-] brothers left.


Li Zicheng took the kettle numbly, took a rough sip, and then heard Gu Yan cautiously say: "My lord, I just got a report from General Liu's scouts, and when Liu Tongchun saw you retreating, he directly raised the flag to rebel. General Liu has already led his troops to put down the rebellion and beheaded this villain Liu Tongchun."

After hearing Gu Yan's report, Li Zicheng did not have any mood swings, as if this matter was not a big deal to him.

Suddenly, Li Zicheng seemed to regain his composure, looked at Gu Yan, and opened his mouth to ask: "I heard that the Heavenly Soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were actually brought by Zhu Chongba, his fourth son, and a Taoist emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The Chongzhen child was blessed by his ancestors, right?"

Hearing Li Zicheng's question, Gu Yan didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"I knew it, if it wasn't so, how could the Chongzhen child be my opponent..."

Li Zicheng muttered to himself.


But at this moment, a scout on a fast horse came to report: "Your Majesty, the defender of Datong, Jiang Yu, cut off Datong, killed our messenger, and is leading his troops to chase us!"


Li Zicheng jumped down from the hill like a frightened bird at this moment, and said, "Hurry up and retreat! The situation in this world is too complicated, don't trust these surrendered generals of the Ming Dynasty who surrendered along the way! Go straight back to Shaanxi, back to Xi'an!"

After the First World War, Li Zicheng no longer had any ambition to compete for world hegemony.

What he thinks now is that one day counts as one day.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di, and Zhu Houcong are all here, four of them fight one, how do you play?

What about the ancestors of the Li family?Give some effect!


Liaodong region in April is the season with the most suitable climate.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, a piece of greenery is full of vitality.

The soldiers of the Eight Banners lined up according to each banner, without saying a word, but full of murderous spirit, they marched towards the south.

The Eight Banners of Manchuria are divided by color and are composed of four colors: yellow, white, red, and blue. In addition to these four flags, there are four flags bordered yellow, bordered white, bordered red, and bordered blue.

The flags of the Eight Banners are fluttering with the wind, stretching endlessly under the blue sky of the Northeast land, billowing like a brightly colored dragon.

The Eight Banners of Manchuria and the Eight Banners of Mongolia almost came out in full force. The Eight Banners of the Han Army also dispatched troops under the coordination of Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, Shang Kexi and other generals.

Dorgon, the regent of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, walked forward in a bright yellow sedan chair that had to be lifted by four people. In front of the sedan chair, another person was holding a big yellow umbrella.

Although he is called the regent, Dorgon now regards himself as the emperor everywhere, and does not take his nephew Fulin into his eyes at all.

When he learned that Li Zicheng had attacked Beijing, a bold idea appeared in Dorgon's mind.

He wants to take this opportunity to enter the Central Plains to plunder. If possible, it is best to expand some territory!
His plan was very simple. If the Ming emperor lost to Li Zicheng, then he could recruit Wu Sangui from Shanhaiguan, and with Wu Sangui, enter Beijing and occupy the north in the name of avenging Emperor Chongzhen.

If you don't agree, I will break through the Great Wall of Jizhou or Miyun by myself, and then take it step by step.

The former can annex the north, the latter can... raid a wave and go home.

In any case, this dispatch of troops is not a loss for Dorgon.

But most likely it's the former.

Because of the analysis of countless Han people, Li Zicheng's attack on Beijing was probably a sure thing, and Emperor Chongzhen was definitely not Li Zicheng's opponent.

"Regent, there has been no news from Wu Sangui for a long time. It may be the two sides of the first mouse. I want to sit and watch the success or failure between our army and Dashun!"

Fan Wencheng followed Dorgon on his horse and reported the latest situation to Dorgon. After hearing Fan Wencheng's report, Dorgon frowned, and then said: "You guys, didn't you say that Wu Sangui intends to surrender to my Qing Dynasty, why is there another change now?"

Fan Wencheng immediately said sincerely: "Prince Regent, the previous prediction was a bit off. Then Li Zicheng is also a failure. When he stormed Beijing, he lost to the Ming army and was defeated by the Ming army. It is said that the army has [-] troops. They are magic soldiers borrowed from the Hongwu, Yongle, and Jiajing dynasties. It is really a joke. The Emperor Chongzhen estimated that the number of troops has been reduced, and he has no more troops. He can only report like this."

"Ming Dynasty won?"

Dorgon frowned, as if he was very dissatisfied, but he didn't take the rumors seriously, a trace of gloom appeared on his sallow face, and then said: "Xuan my brother Azige, my brother Duoduo, and Hong Chengchou."

"It seems that we won't be able to fight this time going south, so let's go with a hug! Doduo, you lead your troops to spare, go to Shanxi, and grab one. Hong Chengchou, you take the Eight Banners of the Han Army and watch the Dianshan Pass. Don't let Wu Sangui run out to make trouble. Azig, I'm counting on you, brother. I hope you can lead the troops to take a trip to Tianjin by sea, so as to put some pressure on the Ming Dynasty."


Wu Sangui on the Shanhai Pass was in a state of disarray at the moment.

He also received an imperial edict from Emperor Chongzhen, ordering him to go to Beijing for an audience.

At the same time, they also received information from Liaodong, and Dorgon came out in full force, and a hundred thousand troops went south.

But Wu Sangui was very hesitant, not knowing whether to go to Beijing, or how to face Dorgon.

When Beijing was approached by Li Zicheng, Wu Sangui could have rushed to rescue Beijing at night, but Wu Sangui had some cautious thoughts, so he didn't go there.

But now, with Beijing City clearing the siege, his situation is very embarrassing.

Although he is the guard of Shanhaiguan and controls the soldiers and horses, who knows why Chongzhen went crazy?

How many people have changed from generation to generation in Ji Liao Governor?The death of a guard is nothing more than a big deal.

He Chongzhen didn't know what he was thinking all day long, given this little money, can he command our Master Guan Ning to work?Now the military salary of Guan Ning's cavalry still depends on the money Wu Sangui embezzled in the past few years, and he can't move without money.

After all, it was different when there was a war.

Pensions and silver rewards.

They are all spending money like water, and it is impossible to fight without money in the big stage of the late Ming Dynasty. Therefore, Wu Sangui has a difficult choice between spending money that may be in vain and not spending money to protect his capital.

However, just because of his hesitation in one thought, he missed a good opportunity.

The city of Beijing was rescued, and now if the emperor is to be held accountable, what should be done?
For a moment, he thought of Man Qing outside the pass.

The regent Dorgon once promised that if he turned his back on his armies and surrendered with courtesy, he would be crowned king...

Wu Sangui was a little hesitant in his heart, not knowing what to do.

As for worshiping the emperors of Hongwu, Yongle and Jiajing.

Wu Sangui didn't take it seriously at all.

How can the dead come back to life?


"Alright, alright, Your Majesty, auspicious people have their own appearances!"

In Xuzhou City, Shi Kefa was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. After receiving the imperial decree from Emperor Chongzhen, he was impatient to go to Beijing to meet the emperor.

Beside Shi Kefa, four generals, Huang Degong, Liu Liangzuo, Gao Jie and Liu Zeqing sat separately, and upon hearing Shi Kefa's words, Liu Liangzuo couldn't help but cupped his hands at Shi Kefa: "Congratulations to Mr. Shi, entering the capital this time is just like a golden scale leaping high, a bird soaring to the blue sky!"

"No matter where, I still look up to the generals."

Shi Kefa smiled and said, "The Holy Majesty ordered us to lead the troops to the north and station troops in the outskirts of Beijing to prevent bandits from looting. The Holy Majesty ordered four generals to go with this governor, and Qian Qianyi, the leader of the Donglin Party, but I don't know why."

When the generals heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

"Gentlemen, the battle between the Jingying and Li Zicheng has been empty for a while. Your Majesty intends to confer four generals as marquises and worship generals to discuss the world's major affairs! Generals, don't refuse!"

Without hesitation, Huang Degong immediately bowed down and said: "Your Majesty has summoned you, and my minister Huang Degong will obey you!"

And Gao Jie hesitated for a moment, then also cupped his hands to Shi Kefa and said: "The general is willing to go."

The two generals Liu Liangzuo and Liu Zeqing heard the words, although they were very reluctant in their hearts, seeing that Gao Jie and Huang Degong had agreed, they could only clasp their hands together and said:

"Being able to share the worries for His Majesty is a blessing for the ministers!"

(End of this chapter)

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